In the first part of my contribution, I tried to show why spiritual terrorism is a bitter reality, which must be confronted in much the same way and given as much attention as conventional terrorism without further delay. I defined spiritual terrorism and argued that we cannot continue to relax simply because we are blessed by Ephesians 6:12.
My goal in this second part is to show further similarity between conventional terrorism and spiritual terrorism and why spiritual terrorism is as destructive as the former. Furthermore, it is in actual fact, a misnomer to refer to Satan as the spiritual terrorist. It is this misrepresentation that continues to confuse many a Christian, and indeed the world.
To put this more clearly, we know that God is spirit and is represented by the Holy Spirit. Satan also is spirit but represented by the Evil Spirit. Therefore, nothing good comes from Satan because he is himself, the Devil. But while we can neither see Satan nor expect anything good from him, some humans among whom are Christians, all of whom were created by God and given free Agency, have abused this freedom by patronising the evil one. And having perfected their mastery of the modes of operation of the evil one and his cohorts, now invite them, issue them instructions and send them against physical structures or other human targets. Therefore, the individual who abuses his free agency in this regard is the spiritual terrorist, not Satan, the evil one.
As a result, it is this culprit, born with free agency, but who prefers to abuse it, that needs to be punished. For in doing so, deterrence is set for other humans who might either be invited by him to join his evil coalition or be attracted by his apparent unassailability, despite his reprehensible actions. Anyone who can destroy marriages, buildings, lives and carriers, no doubt destroys society because; it is upon these pivots that the survival and continuity of mankind hangs. Conventional terrorists are tried, because they can cause all of these, spiritual terrorists should be treated likewise, because they do the same, whether all or some of them at a time.
Christians are fully aware of such terms as `dream criminals’, `dream highjackers’, `dream thieves’, `dream manipulators’, `dream polluters’, `dream..’. However complacent we, as Christians wish to remain over these, we must understand that those forces maybe part and parcel of the evil one – Satan, but when they are invoked and used as a potent means to deprive, steel, kill, pollute or debase the spiritual strength of an individual, deactivate a person, it is and should be seen as a terrorist act spiritually carried out. When this act is sustained over a long period by a determined foe, hiding under the cover of the spirit, it becomes, an injustice not just to the victim, but also to humanity at large. And since terrorism is a crime against humanity, which is why all terrorists are hunted down wherever they may run to, how come spiritual terrorists who orchestrate this evil are not paid any attention, even though they do more harm than the conventional terrorist?
A conventional terrorist who chooses to commit serial atrocities on daily basis may not last a week or two without being caught – unless he is far too sophisticated and careful. Even so, he may not act alone, which increases his risks. But a spiritual terrorist can sustain a resolve to destroy careers, marriages, lives and societal values for months and years without anyone paying him any attention. And even though his victims might know him, they are often unable to speak out because no law is at hand to bring them to justice. Worse, where the victim chooses to speak out, he is often not believed.
Spiritual terrorists are not so difficult to detect. For instance, when a pastor calls his prey on phone and offers a tirade of blabs following which the man’s life takes an immediate nosedive, career opportunities destroyed or marriage broken, the victim immediately knows his predator. But what option has he got available? Most people will say, he should pray. The truth is that if he could pray his way through, he would not have needed help from the Pastor.
Preaching the Good News is a good thing in that as Christians, we are enjoined in Mark 28:19, to "go therefore and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost" and Verse 20 "teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world". It follows therefore, that since Christ did not teach the world how to rebuke careers, or marriages, or promotions, or lives, but rebuked bad spirits that destroys those things, any preacher that destroys rather than enhance them, acts outside the doctrine of Christianity.
My argument is that since chemicals, electrical and electronic components that are eventually used by conventional terrorists are useful to the society and the world at large until they are made into a weapon for mass destruction and deployed, so spiritual forces and agents until they are turned to lethal spiritual arsenal by pastors and spirit manipulators. It is when they have been so converted and used that they destroy the very values they have no business with and become `forces of darkness’.
In general, forces of darkness have no business with a particular person over a sustained period of time. Therefore, it is possible that someone suffers a setback at one time or other, in his/her life, career, marriage, and business. But thereafter, he recovers and moves on. Often, a situation of this nature, prayer works wonders immediately. However, when a person has been identified and exposed to those forces for destruction, he/she is continually frustrated, attacked, dehumanised and maybe eventually killed. The sender of these forces ultimately is the spiritual terrorist, not the forces. A pastor that indulges in an act of spiritual terrorism against a people knows that their resolve is likely to be prayer; therefore, he develops an antithetical response to their prayers.
And advanced spiritual terrorist can log unto your spiritual chat and listen in or observe your prayers and the direction of your service – in much the same way as a suffer logs unto an Internet website and checks information. This is not particularly new. The Bible spoke about Daniel and how the Prince of Persia withheld his prayers for 21 days (Daniel 10:11-14). The difference between the biblical Prince of Persia and the modern day spiritual terrorist is that where as the prince of Persia withheld answers to prayers (and not necessary at all times), the modern day spiritual terrorist can sustain a most horrendous onslaught against his identified prey and having ability to log onto the Christian’s spiritual chat, he can thereafter, halt the prayers, render them ineffective, reverse them or superimpose his will over their prayers and establish its physical manifestation.
If we blame Satan for the activities of spiritual terrorists, let us also blame them for the activities of terrorists. For Satan is the motivator of all wickedness. In so far as we recognize that it is Satan that engineers all misdeeds, and we can trace this back to the Garden of Eden when the Serpent deceived Eve into disobeying God, and to the time Cain murdered his brother Abel out of jealousy, and from there onwards, we can also see that it has been Satan that works on those who indoctrinate young children into becoming suicide bombers. But if governments choose to ignore the activities of Satan in this regard and have decided that, in each case, all culprits - both perpetrators and their instigators – should face the music, why then must the same governments recognize Satan as the instigator and perpetrator of spiritual terrorism, and further, because he is unseen, must be ignored.
The bible says in the book of James 4:7 "…. resist the devil and he will flee from you". But haven’t you seen one devil that never flees even when you stoutly resist him? A spiritual terrorist never does, he metamorphosis and comes back with sever determination. This is because; it is man orchestrating the evil. He uses the devil rather than the devil using him. He has free agency. God gives every human free agency and as a result they can choose how they want to use it. That is why conventional terrorists are punished for using their free Agency negatively to cause mayhem. Recognition and rewards are given to researchers for scientific breakthroughs and discoveries that benefit and enhance the survival of man. Artists are recognised and rewarded for their contributions towards an improved living standard, by providing the entertainment that help to relieve stress. But if Conventional terrorists are being punished, why must spiritual terrorists go free?
Spiritual terrorism is an active, rather than a passive phenomenon. This is because humans actually, invoke and use these forces against their identified targets, destroying the aforementioned pivots of societal continuity.
You may wonder why I am so passionate about this subject. But, it is said that he who wears a pair of shoes, knows where it pinches. I have been a victim of spiritual terrorism. A victim of a sustained, most horrendous devilish act with no-holds-bared assault on my life, career, marriage, family and property. That is why, I can tell the difference. The only thing is that the experience forced me to convince myself that something indeed, needs to be done. After all, necessity is the mother of invention.
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Friday, 27 March 2009
Recognizing The Real Spiritual Terrorist
While researching on "spiritual terrorism", I stumbled on the article by Lieutenant Colonel Greg E. Metzgar, of the US Army, entitled "fighting the war on Spiritual Terrorism", published on the website of the Officers’ Christian Fellowship. It made an interesting read and, frankly, deserves a response.
The tendency maybe for one to ask, "why bother?", especially in the light of Ephesians 6:12 which says, "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places". Yet, in this changing times and growing disappointing `crookery’ among high profile religious leaders, the war on spiritual terrorism, must not just be fought like the war on terror, but `spiritual terrorism’ must be recognized as lethal and worthy of inclusion into the mainframe of, and to complement, available terror laws and boost the global war on terror.
Spiritual terrorism is not a joke but a bitter reality, which the world must recognise and confront. It is not the sort articulated by Lt. Col. Metzgar through such phrases as "irregular threat", a "fight between good and evil" or even "irregular enemy". These phrases readily guide the readers mind to the age old, generally known unseen one, whom Jesus thought about and whom Christians readily blame for every little mishap.
While we cannot discountenance the claim that Satan has, for centuries, owned the unseen hands readily blamed for orchestrating all mayhem in his continual attempt to drag as many souls as he possibly can to stay with him in hell, modern spiritual terrorism is being orchestrated by humans, among whom are Christian religious leaders, who have researched and acquired rare spiritual knowledge with which they have equipped themselves to display all kinds of power, in the name of miracle and healing and which they equally deploy at will against specified human targets. In this sense humans now use the devil rather than the devil using them. They no longer `let sleeping dogs lie’, but rather wake it and send it on a destructive mission.
Of course, this might not make sense to a casual reader, neither will it to anyone who has never experienced nor seen others experiencing modern human wickedness against fellow humans, by act of spiritual terrorism. Afterall, the United States really woke up against terrorism after the 9/11 2001 attacks. Before then, the war on terror had never been taken seriously while terrorists graduated from one level of crime to the other. In the United Kingdom, the war took a different dimension after the 7/7 2005 terror attacks on London. And even such term as `lyrical terrorism’ has recently been recognized. Given recent events, it seems that it will just be a matter of time before `spiritual terrorism’ receives the desired recognition and the laws on terror honed to include it. Yet in parts of the world that have never experienced the wickedness of terrorists, the war on terror is relatively unheard of.
But there is a striking similarity, between the `conventional terrorist’ and the `spiritual terrorist’. The conventional terrorist is heartless, brutish, wicked, devilish, selfish, destructive, and filled with hate for others, just as his spiritual terrorist counterpart. The only difference is that while the conventional terrorist uses physically observable devices or weapons to cause physically noticeable destructions, the spiritual terrorist uses physically unobservable weapons to cause physically observable colossal destructions.
Modern day spiritual terrorism has become pandemic, widely in use by pastors and religious leaders and I define it as "A planned dedicated grievous use of guided spiritual weapons and spells to dehumanise, deactivate, destroy or kill a person or group of persons, thereby not making the world a better place".
Usually, the aftermath of an attack is characterised by different scenarios: the conventional terrorist, if he survives the attack, runs for cover and goes straight into hiding, while the spiritual terrorist dresses up smartly and moves about in celebration, sometimes even mingling among sympathisers. This being due to the fact that the world has refused to acknowledge the enormous danger the spiritual terrorist portends for the present and for posterity – just as it did to the conventional terrorist up till and before 9/11.
Conventional terrorism is clear evidence of the modern day use of man to destroy man or society and their values by the wicked one known as Satan. On the other hand, spiritual terrorism is the use of Satan and satanic means by man to destroy man or society and its values.
People argue that Satan, the wicked one is responsible for both. However, when an Ordained Pastor, preacher of the Gospel, self-professed second in command to God and watched on TV by millions, deploys and sustains spiritual weapons against his congregation or a select few, can it be blamed on Satan using him and not him using Satan? For the reason why Christianity is the true religion and a religion of peace is that we, as Christians, are enjoined by what we read from the Holy Bible, to strive to follow the footsteps of Christ whose death on the cross of Calvary was for the salvation of our souls.
A Pastor who, having acquired enormous spiritual knowledge and, you could say became a Christian `superman’, experimented with and mastered the art of spiritual manoeuvrings, and then, openly claimed to be God’s No. 2. I have never read or heard any preacher claim or justify a claim that there is a second in command to God. As a committed Christian, I was baffled. For not even Jesus Christ claimed to be God’s No. 2. But despite nearly 15 years of blaring the gospel through hi-fi speakers in church and on TV, such wicked preachers only managed to oscillate due to deliberate misapplication of the gospel and the use of spells and spiritual knowledge to silence, subdue, expel and or kill members of their congregation at will. These types of individuals are the real spiritual terrorists and the world is replete with them.
At some point, some of their members and closest assistants would leave. At another a mass revolt by members of their congregation raise massive opposition against their and, given their natural prejudices, encourage them to move spiritually against them instantly. The result would be predictable, another downfall
As a military officer has a duty to use and deploy his weapons against enemy targets and, in so doing, adhering to strict rules of war, by never - no matter the level of provocation - turning his weapons against his country or compatriots, whom he had sworn to on Oath to defend and protect, so also does a Pastor or religious leader have the duty to preach the Gospel as Jesus thought us and never to use his spiritual knowledge as weapons against the very congregation he leads or against anyone for that matter. For otherwise, the essence of the message will be defeated.
How can a Pastor, recognized and honoured as an agent of positive change in the society be destroying the same society and spoiling the people, thereby, leaving the world a worse place? And at the same time, hopping around the world as a messenger of the Good News. How deceptive! What hypocrisy!
There are many such `men of God’ who continue to perpetrate overt evil and escaping punishment simply because, as Christians, we are eager to cite Ephesians 6:12 and avoid the necessity to urge our governments to have a closer look at their activities so as to widen and extend the laws on terror to include spiritual terrorism and bring abusers of spiritual knowledge to book.
It does seem to be about time something was done
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UNMASKED welcomes your view!
The tendency maybe for one to ask, "why bother?", especially in the light of Ephesians 6:12 which says, "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places". Yet, in this changing times and growing disappointing `crookery’ among high profile religious leaders, the war on spiritual terrorism, must not just be fought like the war on terror, but `spiritual terrorism’ must be recognized as lethal and worthy of inclusion into the mainframe of, and to complement, available terror laws and boost the global war on terror.
Spiritual terrorism is not a joke but a bitter reality, which the world must recognise and confront. It is not the sort articulated by Lt. Col. Metzgar through such phrases as "irregular threat", a "fight between good and evil" or even "irregular enemy". These phrases readily guide the readers mind to the age old, generally known unseen one, whom Jesus thought about and whom Christians readily blame for every little mishap.
While we cannot discountenance the claim that Satan has, for centuries, owned the unseen hands readily blamed for orchestrating all mayhem in his continual attempt to drag as many souls as he possibly can to stay with him in hell, modern spiritual terrorism is being orchestrated by humans, among whom are Christian religious leaders, who have researched and acquired rare spiritual knowledge with which they have equipped themselves to display all kinds of power, in the name of miracle and healing and which they equally deploy at will against specified human targets. In this sense humans now use the devil rather than the devil using them. They no longer `let sleeping dogs lie’, but rather wake it and send it on a destructive mission.
Of course, this might not make sense to a casual reader, neither will it to anyone who has never experienced nor seen others experiencing modern human wickedness against fellow humans, by act of spiritual terrorism. Afterall, the United States really woke up against terrorism after the 9/11 2001 attacks. Before then, the war on terror had never been taken seriously while terrorists graduated from one level of crime to the other. In the United Kingdom, the war took a different dimension after the 7/7 2005 terror attacks on London. And even such term as `lyrical terrorism’ has recently been recognized. Given recent events, it seems that it will just be a matter of time before `spiritual terrorism’ receives the desired recognition and the laws on terror honed to include it. Yet in parts of the world that have never experienced the wickedness of terrorists, the war on terror is relatively unheard of.
But there is a striking similarity, between the `conventional terrorist’ and the `spiritual terrorist’. The conventional terrorist is heartless, brutish, wicked, devilish, selfish, destructive, and filled with hate for others, just as his spiritual terrorist counterpart. The only difference is that while the conventional terrorist uses physically observable devices or weapons to cause physically noticeable destructions, the spiritual terrorist uses physically unobservable weapons to cause physically observable colossal destructions.
Modern day spiritual terrorism has become pandemic, widely in use by pastors and religious leaders and I define it as "A planned dedicated grievous use of guided spiritual weapons and spells to dehumanise, deactivate, destroy or kill a person or group of persons, thereby not making the world a better place".
Usually, the aftermath of an attack is characterised by different scenarios: the conventional terrorist, if he survives the attack, runs for cover and goes straight into hiding, while the spiritual terrorist dresses up smartly and moves about in celebration, sometimes even mingling among sympathisers. This being due to the fact that the world has refused to acknowledge the enormous danger the spiritual terrorist portends for the present and for posterity – just as it did to the conventional terrorist up till and before 9/11.
Conventional terrorism is clear evidence of the modern day use of man to destroy man or society and their values by the wicked one known as Satan. On the other hand, spiritual terrorism is the use of Satan and satanic means by man to destroy man or society and its values.
People argue that Satan, the wicked one is responsible for both. However, when an Ordained Pastor, preacher of the Gospel, self-professed second in command to God and watched on TV by millions, deploys and sustains spiritual weapons against his congregation or a select few, can it be blamed on Satan using him and not him using Satan? For the reason why Christianity is the true religion and a religion of peace is that we, as Christians, are enjoined by what we read from the Holy Bible, to strive to follow the footsteps of Christ whose death on the cross of Calvary was for the salvation of our souls.
A Pastor who, having acquired enormous spiritual knowledge and, you could say became a Christian `superman’, experimented with and mastered the art of spiritual manoeuvrings, and then, openly claimed to be God’s No. 2. I have never read or heard any preacher claim or justify a claim that there is a second in command to God. As a committed Christian, I was baffled. For not even Jesus Christ claimed to be God’s No. 2. But despite nearly 15 years of blaring the gospel through hi-fi speakers in church and on TV, such wicked preachers only managed to oscillate due to deliberate misapplication of the gospel and the use of spells and spiritual knowledge to silence, subdue, expel and or kill members of their congregation at will. These types of individuals are the real spiritual terrorists and the world is replete with them.
At some point, some of their members and closest assistants would leave. At another a mass revolt by members of their congregation raise massive opposition against their and, given their natural prejudices, encourage them to move spiritually against them instantly. The result would be predictable, another downfall
As a military officer has a duty to use and deploy his weapons against enemy targets and, in so doing, adhering to strict rules of war, by never - no matter the level of provocation - turning his weapons against his country or compatriots, whom he had sworn to on Oath to defend and protect, so also does a Pastor or religious leader have the duty to preach the Gospel as Jesus thought us and never to use his spiritual knowledge as weapons against the very congregation he leads or against anyone for that matter. For otherwise, the essence of the message will be defeated.
How can a Pastor, recognized and honoured as an agent of positive change in the society be destroying the same society and spoiling the people, thereby, leaving the world a worse place? And at the same time, hopping around the world as a messenger of the Good News. How deceptive! What hypocrisy!
There are many such `men of God’ who continue to perpetrate overt evil and escaping punishment simply because, as Christians, we are eager to cite Ephesians 6:12 and avoid the necessity to urge our governments to have a closer look at their activities so as to widen and extend the laws on terror to include spiritual terrorism and bring abusers of spiritual knowledge to book.
It does seem to be about time something was done
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