Did you know that retrogades and eclipses are not mere natural occurences, and that their increased frequency in the last six years were a result of a bogus spiritual operation by a mystician?
In my last post, I explained that UFO’s are extra-terrestrial beings wrapped in `light’ and deployed and controlled by mystical spiritualists to specific targets. Since spiritual terrorism is an abuse of spiritual knowledge and its negative use against target human lives or interests, what methods do they use to achieve their aims?
In this article, my objective is to discuss
1) the difference between prophets and spiritualists,
2) show why some spiritualists’ predictions don’t manifest and
3) discuss the spiritual significance of Retrogrades and Eclipses and how spiritualists use them to alter our experience.
Who is a Prophet?
Because prophecy has always been known as a very important part of religion, people are easily lured to individuals who lay claim to prophetic calling. Don’t we all wish to know what the future promises? The world and our lives revolve around, and actually thrive, on information, and we always wish we can have it in advance. We want our future foretold.
Simply put, a Prophet is the `mouthpiece’ of God. A reliable source of the mind, desires and directives of the Most High. This is understandable. God is said to be a Spirit, and therefore, those who expect to communicate with Him must also do so in spirit, and in truth (John 4:24). Since not everyone is spiritual, God therefore requires an intermediary between Him and the people so that His desires can be explained to His Worshippers. This is the reason why prophecy has become an all-comers affair. Every spiritualist lays claim to prophecy. So how do we know which of these `prophets’ is really from God?
How to recognize the Prophet from the Spiritualist
It is also worth explaining here then, that while every prophet is a spiritualist, not every spiritualist is a prophet. It is hoped that the following indices can help us understand the difference between the real Prophet and the fake spiritualist.
. the real Prophet is chosen or appointed by God from among others, the fake spiritualist appoints and asserts himself over others
. the real prophet says the word and it comes to pass, the fake spiritualist forces manifestation of the word he has spoken, just to prove a point
. The real prophet is hardly arrogant; the fake spiritualist is flashy and lives the mountain-top life
. the real prophet talks salvation and worship, the fake spiritualist talks prosperity and money
. the real prophet heals, the fake spiritualist heals but also kills
. the real prophet is not afraid of public knowledge of his utterances, the fake spiritualist objects to publicity and hides to perform
. the real prophet performs his miracles on the spot in public, the fake spiritualist promises what will happen, and then tell you a future time when it will happen - this gives him the chance to try and sort it out
. the real prophet performs the best miracles for the people he serves; the fake spiritualist performs the best miracles for himself
. the real prophet says what he sees or hears will happen, the fake spiritualist says what he wants to see happen and then he battles on to achieve it and oftentimes, will not care whose ox gores.
For so long, we have been fascinated by the mystery surrounding prophecy, as well as the whys and how’s, of whatever a prophet says, comes to manifestation. That is until, our world became awash with spiritualists who say it, but it does not come to pass. But after so much observation, I have come to the conclusion that, since the word we speak is spirit, once it tallies with the atmospheric settings of the universe, i.e. if the stars, the moons and planets are in agreement with our thoughts and proclamations, our words become prophetic. Become real and confirmed through experience. We may not have the ability to look at the sky and determine when it is in agreement with our thoughts, but we can observe and understand our intuition and train ourselves to say the right things, at the right time. Non-religionists call this the power of positive thinking. Some scholars call it `synchronicity’ i.e. aligning your thoughts with your atmospheric environment so much that it begins to produce results.
When A Spiritualist’s Proclamations Won’t Manifest
I got an email from a man who says that they see their Pastor as a prophet, because he gives them messages upon messages and, on top of that, comes to church with up to four bibles, all colourfully marked and, accurately quoting scripture upon scripture upon scripture. However, he says, most of the messages the pastors gives, don’t manifest.
My response to that was that those were pointers for them to ask themselves whether they were in the right place at all. Generally, for the real Prophet, who is still in keeping with his Divine assignment, every message that proceeds out of his mouth is already ordained for manifestation. It cannot fail, no matter how long it takes. God is not an Author of confusion. The Bible says that “God is not a man that He should lie” - Numbers 23:19. God’s words are Yay and Amen!
But like most rules, there are exceptions. Balaam was a man of like Spirit. A Prophet of Israel with a mandate to lead them to the Promised Land. But despite, Balaam’s Divine Anointing, the moment he became attracted to and lured out of his commitment, by the worldly promises of Balak, God negated his requests and voided his forecasts. The Bible says that, for the many times that Balaam tried, God denied his requests and told him you cannot curse the nation of Israel, for they are a blessed people (Numbers 23 & 24).
Therefore, because at creation, the universe was made peaceful and orderly, whether you are a prophet or spiritualist or not, once you say words that are in consonance with the universal settings in the sky, you cannot deliberately negate them by your own wilful actions - either by prayer, sacrifices, spells, or other powerful mystical and/or spiritual methods. The moment you do, you have altered the universal atmospheric configuration and therefore, the earlier messages to the vigilant congregation will no longer hold. And believe it or not, someone among them is listening and watching. As a result, you are laying a foundation for your own failure.
I must point out that each of us has his own `sky’ settings up there in this wholesome universe. Therefore, your own actions can go a long way to altering your universe.
It follows then that, whenever a spiritualist is competitive, vindictive or belligerent , he tends to wilfully and frequently negate his own universe, including the prophetic words he proclaimed, whether for other people or just for himself. This is because, as long as his thought forms connect with that individual or people, his personal universe is invariably meshed with theirs and it forms a network.
For example, if a spiritualist proclaimed an occurrence and then later that day or week, but before the manifestation of his earlier proclamation, commands a mercury, lunar, solar or mars retrograde, he has negated his own words because, for that target, his world, switches into back gear. He could sleep and wake up like everyone else, but occurrences in his life will force him to ask `what is really happening’? Only a person with a discerning spirit and intelligence can quickly grasp that his life was moving backwards.
Retrogrades and Human Experience
What is a Retrograde?
Another phenomenon that often alters universal settings as it affects human lives is known as a retrograde. Generally, all or most (except three) of the planets revolve eastwards. According to Courtney Seligman, Professor of Astronomy and Science at Saint Mary's University, Nova Scotia, Canada (http://cseligman.com/text/sky/retrograde.htm), “most of the rotational and orbital motions in the solar system are in the same "eastward" direction and motions in this direction are referred to as direct motions.”
When planets are in westward motion, they are considered as traveling in opposite direction and therefore referred to as a retrograde. Retrogrades negate or contravene the natural order of flow, except for the three plannets known to revolve backwards - naturally. Then you notice that, suddenly, things that have happened to an individual in the past, begin to repeat themselves and the individual begins to experience delays. If you were expecting a paper to be signed, it will meet with an obstacle. If you were being promised payment for money owed you, payment will become further delayed.
Ordinarily, retrogrades are a natural phenomenon. Its part of the ways that nature regulate human behaviour and excesses. However, evil spiritualists who embark on spiritual terrorism, use retrogrades as a weakening and destructive weapon. Using extraterrestrial `light' and forces, they keep you in spotlight and observe you day and night, and as soon as they see a good thing about to happen in the life of their target, they move to subvert it and sometimes, they use a retrograde, first to delay it and then, find the way to destroy it.
An Eclipse happens when a planet gets in the way of the sun (solar eclipse) or moon (lunar eclipse) and thus block its rays from reaching Earth. Eclipse, maybe total or partial. Because an Eclipse is a blockade of the natural light from the sun or moon, it also affects our lives. Like retrogrades, eclipeses are part of the universal phenomenon by which nature regulates human experience. But wicked and evil Spiritualists also use it as a weapon to subdue and where possible, destroy their human targets.
Here is one interesting example, if a spiritualist pushes his target into darkness during an eclipse, he cuts off the individual from the power of natural light, that which when converted by nature, attracts money luck or results in financial success for the person in question. What then happens is that, rather than earn more money and save, the individual losses monetary opportunities and usually begins to encounter problems from all over, for which he will suffer increased expenditure.
Mercury and Mercury Retrograde:
According to Carol Barbeau “Mercury is the planet in the sky which, in astrology, represents communications and ideas…the planet which we use every moment of our lives, waking, dreaming, talking, planning and it is the planet which helps us create our lives and our opinions and even our moods” (http://www.carolbarbeau.com/what_is_mercury_retrograde.html).
A Mercury Retrograde then occurs when the planet Mercury switches into backward motion, travelling westwards instead of eastwards.
A mercury retrograde makes communication lines become distorted and people will no longer flow at the same wavelength with you. There will be quarrels, even with people you were used to having a very good understanding.
When a person’s planet of mercury is in retrograde, he begins to get into frequent conflicts with people, creating problems for him. Evil spiritualists can target and command an individual’s mercury into backward (westward) motion, thereby getting him in to so much trouble, oftentimes, with higher authorities.
For more on `estraterrestrial light' please read my article on UFO's, spiritualism and the concept of spiritual terrorism. and please take out time to explore this blog.
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