"All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood." - Article 1 of United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
`Control’ is often very loosely used by all and sundry to describe various restrictive situations. Being a restraining tool, control pops up in almost every aspect of human experience and cuts across diverse disciplines. It can be found in such areas as Medicine, Law, Finance, Management and strangely, but albeit most importantly, spirituality.
In general terms, `control’ refers to an `action of restraining, restricting or prohibiting’ the occurrence of an event’, the key words being on `restraining, restricting or prohibiting’. Control can also be used as a `guide’, for example, to regulate a process or an on-going activity. This is otherwise known as `steering control’. Can we then infer, from the above, that ‘Policy’, being a guide to managerial action, is a technique of ‘control’?
As a prevention mechanism, control can, in medicine, be used to stop the spread of a disease or similar. In finance, to reduce the flow of funds, in and out of an organisation, within a given period. When used as a power wielding mechanism, as often the case in politics, control can be used to exercise authority or dominance over subjects or given targets or territories.
Used in this instance, `control’ can often, be intoxicating. It is in-fact, the ‘control’ lever in `power’ that makes it intoxicating. Yet, for all its adverse implications, control can be advantageous in almost every discipline. For this reason, continuous efforts are being dedicated to its further understanding and the scientific development of technics and mechanisms for its effective application.
Despite the importance of control, some aspects of it are still poorly understood. And a thorough understanding of Human Control Strategy (HCS) is essential to the development of robotics. Furthermore, scientists are faced with an arduous task of understanding it better, to assist them in 'modelling'.
What is rather regrettable is that we have not learnt to dedicate, even a fraction of that to studying and understanding the techniques for ‘human spiritual control’ with the hope of making the knowledge available to all and sundry.
As a result, the purpose of this Article will be to discuss `spiritual control’ as a weapon of `spiritual terrorism’, which, as I have always insisted, is an action of man.
Scope and Limitation of Study:
I must, therefore, warn you that this Article will, no doubt, be limited in scope, on the one hand, by inadequacy of knowledge and on the other, by lack of money and material for further research.
Cyclomancy and Psychic Power Control:
“Deep down” writes Alfred Armstrong as he prepared to upload Frank Rudolph Young’s book on Cyclomancy, ““isn’t that what we all want? Power over others, power to induce them to do our bidding, power to get what we want, when we want it”. See `Cyclomancy: The Secret of Psychic Power Control’ in `Odd Books - A Safe House For Literary Misfits (Odd Books: http://oddbooks.co.uk/oddbooks/young.html)’. Imagine possessing the power to ‘arouse intense desire in the opposite sex by your mere presence..’, Apart from the fact that Fred Amstrong’s reassured confidence would mean he may no longer worry about his waistline, wouldn’t it be right to make it criminal for anyone to remain single after a given agreed age? But that, would not be `freedom’ or would it? Still the book promised to do just that.
Control `negates’ freedom – in all the ramifications of the word. But while some forms of control come with a little consolation and advantage, spiritual or psychic control is often intractable and renders their victim helpless.
Spiritual control is a `remote control’ without the physical ‘hand piece’, so that the fact that Mr. A, of a given location, has done it does not necessarily mean that Mr. B in another location can do it – even when following a sequential guideline. This is notwithstanding the many books that discuss the sequences and steps to developing Psychic Powers and Psychic Energy Control, like Frank Rudolph Young’s book on Cyclomancy.
So if control is so important, who then controls or regulates the activities of psychics and spiritualists? In truth, no one! The SAGB (Spiritualist Association of Great Britain), whose membership is open to spiritualists within and outside the UK, says its primary purpose is `to offer evidence through Mediumship of the continuation of the personality after physical death, and to relieve suffering through Spiritual Healing’.
Article 18 of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights says that “everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers”. This Declaration is readily sited by spiritualist associations.
In my `Definition Of Freedom’, I have since identified `spiritual freedom’ as a necessary ingredient to human freedom, without which, `freedom’ is actually illusive. But spiritual freedom itself, appears to be a `utopian’, in that spiritualists and psychics are themselves, apparently uncontrollable. How then, can we be free when those with the knowledge and ability to limit our freedom are left unregulated?
Some adherents have been taught that `the spiritual controls the physical’. Supporters of this school of thought insist that everything that takes place on earth first happens in the spirit. But is this true? I asked around and the result was as confusing as the faces of the respondents.
Does the Spiritual Really Control The Physical?
I physically sampled opinion as to whether `thought is physical or spiritual’, after internet research was not much help. Majority of my respondents said that `thought is physical’, being an action of man, made with a conscious state of mind.
I have always thought the same. And on that premise, after a careful study, I have since come, as already shown in earlier posts, to the conclusion that, against popular belief, the physical actually controls the spiritual. It is observable that nearly everything that happens on earth is motivated by human action, some of them deliberate and premeditatedly. Thoughts, like most things we do, fall within that range.
* How The Physical Controls The Spiritual.
Writing in `Scientific Background’ on March 2, 2007, Thomas Harold concluded that “Physical reality is a manifestation of thought”. (http://www.dreammanifesto.com/physical-reality is a manifestation of thoughts.html).
This goes to confirm that every thought we experience is real. So, when we think of how to engage others, and then go ahead to use spiritual means to achieve our desires, we have physically decided to cause a change on the spirit realm, which then manifests physically.
Spiritual Control As An Agent Of Demobilisation:
Whereas physical control techniques and mechanism are observable, spiritual control techniques are, often times, intractable. Therein lies the danger. If you do not see a person ‘praying’ or performing the service, you may not be able to ascribe an experience to them. Perhaps, this is the reason why it is difficult to track down and prosecute `spiritual terrorists’.
Article 3 of the UN Charter states that "Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person"
Article 5, states that "No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment".
If this is so, why then do spiritualists abuse, torture or terrorise people? And worse, why are they still left unregulated?
Aside from it being deployed as a 'guide', which seems to be, on the surface, positive, except the victim is being intentionally misled, spiritual control is both restrictive and demobilising. Therefore, we can infer the following:
• Spiritual Control can be used by spiritualists and authority figures to give instruction to their human targets.
• To create confusion, by constant transmission of clear, muddled or conflicting messages. Through this means, they can also create confusion in the mind of the individual.
• When used to give instruction, spiritual control can be a guide to the individual. But then, he is always at the mercy of the transmitter. A wicked Authority figure can issue messages that can only lead the target to his doom.
• As a demobiliser, spiritual control can put the target out of action, through the destruction of the vital spiritual pillars, such as finance or source of income, that serve as a support to his life.
• It can also be used to afflict individuals with sickness and disease, putting them out of action and, maybe, force them to leave a given environment.
• It can be used to `push’ an individual to cause the performance of a task, especially unsuspecting individuals, some of whom can easily misconstrue the dreams for the real ones.
* To code messages. This can be very dangerous when an authority figure 'codes' his messages, such that they cannot be easily and properly decoded. He creates confusion and messes up communication. Sometimes this leads victims straight into madness.
As important as the actions of spiritualists are, it is surprising that spiritual control is still little well understood and, very often, avoided. And unless, more attention is paid by the relevant authorities in this regard, spiritualists and spiritual terrorists will continue to wreak more havoc in the lives of their tormented targets.
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