Friday, 22 June 2012


* Please support my cause and sign my Petition by following direction below.

At last the Spiritual Rights Campaign takes shape with the launching of our Global Petition to persuade the United Nations to recognise Human Spiritual Rights as important, and worthy of inclusion into the over all Human Rights Convention.

Show your support for a worthy cause.

By completing our poll survey on LinkedIn or visiting our GOPETITION site to sign our Petition, you will be helping in no small way to make the world a better place.

People are being killed everyday through reckless deployment of spiritual arsenals by people who see it as a veritable means of perpetrating evil and going free.

Some use it to force people against their wills, by controlling them into doing things they would otherwise, never have done. Some people complain of being used and dumped by people who mind-control them, used them and then abandon them.

One woman wrote me to insist that `mind-control' is a form of spiritual terrorism - and many people are being controlled in this way all the time.

The people behind this evil are human beings. People who eat and drink, marry and even mingle with us at the pubs or in the market place, in shops and super markets - even in our offices. Yet, they are behind acts of destruction that are not yet legally controllable or enforsable.

Police will readily agree that these things happen, but will not entertain complaints because, they are not backed by law.

The idea behind this petition is that, if only we can persuade the authorities to recognise and take steps to outline legal frameworks that can help identify and convict perpetrators, a great many will be deterred, thereby saving more lives and suffering.

But we have to do this collectively. You and me - and all those who have either experienced or hate to see the evil of injustice and unfair manipulation done by these bad people through mind control, termination of lives of loved ones, set backs in life or business.

All of these and more, are caused by these evil and wicked people - better reffered to as spiritual terrorists. They cause as much hurt and devastation, as their conventional spiritual terrorist counterparts.

This online Peitition can help do this. So I invite you to support me by signing it.

Collectively, let us co-create this new reality that can bequette a better life, free from spiritual assault and degradation, to world that desparately needs internal and communal peace - and to posterity.

Thank you so much for your help.

Benson Agoha, Founder, Coalition Against Spiritual Terrorism [CAST].


Click on coloured text on the right to sign: >>> [ .]STOP-SPIRITUAL-TERRORISM-NOW!!

Wednesday, 6 June 2012


The continuing neglect of Human Spiritual Rights by the United Nations, in their `Universal Declaration of Human Rights', and governments, gives me a cause for concern. Not only do I think it is about time this was reversed but, I also believe that Spiritual Rights deserves recognition and protection, because without it, human beings can never really be free.
For this reason, I believe that a `Spiritual' element needs be incorporaed into any acceptable definition of `Freedom', because no one is really free unless he is spiritually free
* United Nations General Assembly Hall
The Missing Rights of Man
Spiritual Rights is a `natural right', accruable to everyone because human beings are both physical and spiritual - and this right should be protected and guaranteed as well. Unaguably therefore, of all the rights of man that has been recognized and protected, this natural right, is still conpicously missing from the list. So, I sat down in front of my PC, pecked in `spiritual rights' on google but the closest I got to what I was hoping for was inside the blog by the `Jamilian University Of The Ordained'. It wrote that `The Universal Proclamation of Human Spiritual Rights HSR, contains the tenets of the Advocates for Religious Rights and Freedoms of the International Community of Christ'. It clarified that `it is a statement of the spiritual rights held to be the God-granted rights of the human family and, was originally adopted in 1962'.
Since this conclusion by this group has not stired up controversy, my objective is not to centre this piece in disprooving their conclusions. Nevertheless, as a Spiritual Rights Campaigner, I am aware that the subject of human spiritual rights should transend faiths and religious divides. The reason is that by nature, human beings are both spiritual and physical, and this reality is not altered by race, geography, biology or religious inclination.
There is, therefore no doubt, that spiritual abuse happens in all cultures and environments around us, and more, it is not restricted to any one religion. Spiritual abuse, spiritual torture and spiritual terrorism are all actions of man, defined as an `evil of manipulating, and intentionally deploying spiritual and elemental forces, against human and material targets, for negative outcomes'. Spiritual abuse, of the extreme form, is also otherwise, called `Spiritual Terrorism'.
Why I find the proclaimation of the Jamilian University of the Ordained disagreeable, is that I believe that spiritual rights should be the privilege of every human being - just like civil rights, economic rights, social rights, cultural rights and all other rights we have had to claim and assert.
Government should do their bit to recognise, guarantee and protect human spiritual rights. Then, human beings can really be free.
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