The month of April, 2009 has been a very unpleasantly memorable month in my life and I must not let it end without a proper farewell.
The experiences, the physical disappointments, the spiritual manipulations, the hallucinations and the confusions caused by endless nightmares were so profound this month of April that my anxiety rose to astronomical proportions.
This month, I have seen every plan I had set up as a means to relaunch myself to a prosperous future freighted away, leaving me manifestly confused and unsure of the direction I am headed that I rang up GP for an appointment. Luckily, the medical practitioner I saw was well versed and with apparent previous experience. She quickly recommended blood tests and referred me to the hospital. I am quite impressed with the speed with which the blood sample was taken.
But my present experience or condition is the product of spiritual terrorism, orchestrated by a wicked and dedicated spiritualist programming evil pattern into my life. This satanic agent was no one other than an avowed man of God and Leader in the Church of God, who created a ministry for Salvation and Empowerment of adherents of the Gospel, according to our Lord Jesus Christ but soon skewed from their goal, and turned it into a ministry for suppression and punishment of fellow worshippers. This was a man I know and whom I have followed. Even though, he quickly conceived of a way out and changed the name to "Oasis of Life Church", in keeping with his nature, he has since turned this to a `toxic' oasis. How can any being drink from a toxic oasis and live?
The world is replete with folks like the man described above, who is first, by the way a medical practitioner, knowing what to touch and what not to touch in a human being. He has attempted on two different occasions to spiritually reprogramme me, so that I would not longer insist on developing my professional inclination, but to obey the laws he spiritually establish for his own selfish needs.
So if anyone is to be considered qualified enough to make a contribution on the subject of "spiritual terrorism", I should rightly guess to the one, having had personally programmed and sustained attacks from a man who should not have had to lift his hand on any christian, let alone me.
The experiences, the physical disappointments, the spiritual manipulations, the hallucinations and the confusions caused by endless nightmares were so profound this month of April that my anxiety rose to astronomical proportions.
This month, I have seen every plan I had set up as a means to relaunch myself to a prosperous future freighted away, leaving me manifestly confused and unsure of the direction I am headed that I rang up GP for an appointment. Luckily, the medical practitioner I saw was well versed and with apparent previous experience. She quickly recommended blood tests and referred me to the hospital. I am quite impressed with the speed with which the blood sample was taken.
But my present experience or condition is the product of spiritual terrorism, orchestrated by a wicked and dedicated spiritualist programming evil pattern into my life. This satanic agent was no one other than an avowed man of God and Leader in the Church of God, who created a ministry for Salvation and Empowerment of adherents of the Gospel, according to our Lord Jesus Christ but soon skewed from their goal, and turned it into a ministry for suppression and punishment of fellow worshippers. This was a man I know and whom I have followed. Even though, he quickly conceived of a way out and changed the name to "Oasis of Life Church", in keeping with his nature, he has since turned this to a `toxic' oasis. How can any being drink from a toxic oasis and live?
The world is replete with folks like the man described above, who is first, by the way a medical practitioner, knowing what to touch and what not to touch in a human being. He has attempted on two different occasions to spiritually reprogramme me, so that I would not longer insist on developing my professional inclination, but to obey the laws he spiritually establish for his own selfish needs.
So if anyone is to be considered qualified enough to make a contribution on the subject of "spiritual terrorism", I should rightly guess to the one, having had personally programmed and sustained attacks from a man who should not have had to lift his hand on any christian, let alone me.
A lot of people have said to me "we know it exists but how do you proove it". This is what spurs me on. To write, to speak and ruminate on the best way to try to make the world aware of the plight of victims of this horrible malaise.
I have insisted, again and again, that nearly every victim of spiritual terrorism knows his attacker. In many respect, spiritual terrorism is easier to track than conventional terrorism. The reason is not farfetched. A disgruntled terrorist can simply strap himself up, walk into a packed environment and detonate. He may even simply pick up a gun, strol into a classroom and fire sporadically. Thereafter, he may run or simply shoot himself. Unlike these conventional terrorists, however, the spiritual terrorist, tracts, targets his victim and unleashes his attacks. But whereas, a victim of a conventional terrorist may simply be an innocent passerby, worshipper or student, etc., and therefore, may not even know or be able to trace the terrorist, a victim of spiritual terrorism, has at least, an idea of who is after him. This provides a most vital clue to prosecuting authorities. Should a law be given consideration therefore, spiritual terrorism should be controllable.
Imagine yourself arriving at the waterloo station at a rush hour. You got onto the elevator and expect it to carry you to either the big concourse or the underground pavillion. Prior to your arrival all elevators ran smoothly but suddenly immediately you mounth the first, it reverts and insists on travelling the opposite direction. You jump out and try the next, the next thing, the thrid through to the 9th, all behaved the same way, although all become normal once you stand aside of the steps. Consider yourself, a spectacle watched by the thousands of passengers eager to get to their v arious destination, and imagine how embarrassing this would have been, with each passing minute helping to deplete your remaining friends.
Immagine the scenario reoccuring over and over again for two to three years. Each day you come back to the few friends who still have the patience to tolerate your pressense and each day, you come back with the same unbelievable tale. In time you find yourself hallucinating and seeking to withdraw, as much as it is possible from the public to a world of seclusion, of lonliness and rejection. This is the urgly product of spiritual terrorism. Its reality and legacy. It clogs a man's life and reduces him to an intolleragle reject. It erodes an individual's sensibility and self worth and destroys his economic and carreer potential.
Now, do you still wonder how spiritual terrorism becomes antithetical to soceital development? If you still do, now, immagine that happening to the best 10 of medical Doctors, or to 6 Nuclear scientists or Engineers, all of whom we depend up on in one way or another. Think of the multiplier effect this will have if spread this scenario manages to be replicated in different geographical locations. Immagine yourself helpless and at the mercy of one of these important members of our world and yet their condition makes it impossible for you to be helped.
So then, one questions that beggers for an answer is, even if we the knowledge, must we misapply it? Is the medical doctor supposed to be taking lives instead of saving them? Is the Accountant supposed to supposed to still the money he is supposed to keep? Now therefore, if we acquire spiritual knolwedge, are supposed to be free to abuse it? Should we be free to abuse the elemental forces or manipulate them sefishly? What then is the benefit of turning a blind eye and deaf ear to the activities of spiritual terroris? If we refuse to recognize the danger they pose to us, are we not surreptitiously halting the much needed societal devopment - after all, can any society make progress without its human resources?
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