PEOPLE who acquire spiritual knowledge and the technique for manipulation of elemental beings or spiritual forces and misapplication of these forces for destruction of the dignity of man and societal values should not be left unexposed and untried. I have long campaigned for the widening of terror laws to include spiritual terrorism.
I have long formed the platform for the Campaign Against Spiritual Terrorism. The "Coalition Against Spiritual Terrorism" is being conceived of as a charity and non-governmental organisation whose objective include:
- to seek global co-operation against the menace posed by spiritual terrorists
- to urge individual nations to end the deliberate disregard of the horrendous effect of spiritual terrorism
- to lobby the United Nations to end thier seeming lack of interest on the phenomenal destruction of the dignity of man and society by a select and wicked few who abuse others, through the missapplication of their spiritual knowledge
- To persuade the UN and individual nations to widen the global fight against terrorism by honing or enacting new Laws to control Spiritual Terrorism
- To ask the UN and individual nations to spell out, in clear terms, the global expectations from spiritually knowledgeable people, a digression from which will call for additional scrutiny of the individual's activities
- To request the UN and individual nations to set global parameters for controling the activities of spiritual terrorists
- To seek the global action towards the rehabilitation of victims of spiritual terrorsim
We must recognise that spiritual terrism is a menace that simply cannot be ignored any longer. It is a rape on human dignity, causes brain drain, eliminates the best of men, sets society on a retrogressive course, causes discontent and engenders enmity. It destroys positive talent and in its place institutes negative ones.
Spiritual terrorism can clogg up society, organisation or an individual and effectively disorganises and halts an orderwise smooth running order.
We must act now, individually and collectively. Let us do our bit.
Join the war on spiritual terrorism.
For guide on how you can help out, write CAST-UK, giving your Name, Contact Number, Country of Location through bobbyblackberry@yahoo.co.uk. We will get back to you as quickly as possible.
We must act, time is running out.
What do you think?
Spiritual terrorism can clogg up society, organisation or an individual and effectively disorganises and halts an orderwise smooth running order.
We must act now, individually and collectively. Let us do our bit.
Join the war on spiritual terrorism.
For guide on how you can help out, write CAST-UK, giving your Name, Contact Number, Country of Location through bobbyblackberry@yahoo.co.uk. We will get back to you as quickly as possible.
We must act, time is running out.
What do you think?
UNMASKED welcomes your view!
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