"To accomplish great things, we must dream as well as act" - Anatole France the French novelist (1844–1924)
“Dreams can become a reality when we possess a vision that is characterized by the willingness to work hard, a desire for excellence and a belief in our right and our responsibility to be equal members of society.” - Janet Jackson
Meaning of Dreams:
Dreams are visualisations or imaginings inside of the human brain, of things, or ideas, or a situation, which we think, is or will turn out to be, as expected. Dreams are also called visions of things as we think they should be or would like them to be. Sometimes, during our sleep, these imagings begin to form as pictures that we see and wake up with, or which we take back to reality. Dreams maybe clear or blurred.
The Importance of Dreams:
Dreams help us achieve our goals because it is, often, the first layout of our plans. When we visualise who, what, how, when and where we are headed, we are encouraged to put them down on paper for subsequent consultation.
Whenever you find yourself in a labyrinth in life, go backwards and remember your original dream. Are you still following through to your original plan? If not, where have you deviated? Be prepared to, if necessary, retrace your steps and start all over again. As a graphic designer, I sometimes have to do this. Sometimes while tracing an image, I find that I have deviated from the correct edge. The solution is either to start all over again or go backwards and retrace from the point of deviation.
We cannot talk about dreams without reality. Reality is what becomes of our dreams after we wake up. Sometimes, dreams are so clear that we wish it was real only to wake up and realise, it was all a dream. Did it seem too good to be true? It probably is. At other times, dreams are not clear at all. But no matter, turning a dream into reality depends on our own actions. Ones we wake up from our dream, what we do in our conscious state determine our post dream reality.
Gap between Dreams and Reality:
If dreamers can become models, what is the gap between dreams and reality? How distant is your dream from your success point? Dreams and reality maybe extremes apart, but what is the distance between the two? This is where continuous self-evaluation comes in handy
Many years ago, I asked my friend Ken Ambrose Korie, to tell me just how far he thought our dreams were from realisation. Of course, the distance is relative and usually varies. But once we succeed, our success often, quickly reduces our perceived distance, by finally cushioning the effects of our suffering during our building period. In some cases, it creates an optical illusion for observers. Don’t be surprised if varying stories about how you achieved success emerge at this point.
Dreams and Expectations:
While dreams and expectations go hand in hand, they are not the same. Expectations are also known as hopes, potential or outlook, but dreams come before expectations. Expectations come during the interval after our dreams. When we are almost certain that our dreams will become a reality, we have a `great expectation’. What was your last great expectation? Sometimes, however, there has to be an `action’ after our dream before our expectation can be great. In this case, the quality of our post dream action determines our `great expectation’.
Dreams and Models: Models are figures for emulation. Sometimes they are examples of dream successes. They are icons. Models can be individuals. They can also be representation of our expectation.
Like expectations, models come in the interval between, dream and reality. It is the `mini version’ of our great expectation. Models are present all around us. In civil engineering, models are often constructed, to show the public what to expect. In automobile engineering, they are mini versions of vehicles in production or work in progress. They are also used for presentations or demonstrations, where computer simulations are not available. Models are also used in genetic engineering to show what is expected after due procedures have been followed in an attempt to alter the nature of an object. Models are sometimes called `prototypes’.
Anyone can actually be a model. In other words, when an individual has succeeded in translating their dreams into realities, they become models and lovable icons. Theirs become typical of examples worthy of emulation.
Types of Dreams:
There are different types of dreams. As pointed out above, dreams maybe ideas generated in our ruminations. But dreams can also represent pictures we see in our sleep. Below are some types of dreams as we know and experience them.
Corporate Dreams: Or as sometimes called company’s community dreams, represents an organisation’s visualisations of its aims and directions. It is around corporate dreams that corporate policy is formed to guide the organisational members towards the attainment of the company’s goals.
Daydreams: These are pictures we see in our sleep while taking our midday rest or, as also called, siesta. For some people, daydreams are just entertainment to the brain during their sleep. These dreams are soon forgotten. But for others, daydreams can be a vision, an advance premonition or revelation of a future occurrence.
When we attach too much expectation into our dreams, we stand in danger of a hallucination. Hallucinations are sometimes just a mirage, phantasies or delusions. They never become real, no matter how intense our expectation. And even if we take steps, physical action, to make it real, they don’t become what we expect. Hallucination maybe a symptom of stress.
Nightmares are horrifying pictures seen in our sleep. Nightmares do not necessarily occur at night but also can occur during the day
Sharing Your Dreams:
Share your dreams, if you must, but don’t expect everyone to like it. In this regard, it is expedient to decide who is the right person to share your dreams with. Sharing your dreams with everyone is not wise. Some people are, simply, dream killers, while others are dream supporters. Develop a sense of self-worth and please do filter your contacts and friends, ensuring that you separate the `men from the boys’. This takes a strong determination and self-will, to do. Filtering your contacts means leaving out sentiments and doing what benefits you with whomever you stand best to benefit from. Yes, in this regard, I suggest, it is ok to be a little selfish.
I was, and still am, dare I hope, a dreamer and, an achiever. That was until I came in contact with, and actually shared my dreams, with my former Pastor. It was the worst mistake I ever made in my life. It was also the worst mistake most other members ever made in their lives too. In this sense, I didn’t feel alone but, being one who often likes to stand out; I would, rather, not have blended with this kind of group.
If you are like me, who slowly but surely lays his bricks, sharing your dreams with or aligning yourself with people whose mentality is different, like the `get rich quick’ groups, will be counterproductive.
Until I met this pastor, whom I later found out, enjoys `zooming out and right back into earth at will, much like Clark Kent of Smallville*, I had always been a go-getter who always shared his dreams and then relished as the listener watched me achieve them. I remember my friend Silas Odiketa once telling me I was a marvel to him. I asked him `how?’ and he said because I always talked about my dreams and then, against all odds, still go ahead and achieve them. He said he couldn’t talk about his because of fear that he would fail. How wise of him. But not everyone is the same, for had I not come across this Pastor, I would have been unstoppable. I was not rising with speed of light, but I was surely following an earlier advice by a mentor to, `if necessary, slowly but incrementally add to whatever I had already’, and move ahead.
Failing And Rising Again:
Sometimes, results deviate from our expectations and even from our dreams. When this happens, we must re-evaluate to determine whether we actually met and surpassed our expectation or not. If the answer is yes, we have a fantastic result. On the other hand, if the answer is that we did not meet our expectation, we say our dreams have failed.
But it is not so much about our dreams failing, as it is about us rising again. As Yaphathainment International say in their `Graceland’ project says, “when the chips are down, it is time to look up”. So when we discover that our dreams have failed, we must re-evaluate and go back to the drawing board. In this regard, quitting is not an option
Keep Walking:
So be resilient and keep at it and hang in there. And as `Johnny Walker’ would say: “Keep Walking!”
• Smallville (TV Series (2001 - 2011): is a movie about a cult group with extra-ordinary superhuman capabilities, often aired by E4.
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Saturday, 26 November 2011
Monday, 21 November 2011
"It Is Time To Rise Above Racism And Self Interest" Rachel Farris (2008)
Recently an on-the-pitch encounter snowballed into something bigger and triggered debates about `racism' in football. It even led to calls for the resignation of FIFA President, Mr. Sepp Blatter. But just what is the best way to harness and hone inate(raw) skills of footballers,to make them adaptable and capable of withstanding relative professional stress and associated experiences?
Roussilon, Southern France August 2004:
It was atop bridge `St. Julien', or so it is called, a single lane strip of motorable, carefully layered heavy stones, said to have been built by the Romans more than 2000 years ago linking the Southern town of Roussillon in the Provence region of France, with Northern Spain, that my German host told me it was time for Africans to move away from self-pity, with determination, not looking back on the dark years of colonisation, because, `we too, were colonised and we overcame it and moved away from self-pity’. He pointed at St. Julien as a legacy of their former colonial powers.
Back in the penthouse room I was lodged in that sunny day in August 2004, I ruminated over what I had seen and heard, and saw therein a point too strong, to be ignored. I did not think that I would be forced to remember the events after six years, but the current racism row has led to a `convulsion’ of memories, forcing out already archived experiences.
Why does Racism Always Have To Be Associated With Blacks?
The big question is, why does racism almost always have to be associated with blacks? Why can't blacks rise above self condemnation and pity anchored on racial abuse? Blacks have married to and been married by every other race, with adorable legacies. Blacks have produced a Formula1 Champion, a President of the USA, Mayors in UK cities and many more.. You see, I support Rachel Farris when she said "It is time to rise above racism and self interest"
It must be acknowledged that, indeed, black people (and maybe many others) may have suffered a lot of insults and degradation, at one point or the other in their history, but racism should not always be blamed. Race and the skin colour which, we have all accepted can be called ‘Black’, `White’, `Asian’, `Australian’ and so on, is actually a natural and continental heritage, and it applies to all peoples of the world. But we must recognise when we have suffered abuse, as a result of the colour of our skin and when we have so suffered because our tormentor is inherently wicked. A Test is, if he can do to his brother, kinsmen or child, what he has done to you, he may be anything but `racist’. So that other underlying reasons must be discovered.
And I think that Racism must be further differentiated and weighted, to avoid abuse.
1) If a person beats up or inflicts injury on another, solely on the basis of the colour of his skin, the perpetrator should not be ignored.
2) If a child is deprived placement in a University slot or denied education, on the basis of the colour of his skin, this should not be swept under the carpet.
3) If an applicant is denied a job, despite passing through relevant tests and being qualified, solely on the basis of the colour of his skin, it must be jointly and severally condemned.
4) If a child is manifestly able to pursue a course of study at university, but is being manipulated by others to drop his/her ambition, solely on the basis of the colour of his skin, the perpetrators must be recognised as racists and guilty of causing educational obstruction to the child.
If we don’t mind being classified on other basis like country, profession, intellectual ability, wealth, height, weight and so on, why do we care when called names that refer to our skin colour? What every Blackman, or woman, requires is to develop a strong character and an admirable personality. These help you overcome your inhibitions.
Looking at ourselves in our mirrors every morning, and telling ourselves, very emphatically that `we are black, and we are proud’ maybe the tonic we need.
We must ask ourselves where we are lacking. Is it in income, education, height or weight? The presence or the lack of each of these variables is capable of resulting in a feeling of low esteem. Other than this, it is incomprehensible why a grown man, who has made it to a Professional status - easily the best league in the world – or indeed any other respectable professional hierarchy, will still lack the strength of character to deal with such issues, as name calling.
But in truth, we are all forged through different crucibles, probably making us professionals only in selected fields, but not in all. These days are no longer the time for the likes of Wolfgang von Goethe who combined poetry with politics, science and religion and made a success of all.
Two of the racial issues in recent news feeds, that have refused to die down, occurred in the Premier league and involve at least four big names. Like most others, I am curious particularly because, all the names involved are mature footballers, with several years of experience.
Now, I keep asking myself, are blacks the best behaved at the work place? I can’t help wondering if there have been occasions when the situation was reversed and a black footballer became the offending party. What was the reaction of the offended?
And what colour is our skins, really? Here is one real life, direct source, story: A seven year old Black pupil (who had just migrated, with his family, into the UK from Belgium) enrolled into Abbey Wood Primary School, had an argument with his White classmate, who had called him `black’. The black boy asked `are you white? Look at your skin and look at this book, do they match?’ His classmate said `well, that’s what my parents told me’ and the boy said `then, they lied to you’. While the argument was witnessed by their teacher and related to the mother of the black pupil, I kept wondering what the parents of the white boy would have told him when he returned from school and confronted them with his experience.
With this kind of self-awareness, at the age of seven, I don’t see how the black boy will make his way to professional life and then relapse into walloping in self-pity, over name calling. And, in which areas are parents, especially black parents, failing their kids by not providing the right training to them during their formative years?
We read about exceptionally beautiful and fashionable ladies who fall over themselves, just to identify and possibly be a WAG to these footballers, without a care in the world about the colour of their skin. For this reason, I think that any beneficiary of, and indeed anyone capable of benefiting from, this kind of attention does not have an excuse to cry racism. And I suspect that Sepp Blatter’s initial reaction might have been in line with the view that it takes more than `raw skill’ to be a professional footballer.
It is one thing to discover desirable talent and yet another to harness and adapt the skill to fit various potential situations. A child who possesses football skill or similar must not just be trained to play football but also, must be exposed to various simulated situations during his training prior to going professional. Footballers, actors and actresses, dancers and singers are some of the professional areas that definitely fall into this group. As the book of Proverbs said in Chapter 22:6 `train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it’
Appropriate Child Skill training will go a long way in helping to reduce the number of potential questions that bothers on professional ethics. These include:
A) When a lawyer abandons and betrays his client to align with and serve his client’s rivals instead of handing over to another lawyer as he would have been prejudiced.
B) When a medical doctor refuses to save a life because no one has paid the appropriate fees in advance.
C) And when a Pastor or spiritual leader ignores the very messages he stood on the pulpit and preached to an eager congregation, to declare spiritual warfare and spiritually suppress the very congregation he pastors.
We may never really know exactly what transpired recently between some footballers on the pitch, but I think that while we must not encourage people to behave irrational and out of character when they are under stress, as might have been the case, we should know how seriously we should take them, because otherwise, we simply blow the situation out of proportion and, often, result in more and longer argument, than the perpetrator intended.
There has been a call for FIFA President, Mr. Sepp Blatter, to resign in the face of a current gaffe. Well, I do have my reservations over that call. But as an administrator with a good degree of modesty, the Soccer Chief has apologised and we must, in the spirit of sportsmanship and fairplay, accept that apology. Mr. Blatter is an Administrator and not a politician, even though football has gone greatly political. And his refusal to go should even be a lesson to all other `cry baby’ footballers that it takes modesty and self-confidence to accept and apologise for ones mistakes, and still retain your integrity, assertiveness and self-belief.
Black professionals, including footballers, should allow themselves the luxury of a little more self-belief. It will even enable them to adhere to the tenets of their respective professions.
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UNMASKED welcomes your view!
Recently an on-the-pitch encounter snowballed into something bigger and triggered debates about `racism' in football. It even led to calls for the resignation of FIFA President, Mr. Sepp Blatter. But just what is the best way to harness and hone inate(raw) skills of footballers,to make them adaptable and capable of withstanding relative professional stress and associated experiences?
Roussilon, Southern France August 2004:
It was atop bridge `St. Julien', or so it is called, a single lane strip of motorable, carefully layered heavy stones, said to have been built by the Romans more than 2000 years ago linking the Southern town of Roussillon in the Provence region of France, with Northern Spain, that my German host told me it was time for Africans to move away from self-pity, with determination, not looking back on the dark years of colonisation, because, `we too, were colonised and we overcame it and moved away from self-pity’. He pointed at St. Julien as a legacy of their former colonial powers.
Back in the penthouse room I was lodged in that sunny day in August 2004, I ruminated over what I had seen and heard, and saw therein a point too strong, to be ignored. I did not think that I would be forced to remember the events after six years, but the current racism row has led to a `convulsion’ of memories, forcing out already archived experiences.
Why does Racism Always Have To Be Associated With Blacks?
The big question is, why does racism almost always have to be associated with blacks? Why can't blacks rise above self condemnation and pity anchored on racial abuse? Blacks have married to and been married by every other race, with adorable legacies. Blacks have produced a Formula1 Champion, a President of the USA, Mayors in UK cities and many more.. You see, I support Rachel Farris when she said "It is time to rise above racism and self interest"
It must be acknowledged that, indeed, black people (and maybe many others) may have suffered a lot of insults and degradation, at one point or the other in their history, but racism should not always be blamed. Race and the skin colour which, we have all accepted can be called ‘Black’, `White’, `Asian’, `Australian’ and so on, is actually a natural and continental heritage, and it applies to all peoples of the world. But we must recognise when we have suffered abuse, as a result of the colour of our skin and when we have so suffered because our tormentor is inherently wicked. A Test is, if he can do to his brother, kinsmen or child, what he has done to you, he may be anything but `racist’. So that other underlying reasons must be discovered.
And I think that Racism must be further differentiated and weighted, to avoid abuse.
1) If a person beats up or inflicts injury on another, solely on the basis of the colour of his skin, the perpetrator should not be ignored.
2) If a child is deprived placement in a University slot or denied education, on the basis of the colour of his skin, this should not be swept under the carpet.
3) If an applicant is denied a job, despite passing through relevant tests and being qualified, solely on the basis of the colour of his skin, it must be jointly and severally condemned.
4) If a child is manifestly able to pursue a course of study at university, but is being manipulated by others to drop his/her ambition, solely on the basis of the colour of his skin, the perpetrators must be recognised as racists and guilty of causing educational obstruction to the child.
If we don’t mind being classified on other basis like country, profession, intellectual ability, wealth, height, weight and so on, why do we care when called names that refer to our skin colour? What every Blackman, or woman, requires is to develop a strong character and an admirable personality. These help you overcome your inhibitions.
Looking at ourselves in our mirrors every morning, and telling ourselves, very emphatically that `we are black, and we are proud’ maybe the tonic we need.
We must ask ourselves where we are lacking. Is it in income, education, height or weight? The presence or the lack of each of these variables is capable of resulting in a feeling of low esteem. Other than this, it is incomprehensible why a grown man, who has made it to a Professional status - easily the best league in the world – or indeed any other respectable professional hierarchy, will still lack the strength of character to deal with such issues, as name calling.
But in truth, we are all forged through different crucibles, probably making us professionals only in selected fields, but not in all. These days are no longer the time for the likes of Wolfgang von Goethe who combined poetry with politics, science and religion and made a success of all.
Two of the racial issues in recent news feeds, that have refused to die down, occurred in the Premier league and involve at least four big names. Like most others, I am curious particularly because, all the names involved are mature footballers, with several years of experience.
Now, I keep asking myself, are blacks the best behaved at the work place? I can’t help wondering if there have been occasions when the situation was reversed and a black footballer became the offending party. What was the reaction of the offended?
And what colour is our skins, really? Here is one real life, direct source, story: A seven year old Black pupil (who had just migrated, with his family, into the UK from Belgium) enrolled into Abbey Wood Primary School, had an argument with his White classmate, who had called him `black’. The black boy asked `are you white? Look at your skin and look at this book, do they match?’ His classmate said `well, that’s what my parents told me’ and the boy said `then, they lied to you’. While the argument was witnessed by their teacher and related to the mother of the black pupil, I kept wondering what the parents of the white boy would have told him when he returned from school and confronted them with his experience.
With this kind of self-awareness, at the age of seven, I don’t see how the black boy will make his way to professional life and then relapse into walloping in self-pity, over name calling. And, in which areas are parents, especially black parents, failing their kids by not providing the right training to them during their formative years?
We read about exceptionally beautiful and fashionable ladies who fall over themselves, just to identify and possibly be a WAG to these footballers, without a care in the world about the colour of their skin. For this reason, I think that any beneficiary of, and indeed anyone capable of benefiting from, this kind of attention does not have an excuse to cry racism. And I suspect that Sepp Blatter’s initial reaction might have been in line with the view that it takes more than `raw skill’ to be a professional footballer.
It is one thing to discover desirable talent and yet another to harness and adapt the skill to fit various potential situations. A child who possesses football skill or similar must not just be trained to play football but also, must be exposed to various simulated situations during his training prior to going professional. Footballers, actors and actresses, dancers and singers are some of the professional areas that definitely fall into this group. As the book of Proverbs said in Chapter 22:6 `train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it’
Appropriate Child Skill training will go a long way in helping to reduce the number of potential questions that bothers on professional ethics. These include:
A) When a lawyer abandons and betrays his client to align with and serve his client’s rivals instead of handing over to another lawyer as he would have been prejudiced.
B) When a medical doctor refuses to save a life because no one has paid the appropriate fees in advance.
C) And when a Pastor or spiritual leader ignores the very messages he stood on the pulpit and preached to an eager congregation, to declare spiritual warfare and spiritually suppress the very congregation he pastors.
We may never really know exactly what transpired recently between some footballers on the pitch, but I think that while we must not encourage people to behave irrational and out of character when they are under stress, as might have been the case, we should know how seriously we should take them, because otherwise, we simply blow the situation out of proportion and, often, result in more and longer argument, than the perpetrator intended.
There has been a call for FIFA President, Mr. Sepp Blatter, to resign in the face of a current gaffe. Well, I do have my reservations over that call. But as an administrator with a good degree of modesty, the Soccer Chief has apologised and we must, in the spirit of sportsmanship and fairplay, accept that apology. Mr. Blatter is an Administrator and not a politician, even though football has gone greatly political. And his refusal to go should even be a lesson to all other `cry baby’ footballers that it takes modesty and self-confidence to accept and apologise for ones mistakes, and still retain your integrity, assertiveness and self-belief.
Black professionals, including footballers, should allow themselves the luxury of a little more self-belief. It will even enable them to adhere to the tenets of their respective professions.
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UNMASKED welcomes your view!
Wednesday, 21 September 2011
"All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood." - Article 1 of United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
`Control’ is often very loosely used by all and sundry to describe various restrictive situations. Being a restraining tool, control pops up in almost every aspect of human experience and cuts across diverse disciplines. It can be found in such areas as Medicine, Law, Finance, Management and strangely, but albeit most importantly, spirituality.
In general terms, `control’ refers to an `action of restraining, restricting or prohibiting’ the occurrence of an event’, the key words being on `restraining, restricting or prohibiting’. Control can also be used as a `guide’, for example, to regulate a process or an on-going activity. This is otherwise known as `steering control’. Can we then infer, from the above, that ‘Policy’, being a guide to managerial action, is a technique of ‘control’?
As a prevention mechanism, control can, in medicine, be used to stop the spread of a disease or similar. In finance, to reduce the flow of funds, in and out of an organisation, within a given period. When used as a power wielding mechanism, as often the case in politics, control can be used to exercise authority or dominance over subjects or given targets or territories.
Used in this instance, `control’ can often, be intoxicating. It is in-fact, the ‘control’ lever in `power’ that makes it intoxicating. Yet, for all its adverse implications, control can be advantageous in almost every discipline. For this reason, continuous efforts are being dedicated to its further understanding and the scientific development of technics and mechanisms for its effective application.
Despite the importance of control, some aspects of it are still poorly understood. And a thorough understanding of Human Control Strategy (HCS) is essential to the development of robotics. Furthermore, scientists are faced with an arduous task of understanding it better, to assist them in 'modelling'.
What is rather regrettable is that we have not learnt to dedicate, even a fraction of that to studying and understanding the techniques for ‘human spiritual control’ with the hope of making the knowledge available to all and sundry.
As a result, the purpose of this Article will be to discuss `spiritual control’ as a weapon of `spiritual terrorism’, which, as I have always insisted, is an action of man.
Scope and Limitation of Study:
I must, therefore, warn you that this Article will, no doubt, be limited in scope, on the one hand, by inadequacy of knowledge and on the other, by lack of money and material for further research.
Cyclomancy and Psychic Power Control:
“Deep down” writes Alfred Armstrong as he prepared to upload Frank Rudolph Young’s book on Cyclomancy, ““isn’t that what we all want? Power over others, power to induce them to do our bidding, power to get what we want, when we want it”. See `Cyclomancy: The Secret of Psychic Power Control’ in `Odd Books - A Safe House For Literary Misfits (Odd Books: http://oddbooks.co.uk/oddbooks/young.html)’. Imagine possessing the power to ‘arouse intense desire in the opposite sex by your mere presence..’, Apart from the fact that Fred Amstrong’s reassured confidence would mean he may no longer worry about his waistline, wouldn’t it be right to make it criminal for anyone to remain single after a given agreed age? But that, would not be `freedom’ or would it? Still the book promised to do just that.
Control `negates’ freedom – in all the ramifications of the word. But while some forms of control come with a little consolation and advantage, spiritual or psychic control is often intractable and renders their victim helpless.
Spiritual control is a `remote control’ without the physical ‘hand piece’, so that the fact that Mr. A, of a given location, has done it does not necessarily mean that Mr. B in another location can do it – even when following a sequential guideline. This is notwithstanding the many books that discuss the sequences and steps to developing Psychic Powers and Psychic Energy Control, like Frank Rudolph Young’s book on Cyclomancy.
So if control is so important, who then controls or regulates the activities of psychics and spiritualists? In truth, no one! The SAGB (Spiritualist Association of Great Britain), whose membership is open to spiritualists within and outside the UK, says its primary purpose is `to offer evidence through Mediumship of the continuation of the personality after physical death, and to relieve suffering through Spiritual Healing’.
Article 18 of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights says that “everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers”. This Declaration is readily sited by spiritualist associations.
In my `Definition Of Freedom’, I have since identified `spiritual freedom’ as a necessary ingredient to human freedom, without which, `freedom’ is actually illusive. But spiritual freedom itself, appears to be a `utopian’, in that spiritualists and psychics are themselves, apparently uncontrollable. How then, can we be free when those with the knowledge and ability to limit our freedom are left unregulated?
Some adherents have been taught that `the spiritual controls the physical’. Supporters of this school of thought insist that everything that takes place on earth first happens in the spirit. But is this true? I asked around and the result was as confusing as the faces of the respondents.
Does the Spiritual Really Control The Physical?
I physically sampled opinion as to whether `thought is physical or spiritual’, after internet research was not much help. Majority of my respondents said that `thought is physical’, being an action of man, made with a conscious state of mind.
I have always thought the same. And on that premise, after a careful study, I have since come, as already shown in earlier posts, to the conclusion that, against popular belief, the physical actually controls the spiritual. It is observable that nearly everything that happens on earth is motivated by human action, some of them deliberate and premeditatedly. Thoughts, like most things we do, fall within that range.
* How The Physical Controls The Spiritual.
Writing in `Scientific Background’ on March 2, 2007, Thomas Harold concluded that “Physical reality is a manifestation of thought”. (http://www.dreammanifesto.com/physical-reality is a manifestation of thoughts.html).
This goes to confirm that every thought we experience is real. So, when we think of how to engage others, and then go ahead to use spiritual means to achieve our desires, we have physically decided to cause a change on the spirit realm, which then manifests physically.
Spiritual Control As An Agent Of Demobilisation:
Whereas physical control techniques and mechanism are observable, spiritual control techniques are, often times, intractable. Therein lies the danger. If you do not see a person ‘praying’ or performing the service, you may not be able to ascribe an experience to them. Perhaps, this is the reason why it is difficult to track down and prosecute `spiritual terrorists’.
Article 3 of the UN Charter states that "Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person"
Article 5, states that "No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment".
If this is so, why then do spiritualists abuse, torture or terrorise people? And worse, why are they still left unregulated?
Aside from it being deployed as a 'guide', which seems to be, on the surface, positive, except the victim is being intentionally misled, spiritual control is both restrictive and demobilising. Therefore, we can infer the following:
• Spiritual Control can be used by spiritualists and authority figures to give instruction to their human targets.
• To create confusion, by constant transmission of clear, muddled or conflicting messages. Through this means, they can also create confusion in the mind of the individual.
• When used to give instruction, spiritual control can be a guide to the individual. But then, he is always at the mercy of the transmitter. A wicked Authority figure can issue messages that can only lead the target to his doom.
• As a demobiliser, spiritual control can put the target out of action, through the destruction of the vital spiritual pillars, such as finance or source of income, that serve as a support to his life.
• It can also be used to afflict individuals with sickness and disease, putting them out of action and, maybe, force them to leave a given environment.
• It can be used to `push’ an individual to cause the performance of a task, especially unsuspecting individuals, some of whom can easily misconstrue the dreams for the real ones.
* To code messages. This can be very dangerous when an authority figure 'codes' his messages, such that they cannot be easily and properly decoded. He creates confusion and messes up communication. Sometimes this leads victims straight into madness.
As important as the actions of spiritualists are, it is surprising that spiritual control is still little well understood and, very often, avoided. And unless, more attention is paid by the relevant authorities in this regard, spiritualists and spiritual terrorists will continue to wreak more havoc in the lives of their tormented targets.
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`Control’ is often very loosely used by all and sundry to describe various restrictive situations. Being a restraining tool, control pops up in almost every aspect of human experience and cuts across diverse disciplines. It can be found in such areas as Medicine, Law, Finance, Management and strangely, but albeit most importantly, spirituality.
In general terms, `control’ refers to an `action of restraining, restricting or prohibiting’ the occurrence of an event’, the key words being on `restraining, restricting or prohibiting’. Control can also be used as a `guide’, for example, to regulate a process or an on-going activity. This is otherwise known as `steering control’. Can we then infer, from the above, that ‘Policy’, being a guide to managerial action, is a technique of ‘control’?
As a prevention mechanism, control can, in medicine, be used to stop the spread of a disease or similar. In finance, to reduce the flow of funds, in and out of an organisation, within a given period. When used as a power wielding mechanism, as often the case in politics, control can be used to exercise authority or dominance over subjects or given targets or territories.
Used in this instance, `control’ can often, be intoxicating. It is in-fact, the ‘control’ lever in `power’ that makes it intoxicating. Yet, for all its adverse implications, control can be advantageous in almost every discipline. For this reason, continuous efforts are being dedicated to its further understanding and the scientific development of technics and mechanisms for its effective application.
Despite the importance of control, some aspects of it are still poorly understood. And a thorough understanding of Human Control Strategy (HCS) is essential to the development of robotics. Furthermore, scientists are faced with an arduous task of understanding it better, to assist them in 'modelling'.
What is rather regrettable is that we have not learnt to dedicate, even a fraction of that to studying and understanding the techniques for ‘human spiritual control’ with the hope of making the knowledge available to all and sundry.
As a result, the purpose of this Article will be to discuss `spiritual control’ as a weapon of `spiritual terrorism’, which, as I have always insisted, is an action of man.
Scope and Limitation of Study:
I must, therefore, warn you that this Article will, no doubt, be limited in scope, on the one hand, by inadequacy of knowledge and on the other, by lack of money and material for further research.
Cyclomancy and Psychic Power Control:
“Deep down” writes Alfred Armstrong as he prepared to upload Frank Rudolph Young’s book on Cyclomancy, ““isn’t that what we all want? Power over others, power to induce them to do our bidding, power to get what we want, when we want it”. See `Cyclomancy: The Secret of Psychic Power Control’ in `Odd Books - A Safe House For Literary Misfits (Odd Books: http://oddbooks.co.uk/oddbooks/young.html)’. Imagine possessing the power to ‘arouse intense desire in the opposite sex by your mere presence..’, Apart from the fact that Fred Amstrong’s reassured confidence would mean he may no longer worry about his waistline, wouldn’t it be right to make it criminal for anyone to remain single after a given agreed age? But that, would not be `freedom’ or would it? Still the book promised to do just that.
Control `negates’ freedom – in all the ramifications of the word. But while some forms of control come with a little consolation and advantage, spiritual or psychic control is often intractable and renders their victim helpless.
Spiritual control is a `remote control’ without the physical ‘hand piece’, so that the fact that Mr. A, of a given location, has done it does not necessarily mean that Mr. B in another location can do it – even when following a sequential guideline. This is notwithstanding the many books that discuss the sequences and steps to developing Psychic Powers and Psychic Energy Control, like Frank Rudolph Young’s book on Cyclomancy.
So if control is so important, who then controls or regulates the activities of psychics and spiritualists? In truth, no one! The SAGB (Spiritualist Association of Great Britain), whose membership is open to spiritualists within and outside the UK, says its primary purpose is `to offer evidence through Mediumship of the continuation of the personality after physical death, and to relieve suffering through Spiritual Healing’.
Article 18 of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights says that “everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers”. This Declaration is readily sited by spiritualist associations.
In my `Definition Of Freedom’, I have since identified `spiritual freedom’ as a necessary ingredient to human freedom, without which, `freedom’ is actually illusive. But spiritual freedom itself, appears to be a `utopian’, in that spiritualists and psychics are themselves, apparently uncontrollable. How then, can we be free when those with the knowledge and ability to limit our freedom are left unregulated?
Some adherents have been taught that `the spiritual controls the physical’. Supporters of this school of thought insist that everything that takes place on earth first happens in the spirit. But is this true? I asked around and the result was as confusing as the faces of the respondents.
Does the Spiritual Really Control The Physical?
I physically sampled opinion as to whether `thought is physical or spiritual’, after internet research was not much help. Majority of my respondents said that `thought is physical’, being an action of man, made with a conscious state of mind.
I have always thought the same. And on that premise, after a careful study, I have since come, as already shown in earlier posts, to the conclusion that, against popular belief, the physical actually controls the spiritual. It is observable that nearly everything that happens on earth is motivated by human action, some of them deliberate and premeditatedly. Thoughts, like most things we do, fall within that range.
* How The Physical Controls The Spiritual.
Writing in `Scientific Background’ on March 2, 2007, Thomas Harold concluded that “Physical reality is a manifestation of thought”. (http://www.dreammanifesto.com/physical-reality is a manifestation of thoughts.html).
This goes to confirm that every thought we experience is real. So, when we think of how to engage others, and then go ahead to use spiritual means to achieve our desires, we have physically decided to cause a change on the spirit realm, which then manifests physically.
Spiritual Control As An Agent Of Demobilisation:
Whereas physical control techniques and mechanism are observable, spiritual control techniques are, often times, intractable. Therein lies the danger. If you do not see a person ‘praying’ or performing the service, you may not be able to ascribe an experience to them. Perhaps, this is the reason why it is difficult to track down and prosecute `spiritual terrorists’.
Article 3 of the UN Charter states that "Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person"
Article 5, states that "No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment".
If this is so, why then do spiritualists abuse, torture or terrorise people? And worse, why are they still left unregulated?
Aside from it being deployed as a 'guide', which seems to be, on the surface, positive, except the victim is being intentionally misled, spiritual control is both restrictive and demobilising. Therefore, we can infer the following:
• Spiritual Control can be used by spiritualists and authority figures to give instruction to their human targets.
• To create confusion, by constant transmission of clear, muddled or conflicting messages. Through this means, they can also create confusion in the mind of the individual.
• When used to give instruction, spiritual control can be a guide to the individual. But then, he is always at the mercy of the transmitter. A wicked Authority figure can issue messages that can only lead the target to his doom.
• As a demobiliser, spiritual control can put the target out of action, through the destruction of the vital spiritual pillars, such as finance or source of income, that serve as a support to his life.
• It can also be used to afflict individuals with sickness and disease, putting them out of action and, maybe, force them to leave a given environment.
• It can be used to `push’ an individual to cause the performance of a task, especially unsuspecting individuals, some of whom can easily misconstrue the dreams for the real ones.
* To code messages. This can be very dangerous when an authority figure 'codes' his messages, such that they cannot be easily and properly decoded. He creates confusion and messes up communication. Sometimes this leads victims straight into madness.
As important as the actions of spiritualists are, it is surprising that spiritual control is still little well understood and, very often, avoided. And unless, more attention is paid by the relevant authorities in this regard, spiritualists and spiritual terrorists will continue to wreak more havoc in the lives of their tormented targets.
Thank you for visiting and please do return.
UNMASKED welcomes your view!
Monday, 20 June 2011

Recently a friend asked "Just how are prayers answered?"
Before I attempt to answer this question, I would like to remind us of some of the terms likely to be used and there connotational meanings.
"Services" will be used to refer to all appeals, requests, prayers, sacrifices, decrees and ablutions, and indeed all other means, used and directed to higher authorities, by individuals or groups in their various attempts to alter the course of the universe, to achieve a desired end. It is noteworthy that 'services', as used in this article, is not restricted to any faith.
For example,'ablution' according to WordiQ.com(http://www.wordiq.com/definition/Ablution), "may refer to the practice of removing sins or diseases through the use of ritual washing, or the practice of using ritual washing as one part of a ceremony to remove sin or disease". But 'Ablution' is common among Jews, Israelites, Christians and Muslims alike. It is possible that it is practiced by other faiths as well, even if more or less meanings are attached.
That said, we know that Christians believe in God, Muslims in Allah,
Friday, 22 April 2011
People talk about the illusion of segregation, I like to talk of its irony. Despite aparent negatives, one positive is remarkably glaring. And so, the irony of seperation is that it teaches togetherness - of a different nature. Togetherness of likemindedness, of ideas, of height, and sizes, and pedigree, perhaps even of colour. Birds of identical plumage flocking together.
Everything has a duplicate and a Price. Don't, therefore, be moved if the fake is glossier than the original. It's only time that tells, only time verifies and vindicates. Two skills are however required from you. 'Patience' and 'discerning' ability.
Its our world, lets unify in peace:
How many of us have noticed that When people can neither beat nor analyse others, they settle for presumptions that engenders character defamation. Success is very difficult because focussing is even more difficult..he who concentrates, succeeds - eventually. Therefore, success comes to those who keep knocking at its door..keep knocking!
A man who gets his value system right, can always be in a position to rationalise his actions, based on his personal conviction.
Always make decisions based on what you think is right, believe is right and know enough of the situation to act right and defend right.
Have we noticed that falling in love is a good thing, especially if you are doing it the right way and with someone who allows you to enjoy that feeling.
So lets stay connected. If your spirit is not rightly connected to your mission, you stand little chance of success.
Everything has a duplicate and a Price. Don't, therefore, be moved if the fake is glossier than the original. It's only time that tells, only time verifies and vindicates. Two skills are however required from you. 'Patience' and 'discerning' ability.
Its our world, lets unify in peace:
How many of us have noticed that When people can neither beat nor analyse others, they settle for presumptions that engenders character defamation. Success is very difficult because focussing is even more difficult..he who concentrates, succeeds - eventually. Therefore, success comes to those who keep knocking at its door..keep knocking!
A man who gets his value system right, can always be in a position to rationalise his actions, based on his personal conviction.
Always make decisions based on what you think is right, believe is right and know enough of the situation to act right and defend right.
Have we noticed that falling in love is a good thing, especially if you are doing it the right way and with someone who allows you to enjoy that feeling.
So lets stay connected. If your spirit is not rightly connected to your mission, you stand little chance of success.
Saturday, 19 March 2011
by Benson Agoha
I delayed posting this article for several months as I tried to study and analyse the different types of birds, or rather creatures, that have often been used by a wicked preacher spiritualist in the five years or so that he has laid spiritual siege on my life. I have been able to identify different types, which, after further careful research, found evidence that they are responsive to, and actually manipulable by spiritualists, and used as control weapons against people.
In the month of February, during another bout of calculated wicked spiritual siege against me, I had to make several video recordings of the high pitched sound the black bird made, while in active duty, just opposite my window. It is Michael Michaels manipulative tool to, alter or reprogram future events in the lives of people. Things will then happen according to his own desires and authorization
[ "My people perish for lack of knowledge" - {{Hosea 4:6 |The Holy Scripture}} ]
I must say that to recognize what is actually happening can be a very difficult task, especially if you are not conscious of events such as the arrival and departure of these birds. The dreams arising from the assignment of these birds often appear divine. And if Michael Michael wishes, he would then cull from the stars, glowing floating clouds, which people now call UFO's, and use them to transmit very clear dreams, set spiritual conditions and authorize their manifestation To the ordinary believer, this would be a miracle, to the curious, a mystery.
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* .PASTOR MICHAEL MICHAELS and his wife Mercy. He removed his name from his website: ( www.oasisoflife.net ) just as I began to blog about his activities against me using birds and or UFO's. |
It was at this time that I started questioning the gap between Divinity and Demonism and then, started proving things for myself. I asked myself whether the acquisition of knowledge is as important as how it is used.
Through the use of glowing floating clouds (UFO's) and birds, evil spiritualists are capable of:
. Locking up your business premises so that customers dry up and go to your competitors. The business will then fall. How? Simply, they send a spirit that comes in the nature of the blackbird (No.7 below). It perches on a tree behind your store, and sings. Ordinarily, passersby wont think much of it. The bird decrees, for example, that `this store has been closed and that people are not allowed to shop or do business here'.
. Transmitting dreams and instructions to people and sometimes, deceitfully, using their faces to either attack other people or use other people's faces to attack them, thereby creating confusion and suspicion among friends.
. Depriving, diverting and superimposing their personal desires, regrettably, often
negative ones, over their human targets.
. Halting all positive events that would have happened in the life of their targets.
. Afflicting people with, and when they chose to be nice, healing them of even the most dreadful terminal illnesses.
. Diverting all goodies that nature was about bringing into their lives and when they chose to be nice, promoting them, or showering them with spiritual favours that, in turn attracts luck. This is how they create a divide in the environment - confuse some people and torture others. No one will believe it.
. Identifying and assembling friends, neighbours or relatives around their target, no matter their different locations, so that, they too can be manipulated. In my article on Spiritual Chats, I had already discussed how, like the human DNA, an individual's spiritual chat is all a spiritualist requires to assess the person and all of his friends and family, no matter their location.
. Attempting to eliminate and sometimes actually succeed in killing people.
. Transferring and transmitting dangerous, terminal and incurable diseases into people through the spiritual operations.
Below are different types of birds that, from my observation over several years, are often used by spiritualists, like my former Pastor, for their spiritual operations. His wife continues to deny that her husband does these things even though she knows that he often controlled people. As she once said to me, `we don't want to control her'.
I have decided to publish these, together with videos made during another elaborate spiritual operations against me, in as recently as February 2011. Depriving me of ripe business opportunities, weeding me of my few useful and helpful friends, manipulating my neighbours and colleagues and diverting incoming business contacts into the hands of, sometimes his own artificially created, rivals. I used the word artificially created because, without his spiritual activities, these people would, perhaps not even be competitors at all.

This bird is receptive to spiritual manipulations. When in use, it can represent a symbol of authority. For example, a spiritualist, can infuse a spirit into the bird and the it will cross your path, only for you to see your boss or another person of authority in your dream. Depending on the aim of the spiritualist, during physical encounter with an authority figure his behaviour might just be totally out of character.

Another bird that represents a symbol of authority is the Raven. The raven is also highly receptive to spiritual manipulations and is a veritable tool in the hand of spiritualists. But ordinarily, ravens are a peaceful and often self-centered creature.
3. Type two Raven


This black and white bird with colloured tail embodies a mixture of emotions. Magpies are manipulable and if they cross your path when possessed, a human contact may just become aggressive towards you. They are symbol of mood-swings.

Hooded crows are, like the Magpie, a mixture of emotion and champion of mood-swings. But, they are higher, like authority figures, and when they cross your path, your boss or any other high calibre individual you were hoping to meet may just not be interested to even see or listen to you. He/She will just be upset over something you cannot understand. Spiritualists use them to cause mood-swings in people. Ordinary they pose no threat, if you are not under spiritual attack.
6.Churgh, much like the Raven

7.The Blackbird

This bird often gives a high pitched sound. It is what the social network Tweeter uses as their symbol. Blackbirds are highly manipulable and often represents a female. It is highly sensitive to nature and environmental changes. Blackbirds are used by spiritualists for all sorts of assignments such as locking up your business premises so that customers dry up and go to your competitors. The business will then fall. Creating confusion among the workforce. When they are on assignment, blackbirds often return to their primary pertchment point, even when chased away. After their assignment, they often fly away and don't come back their unless sent in again.
When they were unleashed against me in February 2011, I had to make video recordings of their sounds.
VIDEO1: This video shows the Black birds IN ACTION at 3am, perched right opposite my room window in February 2011. (Sorry everyone! the 30-minute long videos won't load, Youtube rejected it because it is too long).
The birds normally arrived at 3am and remain chirping loudly through till 7am. In late January and part of February, Pastor Michael Michaels unleashed yet another round of spiritual operations against me, using them to reprogram events around me. Diverting luck, and scattering my friends, transmitting diseases or dreams to all spirits of friends and colleagues that he had pulled together. I was not sure of what he was doing but after five years of continuous spiritual torture, I have carefully monitored and now recognise when the birds are at work at his commands. This is the danger of spiritual terrorism.
Note: If you are being spiritually tortured or harrassed or your life is being threatened, one way to overcome this is to make sure that you never sleep in a dark room. Always leave your light on before you sleep as it prevents evil spirits from operating. So no matter the attraction, never turn off the light in the room if you are going to sleep in it.
Thanks for visiting my blog and please do return.
Friday, 18 March 2011
Divinity and Demonism: A Simple Perspective UNMASKED

Science has posed a lot of questions about the origin and composition of the Universe, and have decided that the universe, or its expansion, actually started with the `Big Bang'. The research has since continued into finding the part God Himself played in the creation of the Universe and, to see if the two theories can be reconciled.
Professor Stephen Hawking has recently said that there is no God, and that researchers should progress to finding the origin of the universe, without God. (Professor Stephen Hawking says God did not create the Universe http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-11172158). And, while religious leaders have not reasoned in unison to condemn Professor Hawking, the Vertican has pursued its own space mission. Here is their big question "if the big bang was the start of everything, what came before it?" (Vatican's space mission - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-12244279).
So What is Divinity?
Really, aren't we all paranoid creatures? When my former congregation member and fellow former church worker, wrote on his Facebook page “I am a carrier and distributor of Divine Life”, I couldn’t help asking the question “what is Divinity?”
And by extention, can a product of demonism be a custodian of Divinity?, If God’s Words are `Yay and Amen’ can there be a `Nay'? If we are supporters of evil and patrons of demonism, can we become custodians of Divinity’? How simply can we define, and understand Divinity?
Divinity appears to be a concept that many query but still find incomprehensible. To compound this problem, Stephanie Churchill, Author of the blog `TotallyZen’ managed to leave more questions than answers in her post “What is Divinity?” (http://www.totallyzen.com/what-is-divinity.html). Hear her “..in answer to the question, what is Divinity? the questioner should ask who am I? In finding the answer to the question, who am I? the seeker at the same time answers the question what is Divinity?” How evasive!
But even though I could not agree with her, I couldn’t blame her either. In our ever changing world, we have encouraged the development of our sensory and analytical faculties so much so that, wherever we thought we had found answers, we can always create confusion through the product of our own thoughts and, which itself, creates or enhances an unending revolution. Nor is Stephanie alone in this practice!
In “UnChaining God”, Louis D. van Niekerk, a former Christian, takes his readers through a circuitous journey that meandered into theology, quantum physics and spirituality; and then exposes them to brand new thoughts about God. Helping them to, most likely, challenge their own concepts of God and then, if not yet confused, hopefully like him, realize that `unchaining’ God is the only way to discover God for themselves.
That was typical Mr. Niekerk! When I met him on Twitter in 2009, and invited him to join me in my Spiritual Rights Campaign, that triggered a round of rigorous ruminations and intellectual analysis of terms, uses and their implications, even though we agreed, in principle that the abuse of spiritual knowledge is comdemnable. In those years, I thought and wrote, like a fervent Christian. Fastforward 24 months, factor in additional experiences, and you can see why, for Mr. Niekerk, abandoning the Faith, was a long-time coming. I am still clinging on.
John Anderson, Author of “The Art of Being Human”, wrote that "To flower, and to grow, human beings need to become good gardeners and dig up their emotional garbage, transform it into the fertilizer of appreciation and mix it into the soil of their lives." Well said! But the question is, what happens when you try to do these and find that `logic’ has no place to thrive in your situation, at that particular moment?
This is what spiritualists tell you when they become `spiritual terrorists’ -taking you to a world in which you are urged to ignore all you ever knew about logical reasoning and the rule of law. In reality however, you will still be subject to logical judgements in a world that defines your character by the obedience of its rules. So which of these two competing extremes will have the edge over the other?

Do we even agree on `what life is?’, Do we agree that there is God or even, on whom He is? If only we could agree that there is God, even if we can’t, as yet, find His terrestrial or extra-terrestrial location, we can at least, begin to simplify our chances of understanding what life is and, by extension, what Divinity is too.
We agree that there are many gods, but we also agree that one of them must be allowed to have capital letters added to His name or attributes. Why can’t we then agree that He who is entitled to capital letters, be also entitled as the custodian of Divinity? The reason appears simple, it helps us to challenge our `thought processors’, also otherwise called `thinking faculties’ and continue to uproot our earlier conclusions, and make further incursions into unknown territories.
When I was in the Elementary School, we were thought that there were `seven wonders of the world’, how many wonders of this same world are our children being thought now in school? In those days too, we were told that there were 9 planets in the solar system. Since 2008, Pluto has since been downgraded, after `Eris’, larger and outside of Pluto’s orbit, was discovered.
These days, do we still bother about the number of planets out there? Maybe, maybe not, but, in “How many planets are out there? First Results from Kepler” (http://scienceblogs.com/startswithabang/2010/06/how_many_planets_are_out_there.php) Ethan Siegel concluded that, given all recent discoveries, both in and out of our solar system, “If we assume that each one is a planet, that brings us to 706 planets around 100,000 stars. Since our galaxy has around 200 billion stars, we can figure out that there ought to be -- wait for it -- at least 1.4 billion planets in our galaxy!”
In recent times, Hubble Telescope has done a great deal more disscoveries of, hitherto unknown, stars and planets.
So is God moving farther away into the deep and throwing more challenges at us, as we continue to look for Him? Some people say `yes’. Scientists say `no’ that we are simply developing better exploratory equipment and methods. And not so surprisingly, when I posed this question to my Facebook buddies, some wasted no time in underlining their belief that 'scientists have always been lunatics'. But we all know that scientists discover and make things happen, or don't they?
Divinity and Demonism Explained:
I think that, to better understand and distinguish, between the concepts of Divinity and Demonism, we must operate from a simple but older perspective, adopting a standard evaluative criteria such as `good and bad’, `positive and negative’, `favourable and unfavourable’. But to do this, we must now ensure that we see these variables as universal constants. And that we agree on `what is good and what is bad’, that evaluative statements of Europeans conform to that of Asians or Americans or Africans. But we must not be allowed to cross carpet. We cannot be supporters of good and, at the same time, supporters of evil.
This seems to be a better approach. Simple tests also seem to easily confirm this. For example `hate, envy, jealousy, killing and stealing’, all appear to be universally condemnable while `love, peace and charity’ are admirable with various degrees of variation in different cultures.
Divinity and Demonism Defined:
Fittingly therefore, we can conclude that since God and His true followers, are associated with positives, He must be entitled to the custodianship of Divinity. Divinity therefore, "is all that is positive, clean and good and free from evil and negatives".
Conversely, since Satan, as represented by Lucifer and his followers, are associated with negatives’, he must be entitled to the custodianship of demonism. Demonism therefore, "is all that is negative, dirty and bad and replete with evil and contradictives, no matter how colourful",
This way, it is easy to understand that no patron of demonism can, at the same time, be a custodian of Divinity. Nor can he possess the right to give that which he does not have. One legal maxim readily supports this "nemo dat quod non habet" says that (you can't give that which you don't have).
Some people have considered Divinity from the angle of Eternity. The problem with this reasoning, is that between divinity and demonism, we cannot as yet say, for sure, which takes preeminence over the other. If we rely on Biblical accounts, we will easily see that Divinity and demonism were together in one place, and in agreement, to the extent that God invited them to join him when He wanted to create man. And since both are still in existence, no one knows for now, which will outlast the other, nor how much longer there is before that final battle plays out.
If we are still trying to find out what came before the big bang, how can we then relate divinity to eternity?
Nevertheless, according to the Bible lucifer's greed and envy, introduced disagreement between him and God and engendered the unavoidable seperation. In addition, at the time of expulsion from heaven, Lucifer was neither killed, nor disarmed. And no one can, as yet, say for sure when the end shall come, or what will actually happen to Lucifer and his followers. Will they be made to suffer the ultimate penalty or punished for a time period and redeemed or will he and his follows assume preeminence over God? Someone just said God forebid!
Many years ago, there used to be a TV advert which ran, "if you have not tasted Legend, how do you know the difference between two Stouts"? So the important posers are:
1) If you have never tasted freedom, how do you tell when you are in chains?
2) If you have never experienced two governments, how do you tell a good one?
3) If you have never dated two men, how can you tell a bad one from a good one?
4) If you have never tasted two different meals, how can you tell the one with better taste. etc
What do I mean by those questions? Am I asking you to be a little spoiled if you have otherwise been good? NO!
I am rather saying that, if you don't know it, do not doubt it.
I am saying that everyone should start making room for that which we are not even aware ever existed.
I am saying that spiritual terrorism is real and live and if you have never experienced it, do not ignore those who are going through hell.
I am saying that all hands must be on deck, to fight this monster and to help rehabilitate the majority of innocent hardworking people that a few disgruntled ones among us have managed to render inactive.
Divine Anointing and Demonic Gifts:
How do we then recognize fakes from the real thing, since both Divinity and demonism offer something in return to their loyalists? In trying to unmask the distance between Divinity and demonism, I have since explained that, according to Biblical accounts, both God and Lucifer, were once together, in the same place. Lucifer’s inclinations towards such negative factors as envy, jealousy, disobedience and rebellion, towards a Trustworthy and Faithful God, warranted his expulsion from God’s heavenly dominion.
What is curious though, is why the skills and spiritual crafts that Lucifer acquired when he was with God in heaven were not taken from him? Why was he not disarmed? God commanded His loyal Angels to expel Lucifer and his rebellious followers, but never disarmed them. It is therefore, easy to understand why followers of Satan, still advance and perform incomprehensible acts, as miracles. But the Bible says, do not be deceived.
In conclusion, we can then deduce that:
. Divinity is of good, positive, clean and free from evil and negatives.
. Divinity is of God and all He represents
. Only products of good, positives, cleanliness are custodians of Divinity
. Demonism is of bad, negative, dirty and filled with evil
. Demonism is of Lucifer and his satanic representatives
. All products or by-products of demonism are not custodians of divinity
. Custodians of both Divinity and demonism offer rewards to their faithful
. Divinity should not be weighed from the perspective of eternity.
. To analyse the presence of Divinity and demonic attributes, simply weigh both against the criteria of good and bad, positive and negative - not just as their actions affect you, but as they affect others too.
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UNMASKED welcomes your view!
Monday, 3 January 2011
Retrogrades, Eclipses: How Spiritualists Alter Human Experience by Benson Agoha

Did you know that retrogades and eclipses are not mere natural occurences, and that their increased frequency in the last six years were a result of a bogus spiritual operation by a mystician?
In my last post, I explained that UFO’s are extra-terrestrial beings wrapped in `light’ and deployed and controlled by mystical spiritualists to specific targets. Since spiritual terrorism is an abuse of spiritual knowledge and its negative use against target human lives or interests, what methods do they use to achieve their aims?
In this article, my objective is to discuss
1) the difference between prophets and spiritualists,
2) show why some spiritualists’ predictions don’t manifest and
3) discuss the spiritual significance of Retrogrades and Eclipses and how spiritualists use them to alter our experience.
Who is a Prophet?
Because prophecy has always been known as a very important part of religion, people are easily lured to individuals who lay claim to prophetic calling. Don’t we all wish to know what the future promises? The world and our lives revolve around, and actually thrive, on information, and we always wish we can have it in advance. We want our future foretold.
Simply put, a Prophet is the `mouthpiece’ of God. A reliable source of the mind, desires and directives of the Most High. This is understandable. God is said to be a Spirit, and therefore, those who expect to communicate with Him must also do so in spirit, and in truth (John 4:24). Since not everyone is spiritual, God therefore requires an intermediary between Him and the people so that His desires can be explained to His Worshippers. This is the reason why prophecy has become an all-comers affair. Every spiritualist lays claim to prophecy. So how do we know which of these `prophets’ is really from God?
How to recognize the Prophet from the Spiritualist
It is also worth explaining here then, that while every prophet is a spiritualist, not every spiritualist is a prophet. It is hoped that the following indices can help us understand the difference between the real Prophet and the fake spiritualist.
. the real Prophet is chosen or appointed by God from among others, the fake spiritualist appoints and asserts himself over others
. the real prophet says the word and it comes to pass, the fake spiritualist forces manifestation of the word he has spoken, just to prove a point
. The real prophet is hardly arrogant; the fake spiritualist is flashy and lives the mountain-top life
. the real prophet talks salvation and worship, the fake spiritualist talks prosperity and money
. the real prophet heals, the fake spiritualist heals but also kills
. the real prophet is not afraid of public knowledge of his utterances, the fake spiritualist objects to publicity and hides to perform
. the real prophet performs his miracles on the spot in public, the fake spiritualist promises what will happen, and then tell you a future time when it will happen - this gives him the chance to try and sort it out
. the real prophet performs the best miracles for the people he serves; the fake spiritualist performs the best miracles for himself
. the real prophet says what he sees or hears will happen, the fake spiritualist says what he wants to see happen and then he battles on to achieve it and oftentimes, will not care whose ox gores.
For so long, we have been fascinated by the mystery surrounding prophecy, as well as the whys and how’s, of whatever a prophet says, comes to manifestation. That is until, our world became awash with spiritualists who say it, but it does not come to pass. But after so much observation, I have come to the conclusion that, since the word we speak is spirit, once it tallies with the atmospheric settings of the universe, i.e. if the stars, the moons and planets are in agreement with our thoughts and proclamations, our words become prophetic. Become real and confirmed through experience. We may not have the ability to look at the sky and determine when it is in agreement with our thoughts, but we can observe and understand our intuition and train ourselves to say the right things, at the right time. Non-religionists call this the power of positive thinking. Some scholars call it `synchronicity’ i.e. aligning your thoughts with your atmospheric environment so much that it begins to produce results.
When A Spiritualist’s Proclamations Won’t Manifest
I got an email from a man who says that they see their Pastor as a prophet, because he gives them messages upon messages and, on top of that, comes to church with up to four bibles, all colourfully marked and, accurately quoting scripture upon scripture upon scripture. However, he says, most of the messages the pastors gives, don’t manifest.
My response to that was that those were pointers for them to ask themselves whether they were in the right place at all. Generally, for the real Prophet, who is still in keeping with his Divine assignment, every message that proceeds out of his mouth is already ordained for manifestation. It cannot fail, no matter how long it takes. God is not an Author of confusion. The Bible says that “God is not a man that He should lie” - Numbers 23:19. God’s words are Yay and Amen!
But like most rules, there are exceptions. Balaam was a man of like Spirit. A Prophet of Israel with a mandate to lead them to the Promised Land. But despite, Balaam’s Divine Anointing, the moment he became attracted to and lured out of his commitment, by the worldly promises of Balak, God negated his requests and voided his forecasts. The Bible says that, for the many times that Balaam tried, God denied his requests and told him you cannot curse the nation of Israel, for they are a blessed people (Numbers 23 & 24).
Therefore, because at creation, the universe was made peaceful and orderly, whether you are a prophet or spiritualist or not, once you say words that are in consonance with the universal settings in the sky, you cannot deliberately negate them by your own wilful actions - either by prayer, sacrifices, spells, or other powerful mystical and/or spiritual methods. The moment you do, you have altered the universal atmospheric configuration and therefore, the earlier messages to the vigilant congregation will no longer hold. And believe it or not, someone among them is listening and watching. As a result, you are laying a foundation for your own failure.
I must point out that each of us has his own `sky’ settings up there in this wholesome universe. Therefore, your own actions can go a long way to altering your universe.
It follows then that, whenever a spiritualist is competitive, vindictive or belligerent , he tends to wilfully and frequently negate his own universe, including the prophetic words he proclaimed, whether for other people or just for himself. This is because, as long as his thought forms connect with that individual or people, his personal universe is invariably meshed with theirs and it forms a network.
For example, if a spiritualist proclaimed an occurrence and then later that day or week, but before the manifestation of his earlier proclamation, commands a mercury, lunar, solar or mars retrograde, he has negated his own words because, for that target, his world, switches into back gear. He could sleep and wake up like everyone else, but occurrences in his life will force him to ask `what is really happening’? Only a person with a discerning spirit and intelligence can quickly grasp that his life was moving backwards.
Retrogrades and Human Experience
What is a Retrograde?
Another phenomenon that often alters universal settings as it affects human lives is known as a retrograde. Generally, all or most (except three) of the planets revolve eastwards. According to Courtney Seligman, Professor of Astronomy and Science at Saint Mary's University, Nova Scotia, Canada (http://cseligman.com/text/sky/retrograde.htm), “most of the rotational and orbital motions in the solar system are in the same "eastward" direction and motions in this direction are referred to as direct motions.”
When planets are in westward motion, they are considered as traveling in opposite direction and therefore referred to as a retrograde. Retrogrades negate or contravene the natural order of flow, except for the three plannets known to revolve backwards - naturally. Then you notice that, suddenly, things that have happened to an individual in the past, begin to repeat themselves and the individual begins to experience delays. If you were expecting a paper to be signed, it will meet with an obstacle. If you were being promised payment for money owed you, payment will become further delayed.
Ordinarily, retrogrades are a natural phenomenon. Its part of the ways that nature regulate human behaviour and excesses. However, evil spiritualists who embark on spiritual terrorism, use retrogrades as a weakening and destructive weapon. Using extraterrestrial `light' and forces, they keep you in spotlight and observe you day and night, and as soon as they see a good thing about to happen in the life of their target, they move to subvert it and sometimes, they use a retrograde, first to delay it and then, find the way to destroy it.
An Eclipse happens when a planet gets in the way of the sun (solar eclipse) or moon (lunar eclipse) and thus block its rays from reaching Earth. Eclipse, maybe total or partial. Because an Eclipse is a blockade of the natural light from the sun or moon, it also affects our lives. Like retrogrades, eclipeses are part of the universal phenomenon by which nature regulates human experience. But wicked and evil Spiritualists also use it as a weapon to subdue and where possible, destroy their human targets.
Here is one interesting example, if a spiritualist pushes his target into darkness during an eclipse, he cuts off the individual from the power of natural light, that which when converted by nature, attracts money luck or results in financial success for the person in question. What then happens is that, rather than earn more money and save, the individual losses monetary opportunities and usually begins to encounter problems from all over, for which he will suffer increased expenditure.
Mercury and Mercury Retrograde:
According to Carol Barbeau “Mercury is the planet in the sky which, in astrology, represents communications and ideas…the planet which we use every moment of our lives, waking, dreaming, talking, planning and it is the planet which helps us create our lives and our opinions and even our moods” (http://www.carolbarbeau.com/what_is_mercury_retrograde.html).
A Mercury Retrograde then occurs when the planet Mercury switches into backward motion, travelling westwards instead of eastwards.
A mercury retrograde makes communication lines become distorted and people will no longer flow at the same wavelength with you. There will be quarrels, even with people you were used to having a very good understanding.
When a person’s planet of mercury is in retrograde, he begins to get into frequent conflicts with people, creating problems for him. Evil spiritualists can target and command an individual’s mercury into backward (westward) motion, thereby getting him in to so much trouble, oftentimes, with higher authorities.
For more on `estraterrestrial light' please read my article on UFO's, spiritualism and the concept of spiritual terrorism. and please take out time to explore this blog.
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