Science has posed a lot of questions about the origin and composition of the Universe, and have decided that the universe, or its expansion, actually started with the `Big Bang'. The research has since continued into finding the part God Himself played in the creation of the Universe and, to see if the two theories can be reconciled.
Professor Stephen Hawking has recently said that there is no God, and that researchers should progress to finding the origin of the universe, without God. (Professor Stephen Hawking says God did not create the Universe http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-11172158). And, while religious leaders have not reasoned in unison to condemn Professor Hawking, the Vertican has pursued its own space mission. Here is their big question "if the big bang was the start of everything, what came before it?" (Vatican's space mission - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-12244279).
So What is Divinity?
Really, aren't we all paranoid creatures? When my former congregation member and fellow former church worker, wrote on his Facebook page “I am a carrier and distributor of Divine Life”, I couldn’t help asking the question “what is Divinity?”
And by extention, can a product of demonism be a custodian of Divinity?, If God’s Words are `Yay and Amen’ can there be a `Nay'? If we are supporters of evil and patrons of demonism, can we become custodians of Divinity’? How simply can we define, and understand Divinity?
Divinity appears to be a concept that many query but still find incomprehensible. To compound this problem, Stephanie Churchill, Author of the blog `TotallyZen’ managed to leave more questions than answers in her post “What is Divinity?” (http://www.totallyzen.com/what-is-divinity.html). Hear her “..in answer to the question, what is Divinity? the questioner should ask who am I? In finding the answer to the question, who am I? the seeker at the same time answers the question what is Divinity?” How evasive!
But even though I could not agree with her, I couldn’t blame her either. In our ever changing world, we have encouraged the development of our sensory and analytical faculties so much so that, wherever we thought we had found answers, we can always create confusion through the product of our own thoughts and, which itself, creates or enhances an unending revolution. Nor is Stephanie alone in this practice!
In “UnChaining God”, Louis D. van Niekerk, a former Christian, takes his readers through a circuitous journey that meandered into theology, quantum physics and spirituality; and then exposes them to brand new thoughts about God. Helping them to, most likely, challenge their own concepts of God and then, if not yet confused, hopefully like him, realize that `unchaining’ God is the only way to discover God for themselves.
That was typical Mr. Niekerk! When I met him on Twitter in 2009, and invited him to join me in my Spiritual Rights Campaign, that triggered a round of rigorous ruminations and intellectual analysis of terms, uses and their implications, even though we agreed, in principle that the abuse of spiritual knowledge is comdemnable. In those years, I thought and wrote, like a fervent Christian. Fastforward 24 months, factor in additional experiences, and you can see why, for Mr. Niekerk, abandoning the Faith, was a long-time coming. I am still clinging on.
John Anderson, Author of “The Art of Being Human”, wrote that "To flower, and to grow, human beings need to become good gardeners and dig up their emotional garbage, transform it into the fertilizer of appreciation and mix it into the soil of their lives." Well said! But the question is, what happens when you try to do these and find that `logic’ has no place to thrive in your situation, at that particular moment?
This is what spiritualists tell you when they become `spiritual terrorists’ -taking you to a world in which you are urged to ignore all you ever knew about logical reasoning and the rule of law. In reality however, you will still be subject to logical judgements in a world that defines your character by the obedience of its rules. So which of these two competing extremes will have the edge over the other?

Do we even agree on `what life is?’, Do we agree that there is God or even, on whom He is? If only we could agree that there is God, even if we can’t, as yet, find His terrestrial or extra-terrestrial location, we can at least, begin to simplify our chances of understanding what life is and, by extension, what Divinity is too.
We agree that there are many gods, but we also agree that one of them must be allowed to have capital letters added to His name or attributes. Why can’t we then agree that He who is entitled to capital letters, be also entitled as the custodian of Divinity? The reason appears simple, it helps us to challenge our `thought processors’, also otherwise called `thinking faculties’ and continue to uproot our earlier conclusions, and make further incursions into unknown territories.
When I was in the Elementary School, we were thought that there were `seven wonders of the world’, how many wonders of this same world are our children being thought now in school? In those days too, we were told that there were 9 planets in the solar system. Since 2008, Pluto has since been downgraded, after `Eris’, larger and outside of Pluto’s orbit, was discovered.
These days, do we still bother about the number of planets out there? Maybe, maybe not, but, in “How many planets are out there? First Results from Kepler” (http://scienceblogs.com/startswithabang/2010/06/how_many_planets_are_out_there.php) Ethan Siegel concluded that, given all recent discoveries, both in and out of our solar system, “If we assume that each one is a planet, that brings us to 706 planets around 100,000 stars. Since our galaxy has around 200 billion stars, we can figure out that there ought to be -- wait for it -- at least 1.4 billion planets in our galaxy!”
In recent times, Hubble Telescope has done a great deal more disscoveries of, hitherto unknown, stars and planets.
So is God moving farther away into the deep and throwing more challenges at us, as we continue to look for Him? Some people say `yes’. Scientists say `no’ that we are simply developing better exploratory equipment and methods. And not so surprisingly, when I posed this question to my Facebook buddies, some wasted no time in underlining their belief that 'scientists have always been lunatics'. But we all know that scientists discover and make things happen, or don't they?
Divinity and Demonism Explained:
I think that, to better understand and distinguish, between the concepts of Divinity and Demonism, we must operate from a simple but older perspective, adopting a standard evaluative criteria such as `good and bad’, `positive and negative’, `favourable and unfavourable’. But to do this, we must now ensure that we see these variables as universal constants. And that we agree on `what is good and what is bad’, that evaluative statements of Europeans conform to that of Asians or Americans or Africans. But we must not be allowed to cross carpet. We cannot be supporters of good and, at the same time, supporters of evil.
This seems to be a better approach. Simple tests also seem to easily confirm this. For example `hate, envy, jealousy, killing and stealing’, all appear to be universally condemnable while `love, peace and charity’ are admirable with various degrees of variation in different cultures.
Divinity and Demonism Defined:
Fittingly therefore, we can conclude that since God and His true followers, are associated with positives, He must be entitled to the custodianship of Divinity. Divinity therefore, "is all that is positive, clean and good and free from evil and negatives".
Conversely, since Satan, as represented by Lucifer and his followers, are associated with negatives’, he must be entitled to the custodianship of demonism. Demonism therefore, "is all that is negative, dirty and bad and replete with evil and contradictives, no matter how colourful",
This way, it is easy to understand that no patron of demonism can, at the same time, be a custodian of Divinity. Nor can he possess the right to give that which he does not have. One legal maxim readily supports this "nemo dat quod non habet" says that (you can't give that which you don't have).
Some people have considered Divinity from the angle of Eternity. The problem with this reasoning, is that between divinity and demonism, we cannot as yet say, for sure, which takes preeminence over the other. If we rely on Biblical accounts, we will easily see that Divinity and demonism were together in one place, and in agreement, to the extent that God invited them to join him when He wanted to create man. And since both are still in existence, no one knows for now, which will outlast the other, nor how much longer there is before that final battle plays out.
If we are still trying to find out what came before the big bang, how can we then relate divinity to eternity?
Nevertheless, according to the Bible lucifer's greed and envy, introduced disagreement between him and God and engendered the unavoidable seperation. In addition, at the time of expulsion from heaven, Lucifer was neither killed, nor disarmed. And no one can, as yet, say for sure when the end shall come, or what will actually happen to Lucifer and his followers. Will they be made to suffer the ultimate penalty or punished for a time period and redeemed or will he and his follows assume preeminence over God? Someone just said God forebid!
Many years ago, there used to be a TV advert which ran, "if you have not tasted Legend, how do you know the difference between two Stouts"? So the important posers are:
1) If you have never tasted freedom, how do you tell when you are in chains?
2) If you have never experienced two governments, how do you tell a good one?
3) If you have never dated two men, how can you tell a bad one from a good one?
4) If you have never tasted two different meals, how can you tell the one with better taste. etc
What do I mean by those questions? Am I asking you to be a little spoiled if you have otherwise been good? NO!
I am rather saying that, if you don't know it, do not doubt it.
I am saying that everyone should start making room for that which we are not even aware ever existed.
I am saying that spiritual terrorism is real and live and if you have never experienced it, do not ignore those who are going through hell.
I am saying that all hands must be on deck, to fight this monster and to help rehabilitate the majority of innocent hardworking people that a few disgruntled ones among us have managed to render inactive.
Divine Anointing and Demonic Gifts:
How do we then recognize fakes from the real thing, since both Divinity and demonism offer something in return to their loyalists? In trying to unmask the distance between Divinity and demonism, I have since explained that, according to Biblical accounts, both God and Lucifer, were once together, in the same place. Lucifer’s inclinations towards such negative factors as envy, jealousy, disobedience and rebellion, towards a Trustworthy and Faithful God, warranted his expulsion from God’s heavenly dominion.
What is curious though, is why the skills and spiritual crafts that Lucifer acquired when he was with God in heaven were not taken from him? Why was he not disarmed? God commanded His loyal Angels to expel Lucifer and his rebellious followers, but never disarmed them. It is therefore, easy to understand why followers of Satan, still advance and perform incomprehensible acts, as miracles. But the Bible says, do not be deceived.
In conclusion, we can then deduce that:
. Divinity is of good, positive, clean and free from evil and negatives.
. Divinity is of God and all He represents
. Only products of good, positives, cleanliness are custodians of Divinity
. Demonism is of bad, negative, dirty and filled with evil
. Demonism is of Lucifer and his satanic representatives
. All products or by-products of demonism are not custodians of divinity
. Custodians of both Divinity and demonism offer rewards to their faithful
. Divinity should not be weighed from the perspective of eternity.
. To analyse the presence of Divinity and demonic attributes, simply weigh both against the criteria of good and bad, positive and negative - not just as their actions affect you, but as they affect others too.
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