In my post, “The Importance of Dreams”, I wrote that sometimes, it may be necessary for one to go backwards, after discovering that one has missed the way. I gave an example with manual `tracing and retracing of images’, without the magic tool, which is, sometimes, done by graphic designers. But all things being equall, you must be `in control’ of the direction and activities, to be able to make that decision. Furthermore, walking backwards is neither always, a physical activity, nor often proves to be, within general human control.
But the purpose of this article is not to `play’ mind games or to brain train anyone. There is no attempt to indulge in a retro exercise of any kind. Nothing like retro walking or whatever. I am simply in an honest quest for ways that people like me, can move their lives forward, especially, after experiencing years of spiritual plundering and devastation by the evil handiworks of manipulative spiritualists, Mystics and cultic people.
As I have attempted to explain before, the universe is `you and me and everything and everyone that is in it’. But as in George Orwell’s Animal Farm, `you and me’ may be too unequal personalities, so that the more `influential’ between us dictates the order and direction of the universe.
The Big Questions really is “why would anyone want to walk backwards, when the road ahead is seemingly or obviously clear?” I asked the Library officer the same question. It was an `intriguing’ question, he told me. Especially because, all they have and, talk of within the library, is `about walking forward’. Obviously this, by any shred of imagination, should be relatively easy, or so it seems. After all, that is what everybody does every time,especially when you embrace that much hyped “forward ever, backward never” slogan, used by some fraternities.
“Walking backwards can be defined as a retro physical activity of taking backward steps while keeping your legs, eyes and face forwards - 180 degrees on the opposite direction”. Retro exercises and runnings are used for games or training programmes for the mind and brain. Experts say that backwards walking exerts more energy on the muscles and makes it beneficial for the treatment of sportsmen and control of weight. However, for exactly the same reason, extreme caution is usually advised for participants trying to engage on backwards walking.
Managing Physical Backwards Walking
Physically speaking, backwards walking must be handled by experienced personnel, as a training programme for patients. Experts say that this may be good for your brain because `it fits the criteria of neurobic activity’. According to brain health and fitness experts, `neurobic activities can even cause new neural connections to grow in your brain, which is a good thing’. But `dos and don’ts’ must be strictly followed to avoid hazards inherent in this form of exercise. The benefits of backwards walking have encouraged sporting bodies to include it in sprints and marathons and this is love for the exercise cuts across national boundaries.
In “Backwards Walking for Rehabilitation of Lower Extremities” (, Courtenay Schurman writes that backward walking can be used by sports men and women to:
Control weight by burning off more calories than traditional jobbing
Increase balance and hearing
Increase peripheral vision
Helps faster recovery from knee or ankle injuries and surgeries
Helps recovery from pains where ibuprofen and ice/heat treatments have failed
In the majority of cases, the main drawback is lack of hindsight which makes it impossible to avoid collision. For this reason also, retro exercises are carried out on flat tracks or plain fields or surfaces to ensure the avoidance of hazards. Appropriate `Caution Notices’ must be issued and new-comers are closely monitored.
* Physical Backwards Walking (Courtesy: PhysicalBenefits of Backward Running and Walking by Junji Takano - (
Backwards walking can also be, and is often, undertaken for fun these days by sportsmen and children. In all of this, however, the individual is urged to maintain control by being careful.
*Physical Backwards Walking (Courtesy: Physical Benefits of Backward Running and Walking by Junji Takano - (
But backwards walking is not always an inherently physical activity, nor usually within general human control.
`Walking backwards’ is not limited to physical exercises alone. Spiritualists and Authority Figures sometimes command retrogrades for purely selfish reasons, which forces the lives and experiences of their targets into reverse motion.
In this instance, “Walking Backwards is a spiritual or mystical action of, annoyingly replaying your `lived' life so that you experience, in your normal daily routines, the same people, events and activities you have already passed before, all over again, as if you have unfinished business to sort out. It is the time that an individual experiences first, stagnation and then, a reversal of or replay of experience”. Unlike its physical counterpart, the mystical dimension of walking backwards is usually outside the control of the individual. In this case, you can say, after observation, that your life is moving backwards, even though you sleep and wake up like everybody else.
Most times, the individual realises that he has had a `replay of previous experience’ only after it has occurred, even if he made the decisions that led to its occurrence, he must have been impulsively led by extraneous forces and, would find himself asking, `why did I do this?’ No matter, you will still find yourself counting your days in `forward order’, sleeping and waking up into the `next day’ as dated in lunar calendars.
Like everyone else also, each new day you walk into `today’, becomes your `previous day’, the next Morning.
Mystically speaking, walking backwards is not about dream-walking, not about sleep-walking. Backward Walking is about witnessing your life in reverse motion. Re-experiencing physically, events, issues and people you thought you had conveniently left behind. Physically speaking, mystical backward walking occurs when:
Yourlife switches into reverse motion and apparently throws up issues you thought you had thrashed and passed over, whether settled or not.
You begin to manifestly,repeat or redo things you thought you would never have to wish for.
You desire to meet and now interact with people you, actually no longer, wished to meet again. Or would rather move away from or, whom, from available evidence, the universe no longer allows or permits such interaction.
Your daily activities seem like a replay from your past and since the universe is `you and me and all that there is in it’,
you find that the universe is opposed to any form of contact or mingling with a particular individual or group by creating frictions, upheavals and objections to every move you make in that direction.
Managing Mystical Backwards Walking
Although it is the mystical effect of backwards walking that pulls life into reverse, its management is through a physical and conscious effort. Speaking in Mystical terms, backwards walking appears to be outside of general human control simply because not everyone that can command retrogrades. This is often done only by Authority figures with huge mystical capabilities. Although this is sadly true, the product of backwards walking can, certainly, be managed. Here is how. The moment you realise that your life appears to have switched into a reverse motion:
Turn on your alert mode
Do a self-analysis to identify what stage you are now and where the next stage is headed (that is find out what experience you have just had and compare it with a previous occurrence. Did you like it then?
Decide whether to allow the next stage to play out or not – like artificial destiny, you certainly can deviate from it.
Move into the next stage with that level of awareness and determination.
Continue your alert mode till your universe switches into forward motion again, in order words till you notice that you are forwards walking again.
Has this ever happened to you? What did it feel like and when did you realise that your `life appears to be in reverse motion?’ Please feel free to write in and tell me your own experience.
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great content
ReplyDeleteI’m digging it. I think that this may be a way that I am challenging myself. A lot of my backwards thinking is being lived out creatively without thought. I start a new creation and go about it the way I think it should be then come to find out I’m trying to do advanced techniques as a novice. Maybe that’s moving fast forward then, lol.