Friday, 28 November 2014

Conviction of rape-gang expose the ugly side of imported and misapplied culture

by Benson Agoha

The case of these young men, collectively taking turns on a teenage girl has shocked many of us.  The gang who have been handed various jail sentences passed around girls as young as 13 for sex - according to media reports.

While doing so may not be totally novel, doing so on the basis of a particular tradition gives cause for worry.

Reports say, the African men, of Somali origin, were convinced they were doing the right thing and even convinced their victim to so believe, telling her that it was common for men to share girlfriends commonly in their native land.

It maybe one for which the Somalian representatives may very well be expected to speak out, for if this claim is wrong, those boys have clearly used dubious means to take sexual advantage of an under-age child.

Even if it is true, some form of re-education needs be given to people from lands with similar cultures and traditions. They must understand that what is done in one land, is not necessarily to be repeated in another.

Convicted for gang-rape:  claimed it was traditional in Somali land.
Even if the victim had been an adult, it is doubtful if the law would have been silent over such practice.

It is similar to an ugly experience of forcing one to `sleep with somebody' as a pre-condition for favours, and even worse so if such conditions are ordered by custodians of spiritual mediums.

In my 2010 article "SEXUAL THERAPY AS A CONDITION FOR SPIRITUAL SOLUTION" published in my Blog UNMASKED, I explained the danger in the uncontrolled use of sex as condition for getting around issues.

When a culture is fraught with sexual perversion something is seriously wrong and even if we don't exist in the Biblical Sodom and Gomorrah, sexual profligacy still possess the same consequences as it did in ancient times.

And for all our pride about being modern, classical and more advanced than our ancestors, not even humans have managed to change that.

But it is not just sexual perversion, as even spiritual perversion has negative consequences. When custodians of spirituality manage to convince us to live more by their dictates than by the respect for the rule of law, we run the risk of contravening the law and paying a price for it. But where do the spiritualists end up? They go free because they always play safe, even when they are leading us astray.

Let not my people perish for lack of knowledge, leave alien cultures and traditions where they belong.

Sunday, 21 September 2014

Birds And Spiritual Terrorism: Nature As Tool In The Hand Of Spiritualists - Part 2

by Benson Agoha
This unedited video was recorded from my Window in February or March 2011, during the height of nocturnal spiritual or cultic-mystical operation by my former Pastor.
The video, one of the many I recorded during his bogus spiritual operation, was made in an attempt to show the authorities that Spiritual terrorism is an action of man, and it is real.
And more importantly, hopefully convince them that, there should be legal framework, by which abusers of spiritual knowledge, like all other branches of knowledge, can be made accountable for their actions.
My articles in my spirituality blog "Unmasked" was also an attempt to share my, as it seemed unique experience, which exposed me to serious distress and torment, orchestrated  by a man I once called `Pastor'.
Some people never believed my tails, that at mid-night, in the thick of winter, birds will visit the tree opposite my window, chirping away for up to five or 6 hours before they go away.
This and similar other videos which were lost after my computers were stolen, captured the prelude to the colossal unpleasant, degrading and dehumanizing spiritual assault which were eventually carried out by living human beings against me. Each of them thought they were being led by divine powers, whereas they were only following and acting out a script, which had been physically written in the spiritual realm, by a physical human, against another physical human.
The police have never made an arrest, even though I was the victim of a synchronized physical abuse by living humans who often found me an easy target of hate, persecution and verbal abuse. Only, I knew that they were acting a script written by another man.
This video may never give you all the clues that you require but I sincerely hope that it forms the basis for a better understanding of a different aspect of our world today. One in which possessors of rare knowledge are still at liberty to, proudly and destructively wield it against others, destroying in the process, their relationships, careers, families, and in the majority of cases, simply killing them.
* The Black Bird: similar to the one in the video is
highly receptive to spiritual manipulations. 
They simply employ physical order to make changes to, and in an individual's spiritual realm while they sleep - or are unaware.  And then, they sit back and watch it manifest again, achieving their design in form of negative results  in the physical environment.

It is this and other similar insights that have convinced me that in truth, the physical realm takes precedence over every other realm. Or to put it more simply, "it is the physical that controls the spiritual", rather than "the spiritual controlling the physical", as some Christian Ministers have managed to teach their adherents.

If you have any unique experience about the activities of spiritualists that you would like to share, please feel free to write in and share it with us.

To read my first post in which I described the types of birds I observed were being used by my tormentor as a vehicle, please click this link >>> [ BIRDS: NATURE AS TOOL IN THE HANDS OF SPIRITUALISTS UNMASKED  ].


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Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Checking Bullies: Why Our Response Matters More Than Their Words

by Benson Agoha

Bullies are provocative, sometimes intimidating and despicable bunch. And it has the potential to become a scourge because it can be infectious.

Bullies often overlook their own short-comings, in their rabid desperation to intimidate or hurt others. Then, they claim it was all for fun. 'Just having a little fun here - looks like you take things too seriously', you could hear them say as they try to placate their way out of indictment.

Of the myriads ob bullies one can experience, the worse among them are mental health bullies. These group, with as much deficiency as anyone else, manage to mask theirs with a translucent veneer of complex they wear for garment, and try to project the opposite. It actually takes little to unmask them.

A few months ago, I met several new faces from the Greenwich Twitter community at this meet-and-greet session. But among the lot was a perfectly masked bully with decadence that an observant person will recognise as a camouflage.

Camouflages are a trigger for alertness but when worn as a uniform, they become fashionable and appealing. If only we remember never to take camouflages at face value.

So this lady projected an image of a conditioned, cultured and well polished city girl who would regard anyone capable of hurting a fly with disdain.

By the time, I left them to it, I had formed an opinion, to 'watch' her. And remained doing it even though we communicated in the days following that first meeting. By the time she 'came out', I was neither surprised nor disappointed.

No one can say exactly what triggers bullying in people, because while some do it for fun, others do it in reaction to the environmental displacement.

When subjected to pressure or other forms of stressful situation, people have been seen to react differently. While some people are as sweet as honey when they have money - or hope to have it, and become monsters when they don't, others have sleep and wake up relishing bullying.

All these abnormal behaviours from bullies show that a normal person can actually behave abnormally and may consequently require a more urgent attention for mental health professionals. Yet, until they take themselves there or are reported, they will carry on, and be seen as 'normal'.

The Home Treatment Team at the Oxleas House have capable mental health professionals who access patients, treat them where necessary and or make necessary recommendations and referrals.

But on the inside wall is a poster with the inscription "Did you know that, as a proven fact, 1 in 4 persons, have mental ill-health?

Very interesting wouldn't you say? But the statement is designed to encourage you to be honest and face reality. It is also designed to provide a psychological boost against bullying.

If you are aware that he who was bullying you faced even worse condition, and still passes off as 'normal', would you take their bullying so seriously? Or simply give it back to them and move on?

Parents should teach their children to develop a strong mental attitude early, which is a potent weapon against the effect of an act that emanate from very cruel, evil minded, ill-conceived and degrading minds.

Teach them to have a sense of self-worth and self-belief. It is this combination that enables you to strengthen your inhibitions so that you are immune to hurtful words and acts of bullies.

The reality of our world is that everybody cannot be cultured - even if you taught them. So, since there certainly will be deviants, it makes sense to prepare children to expect them, and know how to deal with them.

I have received a fair share of slurs and bullying. And actually firstly, I think, heard the word 'wanker' thrown at me from bullies at a Wood Green based shop. I had to ask colleagues for the meaning, and then trivialised it by telling them the abuse was hauled at my back, and not meant for me.

As a Marketing Canvasser with a Home Improvements outfit in welling, I received remarks. Not from colleagues of course, but from a group of fun-seeking lads, presumably bored with nothing to do, chose to drive around after a good meal, and say something unkind to others. That too, I let fall off my 'none-stick' back.

Nothing prepares you better against bullies than knowing what to say back to them and when. And frankly, sometimes, it is not every remark that merits a response.

While visiting the French Southern Provence of Avignon, my host and guide once told me that surviving presence of 2000 year-old single lane Bridge, called St. Julien, was evidence that Europe was also colonised. But he said, they got over it and recovered to rebuild and become world economic and military powers. Then he asked, why can't Africa get over there's?

Of course he got no immediate answer from me, but his thought-provoking question did stir a wave of internal reviews that helped me develop into a more confident African.

But there is nothing good about bullying. It is an anti-social behaviour that insults and degrades people, and which has led to the untimely death of so many hurt souls, who lacked the capacity to tolerate it.

But think of it, why would you help a bully either by crying or taking your own life? Many of those who committed suicide in recent times have been children who have hardly defined their goals in life.

My son was more confident than I ever was as a child, knocked into a confident lad early on by a German Foundation school called SOS Village.

But you never grow up to your parents and everyday I ask myself whether there were things I should have told him, that I didn't. Teach your child the right things about bullies and help them stay alive longer.

The best and the greatest of minds, say they have been bullied, and that is with the statistics not withstanding.

The discovery of the Higgs Bossom was remarkable, but the theory was developed by a man who was bullied earlier on. Imagine if he had given up.

Professor Peter Higgs told the BBC Radio 4 programme that in the early days of his theory, "he was considered a bit more eccentric and may be cranky".

Ok, you may have to operationalise on the words to decide where to place them, but I don't see anything different other than bullying if you are considered strange, weird or an outcast. In the end, it is our response to bullying that really matters.

* Follow me on Twitter: @bensonagoha

Monday, 6 January 2014

Would You Let Your Pet Partner With You During Prayers? Asks Benson Agoha

* Praying or sleeping?

Let's be honest and lets face this question, how many of us would let their pet partner with them during prayers?

I bet a great many of you would say NEVER!.
But, according to Discovery News, "...neurologists and other scientists argue that animals are capable of having spiritual experiences." arguing that "..spiritual experiences originate within primitive parts of the human brain, structures shared by animals."

But how do you prove it? Animals don't speak human language, although they can be thought to understand and obey it.
Some researchers argue that animals are spirit beings too and some of them are receptive to and can actually see further than humans.

But according to, Discovery News, the contenders to this theory, like Kevin Nelson, a professor of neurology at the University of Kentucky, "Since only humans are capable of language that can communicate the richness of spiritual experience, it is unlikely we will ever know with certainty what an animal subjectively experiences."

In "God Spelled Backwards" Jean Houston told Lisa Schneider she believes pets are more than just furry friends and can be our spiritual guides and soul companions.

Jean Houston author of "Mystical Dogs," explored the ways in which the dogs in her life have guided her on each stage of the mystic path, say Schneider.

When asked about cats, Dr. Houston said though Cats are very different from dogs, they are "equally evocative of our spiritual depths because "the way they will sit there and look at you and kneed bread on your chest and be so bright and shining. They have a kind of daemonic -- not demonic -- but a daemonic (as in the old Greek) aspect."
She said although Cats are tricksters who play games with us, "like great saints and monks and people like Don Juan are tricksters and fool our expectations and bring us to new ways of being, they, too, are guides.

In `Developing A Spiritual Connection With Your Pet', Allen and Linda Anderson even advises you explore ways to connect with your pet spiritually.

According to them will allow the development of the human-animal relationships to move into greater awareness, enlightenment, and divine love.

But their claim that pets demonstrate spiritual qualities–joy, unconditional love, creativity, gratitude–in abundance may be subject to further scrutiny if one considers the number of attacks on humans by pets - including their owners and owners children with whom they have played together.

But they argue that developing a deeper spiritual connection with your pets will mean using some sacrid practices that will the "allow human-animal relationships to move into greater awareness, enlightenment, and divine love."

These they say include a) Keeping A Pet Gratitude Journal, b) Imagining and Dreaming Together, c) Expressing Affection in Special Ways d) Singing A Spiritual Song and 5) Asking Yourself and Your Pet Why Are We Together?

Considering that a great many of us live alone with our pets, will you partner with your pet for prayers?

Write in and let me know what it feels like.

* Twitter: @bensonagoha.

* Twitter: @woolwichonline.


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