Often times, I have heard people say they are in pursuit of their rights to claim and assert their civil liberties. In the majority of cases, what they mean is the usual struggles with governments and quasi governmental organisations and other pressure groups with perceiveably different agendas. But how many of us have bothered to relate our civil liberties to our spiritual rights? What freedom is their if we claim the right of individuals to be born, to grow up, acquire education and aspire to any heights like everybody, but in reality find these `rights' denied us by the discreet manipulations of spiritually knowledgeable people?
How often have you felt as helpless as the woman above? You cry out and call out and no one hears you. At this moment, I can't help remembering Phill Collins' Lyrics
"She calls out to the man on the street
"Sir, can you help me"?
He stops, doesn't look back
He pretends he can't hear her
He started whistling as crosses the street
He can see she is still crying
Oh! Think twice!
Is there nothing anybody can do?"
Have we ever considered that for some of us the right to run up an escalator is a sheer illusion? Instead victims face an escalator that travels the opposite direction. No matter how loud and often they shout, these victims are not heared. The reason is that these spiritual terrorists clogged up their lives. For some of us who have found themselves in this category, our experience is no more than `utter stagnation', having been kept `swirling and gyrating' in the same spot, by these wicked folks. Still in most cases, we need to consider ourselves lucky if, in spite of all cruelty, we find our heads still hanging on our necks, our mouths still talking, our eyes still seeing and our brain still perceiving the beauty of God's creation.
Spiritual terrorism can deny a person the opportunity to perceive and communicate sense and beauty, it can suspend an individual in a hollow vacuum, keep him fixated to a situation akin to one trying to run up an escalator that travels the opposite direction. Spiritual terrorists can destroy structures, cause a most unimaginable devastation to lives, property and organisations, as well as relationships. It can wreck careers and reverse growth and development. Spiritual terrorism can set society backward faster than conventional terrorists.
Yet for all the danger and negativity that these click portent, they still go relatively unnoticed and, more importantly, unchallenged and generally unchecked. Conventional terrorists become internationally tracked as soon as they commit their crime. Worse, if they had crossed borders to perpetrate their evil, they face the full weight of the fury of nations who are in cooperation against terrorism. Strangely though, by contrast, spiritual terrorists have the capability to pass international boundaries as often as they wish and not just that, to commit the most heinous atrocities against identified targets in these countries and, to return back to base unchecked and unchallenged.
You may say, their activities cannot be proved, as has, often been insisted by some. But I tell you that, despite the fact that their actions can destroy structures and inanimate objects, spiritual terrorists rarely target them unless it will result in a direct setback and loss of some kind to humans. Often, their activities are geared towards destruction of human targets and their interests, making their tracking a lot easier. But the lack of legal frameworks to track and punish them is discouraging, on its own.
A spiritual terrorist can inflict marks on his victim, use such marks as handy tracking indicators to tell them about the individua'l s present or past location. To get to this point hawever, they would have established control over the victim's spiritual `chart', and take his life captive, making his resistance difficult. They can render him impotent. And they can also cripple, brain wash, render them dumb and intellectually hollow. They can alter his destiny, skew his ultimate direction, wreck his career or afflict him with a terminal illnes. Spiritual terrorists can make a person mere shadow of himself/herself. They can also cripple an organisation if their target has a stake in it. They can clog up the smooth running of institutions or mechanical devises if these are considered a hindrance to their ability to achieve their objectives over the life of their target victim.
Is their still a reason why we should delay any further in recognizing the danger they portend? I think the time is about more than right for something to be done. What about our spiritual rights? If you share our concern, support the effort of the Campaign Against Spiritual Terrorism (CAST-UK) now. Email: bobbyblackberry@yahoo.co.uk.
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