It includes all actions, by individuals more knowledgeable on spiritual issues, aimed at destroying positive human values including careers, relationships, lives and structures or inanimate objects.
In my reply to Col. Metzger’s article on Spiritual Terrorism (please see Recognizing the Real Spiritual Terrorist), I attempted to show how easily, we make the mistake of siting Ephesians 6:12 which says, "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places". In subsequent articles since then (Please visit UNMASKED: http://unmaskedreview.blogspot.com), I have tried to demonstrate, with readily understandable inferences, the gravity, similarity, further definitions and styles of spiritual terrorism.
A member of my audience once asked me, `why is it that you insist that Satan and his Agents are not the Spiritual Terrorists?’. My answer, as I have tried to offer all along, was that Satan, the unseen ruler of this world, already knows his fate and with that in mind, has one pre-occupation which is to cause as many people as possible to commit sin and be condemned to hell fire as well. He tries to achieve his objective by using his loyal spirits, known better as agents of Satan.
However, to be qualified for condemnation, you only need to commit sin, not to suffer consistent financial losses, marriage instability, collapse of institutions, including organisations, isolation, spiritual deactivation (which is a clear violation of peoples Spiritual Rights), death, public disgrace etc. No. Not that. The consequences of sin is eternal death (God said "…behold all soul is mine…the soul that sinneth, it shall die Ezekiel 18.4), - a withdrawal of your right to commune with the Holy Order (God, Jesus, Holy Spirit) after death. A total cut-off or separation from God.
Yet, even then, an individual’s punishment is deferred till death. The bible says, in the New Testament "…it is appointed unto man, once to die but after this, the judgement" (Heb.9.27). Also, the Old Testament confirms that the judgment is God’s (Det.1.17) Needless to point out that the judgement referred to here is that for eternal life. In order words, a person is supposed to remain unjudged until death. Furthermore, this means that man, at creation, was given his freedom, known as free Agency.
I have since argued that Conventional Terrorism and Spiritual Terrorism deserve equal treatment, in so far as Terrorism represents an act whose proof is contingent upon the underlying intention. So, then why do we ignore Spiritual Terrorists but prosecute their conventional counterpart?
Now, in consonance with God’s Word, everyone will be judged on `how’ and `why’ he has used his given freedom while on earth. So then, Satan and his agents "roam the earth (Job 1.7)", seeking whom to deceive, but not to torture. By extension, one can conclude that Satan does not even want anyone to suffer on earth and go to haven at death. Instead, he wants to see people enjoy here on earth and join him in hell at death. Satan was not happy when Lazarus died as he joined the Saints (Moses), but he was happy when the rich man died, because he joined him in hell. So then, having understood what Satan wants and what he does, it is fitting to insist that they are not the spiritual terrorists.
In a discussion with a friend last night, we agreed that when God created man, he created all of us equal. But man introduced inequality, in a desire to be more respected than others. The bible says that the heart of man is "deceitful" above all things, and "desperately wicked" (Jer.17.9). Therefore, man’s heart and his innate abilities and talents so became his undoing, guiding and driving us to explore the hitherto unknown. In the process, man discovered that these, otherwise idle, elemental forces can be exploited. As they researched and discovered how to communicate with them, spiritual terrorism soon became unavoidable. You can now connect the above definition to this phenomenon. At present, it comes in different forms and dimension (what type do you know?).
Spiritual Terrorism can be used as ballistic, continental and inter-continental missiles, a devastating weapon of mass carnage and destruction of careers, relationships and even institutions. And worse, unlike the conventional terrorists, in the event of a need for cross-boundary, international or inter-continental activities, spiritual terrorists require no visa. Luckily however, the war on terror is a war backed-up with and enjoying international co-operation and battle.
In the event that governments decide to do something against this malaise, the identification and conviction of Spiritual Terrorists should face only little or minimal difficulty.
What do you think?
UNMASKED welcomes your view!
Visit: http://unmaskedreview.blogspot.com/
In a discussion with a friend last night, we agreed that when God created man, he created all of us equal. But man introduced inequality, in a desire to be more respected than others. The bible says that the heart of man is "deceitful" above all things, and "desperately wicked" (Jer.17.9). Therefore, man’s heart and his innate abilities and talents so became his undoing, guiding and driving us to explore the hitherto unknown. In the process, man discovered that these, otherwise idle, elemental forces can be exploited. As they researched and discovered how to communicate with them, spiritual terrorism soon became unavoidable. You can now connect the above definition to this phenomenon. At present, it comes in different forms and dimension (what type do you know?).
Spiritual Terrorism can be used as ballistic, continental and inter-continental missiles, a devastating weapon of mass carnage and destruction of careers, relationships and even institutions. And worse, unlike the conventional terrorists, in the event of a need for cross-boundary, international or inter-continental activities, spiritual terrorists require no visa. Luckily however, the war on terror is a war backed-up with and enjoying international co-operation and battle.
In the event that governments decide to do something against this malaise, the identification and conviction of Spiritual Terrorists should face only little or minimal difficulty.
What do you think?
UNMASKED welcomes your view!
Visit: http://unmaskedreview.blogspot.com/
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