However, before I could extend the post, my page received good patronage and argument ensued. I have already thanked the contributors. I then decided to develop my contribution for my blog.
But it was a shame I was away while the argument raged. Nevertheless, we must not forget that `Power' can be qualified with several adjectives. Are we talking of political power, physical power, intellectual power or spiritual power etc? But before we qualify it, we must bear in mind that power is not just intoxicating, but it is also transient - relatively speaking. Even spiritual power, when arbitrarily wielded can result in counter-attacks, which may erode the potency of the aggressive despot. Display of power is the manifestation of `strenght'. And yes like power, knowledge can be intoxicating. Furthermore,like absolute power, absolute knowledge can corrupt absolutely.
Forexample, if you can completely knock down a radio set and reassemble it, you tend to repeat that more often. In order words, you become intoxicated by that knowledge. Absolute power is unregulated power and, like power, when knowledge is unregulated, it corrupts absolutely. Absolute knowedge occures when we can acquire and use it freely without restriction. When there are prescriptions as to how we must or must not use knowledge, or wherever some form of resctriction such as codes of conduct or professional ethics are in existence, it means that such knowledge is being managed to avoid its abuse.
In my articles on spiritual terrorism, I have consistently clamoured for some form of control of the acquisition and use of spiritual knowledge. And because there has been no official regulation, spiritualists are easily lured into becoming `spiritual terrorists'. As in every other discipline, it is not so much about the knowledge you have acquired as it is about how you use it. So my position is that `knowledge' can be managed and indeed does get managed.
Educational administrators are managers of knowledge in so far as they assist in determining what should be diseminated, whom can be allowed to acquire it, how it can be imparted, who should impart it and when it can be imparted as well as to what extent. This action of educational management sets boundaries. In other words, it puts `controls’ on education or knowledge. Control is an element of mangement.
However we look at it, management of any branch of knowledge is very essential. Unfortunately, spiritual knowledge has defiled this and is being acquired and applied without official control, the result of which warrants spiritualists to slide into spiritual terrorism without hindrance. Bear in mind that any form of human application of spiritual knowedge that results in negative consequences is spiritual terrorism, unless of course, it was not intentionally done.Terrorism, whether conventional or spiritual, is not an accidental occurence. It is a premeditated action of man. No knowledge is promoted in society if everyone knows that it will be negatively applied.
The free entry and exit into the field of spiritualism, as in other trades, means that spiritualists go into it with their own natural flaws and prejudices intact. Therefore, an individual with choleric tendencies can arbitrarily invoke and deploy his spiritual knowledge against human targets, relationships or institutions, causing huge observable destructions just as a means of settling personal scores.
But for a spiritual attack to reach its target and create the expected effect, it must navigate a network of spiritual connections and links. This is in much the same way that a conventional terrorist must navigate a network of physical connections and links to reach his designated target. It is in much the same way that anyone who choses the `Underground’ must travel through the network to reach his destination, even though he will,for the duration of the journey be hidden from all actions on the ground. This is the reason why spiritual attacks are often very easy to expose. For this reason also, nearly every victim of spiritual terrorism, knows his attacker.
How Spiritual Terrorists Bring Down Organisations
As I have explained before, spiritual terrorists are spiritualists who intentionally, deploy their knowledge for negative purposes. Spiritualists of higher authority can manipulate, not just the human resources of an organisation, but its material resources as well, such as mechanical or electronic components. By applying a spiritual solution to a managerial problem, spiritualists can disorganise an enterprise and clog up an otherwise, organic system. They can blockade the right quality manpower in favour of a poorly skilled person, effectively installing a `square peg in a round hole’. Imagine the result.
Spiritualists can halt the smooth operation of mechanical equipment and create regular problems that throws the organisation into chaos. For example, a factory with an automated manufacturing process will have several metal and leather belts running as product conveyors. All of these would need to be powered by several electronic motors. Despite the fact these various parts have been working together without failure, a powerful spiritualist can throw the entire proces or part of it into chaos by simply deploying spirits into the factory.
People say `how come? That’s not possible!’ And I say it is because their knowledge of spiritualism and activities of spiritualists is limited. In the Holy Bible, Prophet Hosea warned that God was angry because `My people perish for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee…{Hosea 4:6}’
Well, now we know, let us do something - for the sake of all victims of these hartless but extremely discreet humans who acquire and deploy spiritual knowledge against others without a second thought.
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