In several discussions and exchanges with people on the subject of spiritualism and spiritual terrorism, I have gathered that many people are not just ignorant of the various activities and capabilities of spiritualists but also have fixated views that stem from having a wrong perspective about spiritualists and their activities. This is worrisome. When people have been wrongly indoctrinated, they become dogmatic and refuse to `open up’ to other options staring them in the face. Dogmatism is a problem in every branch of knowledge. It is limiting and frustratingly hampers every effort towards the expansion of the barriers of knowledge.
But what is the difference between a Spiritualist and a Spiritual Operative for not everyone is a spiritualist.
Spiritual Operatives
These are all those who either have learnt a little about how to manipulate elemental and spiritual forces or who go to a spiritualist to collect portions and instructions on how to carry out the service. These group of people abound. And they easily abuse their knowledge. No wonder they are easily guilty of Spiritual Terrorism. Spiritual operatives carry out their services mostly to attack, or to protect themselves from attacks. They go and collect portions, spiritual tools, oils and ointments as well as instructions from spiritualists. They invoke forces with each service. And overtime actually invoke several forces which would have been collected from different dickheads. The problem with spiritual operatives is that once they offer their service, they forget about it but most of the forces called up are not appeased and sent out of the environment. The result is that with time, the environment or property becomes haunted.
Anyone that operates in the realm of the spirit or knows or understands how to embark on or respond to spiritual issues including complaints, attacks and blessings and can exorcise spirits by offering necessary sacrifices to appease and send them back to the dark work is a spiritualist. So the difference is in the ability of one to sort out these spirits and the inability of the other to do the same after their invocation and use.
However, even in George Orwell’s `Animal Farm’, where it was agreed that `All Animals Are Equal’, some were accepted to be more `equaller’ than others. Spiritualism has ranks and levels. This is what makes the difference. It is also the reason why spiritualists explore every avenue that can help them reach the next level. In spiritualism, the higher you go, the more authority you wield.
Life and living is unarguably about surviving, it is about the good trying to be better, the better trying to be the best and the best trying to remain at the top. Life is about survival of the fittest. With social contract designed by government to recognise the incapability of many to survive in this continous circle of `war’, the handicapped and down trodden are assisted to survive. Like the physical environment, the spiritual environment is a plain of criss-crossing fireworks of `services’ being offered to help make our living and surviving in our physical environment easier.
Spiritual Charts (The spiritual `Human Genome’)
Every individual has a spiritual `chart’, which is what connects his soul to the realm of the spirit. The bible said that God made man in his own image and likeness and God is spirit. Therefore, every man has his spiritual link to God, Who is Spirit and his physical link that enables him to be traced and identified here on earth.
In the 1980’s there were a variety of sicknesses whose cures were defying doctors. This gave rise to the composition of the Human Genome Project (HGP) which began in 1990 aimed at mapping human genes as an important step in the development of medicines and other aspects of health care. So the primary objective of the HGP was to understand the genetic makeup of human species although it extended to other non-human species like the E-Coli and the Laboratory Mouse.
What scientists tried to understand by mapping the human genome as an important step to developing appropriate treatment for diseases was what spiritualist have known for ages about the Human Spiritual Charts (HSC). Most sickneses that still defy modern science are curable through the realm of the spirit, but it is not every spiritualist that can access certain levels of spirituality necessary to heal those diseases. So the spiritual charts of humans is just as important as their human genome or DNA. And like the human DNA, every individual’s spiritual chart is different.

.DNA Replication from Wikipedia
Despite a $3-bn investment on the project and the successful mapping of the human genome, sicknesses like cancer and AIDS are still incurable because appropriate medicines are yet to be developed. This is not to say that the project was a waste. However, these sicknesses, along with several other treacherous ones, are curable from higher spiritual realm. And some of these spiritualists capable of advanced positive use of their knowledge rather hide and, when suitable to them, negatively deploy that knowledge.
The difference between an individual DNA's and Spiritual Charts is that whereas investigators, scientists and medical experts require an individual's DNA to successfully link him to a crime,convict him, analyse or develope appropriate cure for his medical requirments, spiritualists need only one persons spiritual chart to successfully analyse him, link up with members of his family or friends and carry out spiritual activities in his life and the lives of these other relatives.
One danger to the nonchalant attitude of governments to the activities of spiritualists and spiritual operatives is that, whereas most of them can easily slide into spiritual terrorism, not every one of them understands how to reverse their actions. For example, when a spiritualist goes into warfare against rivals, he feels the urge to invoke and manipulate as many spiritual forces as he can lay his hand on. But, after the war, most of them lack the knowledge necessary to send those spirits back to where they were. The result is that, the spirits remain in their present abode and with time, begin to cause problems for present inhabitants, who may not be aware of what took place. This is the reason why some properties are haunted and remain unoccupied, long after the perpetrator has left. He invoked them for his present use and was unable to appease and send them back.
So whereas every spiritualist can be a spiritual terrorist, not all spiritual terrorists are spiritualists. For a spiritualist should be able to, not just manipulate elemental and spiritual forces, but also appease them if need be and recall them, so that they don’t keep causing problems to humans. Spiritual operators are patrons who visit spiritualists either to lay complaints or to collect portions for protection or attack.
Since the spiritual environment is so influential to our physical environment and survival, it does seem extremely disirable that more serious attention is paid to individual’s `spiritual rights’, as part of their human rights. For where is an our civil rights if our spiritual rights have been denied? How can we love, marry and achieve carreer goals, if our rights to do these can be denied spiritually? Governments have granted and given legal protection to our civil rights but neglected our spiritual rights, leaving them in the hands of spiritualists, who can deny and abuse them with relish at their convenience.
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