How often do you make out time to really care about issues and events in your life? How often do you take time out to ask questions about experiences and why you have them? How often do you spend time to think about the meaning of life?
When Martin Luther King made the opening quote to this topic, he meant to highlight issues we should all take a bit more seriously. Do you just go with the flow or do you take moment to say, `wait, am I still on my chosen or desired route?' Having a chosen route means that you have taken time out to look at, examine, analyze, pick out and arrange (organize) several courses of action in a way that, as you implement them, a deviation will be easily noticed and appropriate correction made. This is called organisation and control and they are far-reaching.
Take for example self-control; once your behavior begins to affect others' feelings, it is time for review and adjustment. You would have stopped `living’ the day you ignore it or fail to take action. The food we eat, our living conditions, jobs and sources of income, loved ones and close relationships are all things that impact on our lives and, over which we must give serious thought and care.
As human beings, God made us with rights and privileges. It is a privilege to be born (some babies don’t make it out of the womb). It is also a privilege to see (remember that some are born blind). On the other hand, of all the rights that we claim, it is important to this blog to underscore our rights to enquire and know or understand the components of mankind. So when you pray, ask for the spirit of discernment and power of imagination, it is within your right.
God made mankind in His own image and likeness. God is spirit but gave mankind two natures (components) – physical and spiritual. To help understanding, we must draw inference from our immediate environment and liken man to his own creation – the computer, which runs on a combination of `hardware and software’. Both components are important and interdependent.
The spirit is to our body what the Operating System software is to the computer. The computer software communicates with and implements our instructions to the hardware which then processes and brings out the result. Similarly, the human spirit is a control mechanism. At its best, it discerns, discovers warns and sometimes restricts or prevents us from danger. You can therefore, rather fittingly, say that, as the software controls the hardware, and the spirit controls our body, the spirit is like a shadow, which drives the individual rather than follows him. Therefore, "Like your computer, your body is the hardware, your spirit, the software". And like we issue instructions into the computer through the software, God talks to us, through our inner being, the spirit.
But if we could easily understand the spirit and the body as discussed above, what I found rather revealing and shocking is that the spirit can be copied. Spiritual cloning is sometimes called `Duplicity’ or `Multiplicity’.
Did you know that the human spirit can be copied? And that it can be transplanted? I found out to my shock that this was a reality.
In mystics, `duplicity’ refers to the `copying and transplanting’ of a human spirit into another human so that both (duplicate and original) behave in the same way no matter their locations. Not only can this be done, the spirit from the `original’, can also be replicated into three or more individuals, so that all those with that `copy spirit’ do exactly what the individual with the `original’ would do. This is one place where your ability to discern is in demand. When an `original spirit’ is replicated into different people, it is called `multiciplicity’.
Duplicity forces all individuals with the `copy spirits’ to behave totally out of character. They may not know what is happening but they cannot help themselves. Duplicity is done with advanced manipulation techniques, including powerful spells, so that the targets find themselves saying `yes’ where they would normally have said `no’. Of course, they would be saying yes along the lines designed by the `replicating authority’.
To Christians, this is not just absurd but almost objectionable and unacceptable. No matter, it is true. I found that out during my sojourn in the `wilderness’. My torturer had embarked on the most elaborate spiritual displays ever to get me to believe and obey whatever he says, including that he was the next man to God.
Duplicity may serve the need of Mystics, but in my opinion, it is so wrong because, if it is not reversed, those human targets would have been altered forever. They have been infused with a different spirit from what they had and their roots may have also been affected.
But can we tell when `duplicity’ is happening? Usually the person under torture will know because he will be told. On my part, I was forced to observe this because I was determined to share my knowledge. It took months and years of observing and receiving spiritual instructions, analyzing and trying to prove it.
I have clamored and now actually campaigning to urge every victim of spiritual torture to speak out. So many victims exist all around us, even in our religious centres of worship like the churches and mosques.
Spiritual terrorists are people who understand and actually communicate with spiritual and elemental forces and who misuse them to cause death or affliction to people. To read more about spiritual terrorists, move further down the blog.
The way to survive spiritual torture is not to keep quiet and withdraw into your shell. People will think you are mad and send you to a psychiatric centre, where you may be wrongly diagnosed. If you know anyone who suffers from spiritual torture, lend them a hand and encourage them to speak out.
If he/she tells you about dreams and instructions, they are under spiritual terrorist attack.
If your close or loved ones are under spiritual torture, here is what you should do at the first instance:
. Be prepared to be patient with their unending accounts and fearful confessions
. Get them to speak out as often as they get those voice or dream instructions
. Encourage them not to believe those instructions
. Help them to resist the temptation to do those things they are being told
. Encourage them to make negating comments as soon as those voices or dreams come.
. Get them to write those things down if they can and
. Get them to make a formal statement to the authorities, like the social services or local councils.
. If they know who is torturing them, or suspect someone, encourage them to say so
. Contact CAST (Coalition Against Spiritual Terrorism) through me:
Email: bobbyblackberry@yahoo.co.uk.
UNMASKED Welcomes your view!
Please feel free to contact me.
Email: bobbyblackberry@yahoo.co.uk
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