"Emotion Is A Handicap In Any Field" - {{MYKE TYSON, 1988}}
I have often wondered why it is difficult for victims of spiritual terrorism to speak out. In the majority of cases, even those who understand their complaints ask victims disarming questions such as, “how are you going to convince the authorities that a certain person is responsible for your woes”? Or they ask "how can you prove it?"
My friend, CY Eziamaka was tormented for several years after he discovered that much of the prophecies given by their church pastor failed to materialise and began asking “why?”. While he was in the so-called wilderness, he lost his car, his house and all his money. The church failed to support him. Instead, the pastor was quick to offer him air ticket to return back home. While CY did not name the pastor as his tormentor, he knew that his problem emanated from his relationship with that church to which he donated several thousands of pounds and a church Bus. The church failed him despite donating generously. CY concluded that God was a liar and that all messages prophesied by the pastor were all lies.
Mr Tony Debele was known to avoid everybody at work and to often swear to seemingly imaginary foes. While he often withdrew into his shell, he never failed to recognise the voices of his pastor “lying” to the entire congregation and deploying forces to come and haunt him. In return, he often swore back threatening his enemies. This in turn caused him further alienation from friends and colleagues. Tony’s problems also had link to his church and pastor. He never failed to tell people that his pastor was trying to kill him.
But wait! Just why is spiritual terrorism gaining firm roots in religion these days? Are religion and atheism mixing into one? It used to be common knowledge that non-believers felt free to seek and subscribe to powers for their protections and, when necessary, counter attack.
Among Christians, the Bible teaches that Christ denounced such powers and other occult practices, which were capable of derailing and drawing people away from God. Christ’s teachings, as contained in the New Testament became the guide for good Christian living, even as He did not condemn the teachings of the Old Testament (Math 5:17: Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil).
The subject of spiritual terrorism often elicits fears among a lot of people for strange reasons.
But it is important that victims are encouraged to speak out, otherwise even available help could elude them. The authorities must play a more reassuring role by recognising that alongside an individual’s civil rights must be his spiritual rights, and take steps to protect both rights from abuse.
My Spiritual Rights campaign stems from my experience as a victim of spiritual terrorism during which, my own Pastor took liberties over me and exposed me to the most horrendous spiritual abuse imaginable. I have been speaking out and even though he is seemingly in hiding, an interest by the relevant authorities can smoke him out and encourage several other victims of this evil pastor to come out and speak up.
Have I Been Right All Along?
A recent X-Ray scan revealed that a Brazilian boy had up to 50 sewing needles stuck inside of his body. To compound the woes of his parents, medical doctors said they believed that the needles were stuck, one by one, into the child’s body and not swallowed. The sort of belief, which obviously, insults common sense.
How could 50 needles be stuck into a boy, one by one, and he would not tell his parents? Even if the needles were manually inserted, how could two have managed to end up dangerously close to his heart? To solve the dilemma of victims of spiritual terrorism, the authorities must demonstrate a willingness to listen to and not dismiss or ignore outrightly, the existence of this evil practice that derails lives, destroys relationships, wrecks organisations and kills people. Furthermore, the authorities must be willing and ready to act by investigating and carrying out arrests where a suspect has been named. This sort of proactive stance on the subject will encourage other victims, who have been suffering in silence, to speak out.
My elder sister has been a victim and I witnessed the sorry state that spiritual terrorists put her through, when they shot 62 pieces of broken glasses into her body in December 2008.
The Brazilian authorities deserve worldwide recognition and praise for the speedy way in which they stepped in, investigated and arrested Roberto Carlos Magalhaes, the identified suspect who has since confessed to using voodoo means to shoot those needles into the body of that little kid. This demonstrates that if governments are willing to give spiritual terrorism a bit more attention, and to promulgate laws to check the activities of perpetrators, deterrence and prosecutions might well combine to save lives and careers.
Wednesday, 23 December 2009
Wednesday, 1 July 2009
What is Spiritual Terrorism?
In its simple form, spiritual terrorism can be defined as a deliberate, premeditated act by which physical human beings use physically unobservable means to manipulate elemental and spiritual forces in order to cause physically observable destructions. These destructions include the termination of lives, dissolution of relationships which can lead to marriage breakdowns, destruction of careers, collapse of institutions and corporate organisations. Spiritual Terrorism is an evil, unleashed by batrayers who set people and society backwards through the deliberate and rabid misuse, misapplication and deployment of spiritual knowledge. In this Blog, my goal is to show that Spiritual Terrorism and Conventional Terrorism are two faces of the same coin - evil. I believe they deserve equal recognition and treatment. Never again should spiritual terrorists be ignored.
Can Spiritual Terrorists Manipulate Individuals as well?
Spiritual terrorists can manipulate individuals, especially when they are unsuspecting. And they manipulate elemental or spiritual forces as well. Spiritual terrorists can attend meetings being held by physical human beings and in so doing, they can influence the speeches, opinions and decisions of other members physically present and, indeed, the physical outcome of the meeting. They may do that to buy time for themselves if time is running out on them or simply for other selfish goals. They can also despatch spirits into other individuals and through that, influence their behaviour and public outlook. It is not uncommon for a person under the influence of a spiritual terrorist to recover afterwards and have unclear memory of what he had said, done or agreed to earlier. One woman was in possession by these spirits as whe drove around town, show her perssenger places and making comments which, when crossexamined later, she denied with apology.
Can Spiritual Terrorists manipulate everybody?
Spiritual Terrorists can manipulate some people sometime, but may not be able to manipulate everybody at the same time. A spiritual terrorist can manipulate anybody who is of interest to them at a particular point in time.
Experienced spiritual terrorists of high ranks can actually leave their physical body and assume a spirit body, making it possible for them to travel far and wide and to attend meetings of interest. It also makes it possible for them to foreclose and stall events because having the capability to assume spirit body; they then simply install their spirit being into others and decide the outcome suitable for them. The physical result therefore becomes one that will be to their favour.
How Far Can A Spiritual Terrorist Go?
A Spiritual Terrorist can go as far as and as long as it is necessary for them to achieve their evil objectives. The spiritually hatch an individual to death and then physically watch relatives shed tears for their loss. A spiritual terrorist can maintain sustained and consistent attacks on target interests. For them, it is about the display of spiritual power. And unfortunate, spiritual terrorists are heartless. They operate with a `two edged’ sword – their attacks are destructive and their subtle suggestions are also aimed at wasting your time, to their advantage; or to hand you over to another spiritual terrorist or a physical enemy so that attention is diverted from them. Once a spiritual terrorist starts attacking, the victim is made their personal `prisoner’. There can be no merciful release of their victims, except they are releasing him to physical bondage or to another predator. A Spiritual Terrorist can even brain wash his victims and make him look stupid in public as he struggles to remember what he knows to well.
Would You Agree That Jesus Christ Was A Spiritual Terrorist?
I would say that Jesus Christ was not a Spiritual Terrorist even though he caused the Fig Tree to wither (Matthew 21:19; Mark 10:52&11:14). But I cannot help wondering what environmentalist would say to anyone who causes a tree to wither these days. Jesus Christ never dissolved any marriage and there was no biblical account linking him to the death of any human. On the contrary, he healed the sick (Matthew 8:3&13) and raised the dead (Matthew 9:25).
Would You Say That Prophet Elijah Was A Spiritual Terrorist?
My spirit still revolts till this day each time I remember the biblical account of Prophet Elijah commanding a beast to emerge from the bush and devour 50 young children, and I think that had he done it in this generation, he would surely have had to answer a few questions. Because Israel was a nation ruled by Judges, prophet Elijah exercise his knowledge and got away with it.
Who is An Authority Figure?
Simply defined, an Authority Figure is a person in a position of authority. But in spirituality an authority figure is a Spiritual Figure in a position of authority. Some spiritualists have the capability to assume out-of-body image and can reach their targets, give their messages or warning or cause the destruction for which they came. Spiritualists as Authority Figures can perform enormous spiritual exploits. They can create conditions spiritually and authorise their physical manifestation. They make and break laws spiritually. They have extreme spiritual mobility making it possible for them to travel across countries and continents, never restricted by boundary or borders. This is called spirit surfing. As countries have the physical rulers, every city and indeed country have their spiritual rulers who apear as Authority Figures. Not all spiritual authority figures have the appearance of physical beings. Though some appear as humans in dreams, they are much more in the spirit world, which is why spiritualist subscribe to them and obtain permission to operate in thier areas of influence. Some spiritual authority figures, take the form of beasts or strong and agressive reptiles like pyton or crocodiles. More powerful spiritual authority figures sometimes take the form of hybrid personality such as half human and half animal.
Can A Spiritual Terrorist Bring Down Institutions?
Spiritual terrorists can bring down organisations. Every organisation has a problem and that is why organisations are managed. A spiritual terrorist simply peers into the `fabrics’ of the organisations, locates its weak points and amplifies the problem, the organisation collapses. The weak point of an organisation can be its human resources, or technology, or finance, or its relationships with its host community.
What is Conventional Terrorism?
I used `conventional terrorism’ to describe what everybody calls terrorism and to separate it from spiritual terrorism.
Who is a Spiritual Terrorist?
Contrary to its name, a Spiritual Terrorist is not a spirit but a physical being who understands how to manipulate elemental and spiritual beings. These could be our blood relatives, or neighbours who marry, make love and make babies like everyone else. Spiritual terrorists also use their skill on their target ladies. They can kill, stagnate careers, destroy relationships and manipulate others destinies. They can afflict other with dangerous diseases. It is my belief that Spiritual Terrorists deserve equal treatment as given to their conventional counterpart.
Is Satan a Spiritual Terrorist?
Satan is anything but a spiritual terrorist, although he is very often wrongly accused. Satan can be a dream criminal, dream invader, dream thief, dream hooligan, but not a Spiritual Terrorist, because `terrorism' is an action of man. Satan is a spirit being and this attribue alone, disqualifies him. Besides, his agents are the other elemental and spiritual beings that are manipulable. Satan’s objective is simply to attend churches with Christians, mosques with Muslims and other temples searching people’s hearts to find faults. He then goes to God to get permission to write the persons name in the book of hell. Satan has no pleasure in torturing people, killings, and stagnation of careers or marriages. Once Satan succeeds in teaching a couple how to cheat on each other, it derives no pleasure in disturbing them further. All these tortures and suffering, killings, stagnations, and afflictions that cause humans physical aches are afflictions unleashed by fellow humans whose cowardice cannot allow them to approach individuals physically, so they hide under the cover of the spiritual.
Who are Victims of Spiritual Terrorism?
Victims of Spiritual Terrorism are all humans who are going through one affliction or the other. Or whose relatives have been killed off by spiritual terrorists. It also refers to all those who have been unfairly dismissed from their jobs through the wicked manipulations and evil activities of fellow humans. Anyone can also be a victim. The only crime you need to commit is knowingly or unknowingly cross physical path with people who understand how to manipulate spiritual and elemental forces. Some of them have acquired undeserved promotions. Spiritual terrorists are heartless and unfaithfully, wicked and spitefully envious of others.
Is Spiritual Terrorism similar to Conventional Terrorism?
Spiritual terrorism is not similar to conventional terrorism and is the opposite of the later, but the product of their activities can be similarly devastating. Both are capable of afflicting painful suffering on their victims; both are heartless; both are covert in their planning and execution; both are subjective in their reasoning. Both deserve equal treatment.
How Can a Spiritual Terrorist Break or Spoil a Relationship?
Breaking up relationships is one of the easiest that spiritual terrorists can perform. One of the ways these evildoers break-up relationships is by spiritually exchanging the organ of the male and fixing another screwdriver-like organ. So instead of the girl enjoying sex, she receives extreme hurt and pain. The so-called emotional attachment is therefore instantly broken. Spiritual terrorists can also abuse a lady and make her say yes to the various men who approach her. In the process, her supposed suitor would lose interest as a result of loss of pride and trust. A spiritual terrorist can also send a spirit female to go and kiss a man in his dream, effectively causing a break-up of his physical marriage.
What is Spiritual Deactivation?
Spiritual deactivation refers to a state where a physical being has been rendered spiritually inactive, so much so that his services produce no desirable result compared to before. Spiritual deactivation is used by higher authorities in spiritual war faire, the stronger wins. A higher authority who embarks on spiritual terrorist activity but encounter’s resistance sometimes resorts to spiritual deactivation before taking their victim hostage.
In its simple form, spiritual terrorism can be defined as a deliberate, premeditated act by which physical human beings use physically unobservable means to manipulate elemental and spiritual forces in order to cause physically observable destructions. These destructions include the termination of lives, dissolution of relationships which can lead to marriage breakdowns, destruction of careers, collapse of institutions and corporate organisations. Spiritual Terrorism is an evil, unleashed by batrayers who set people and society backwards through the deliberate and rabid misuse, misapplication and deployment of spiritual knowledge. In this Blog, my goal is to show that Spiritual Terrorism and Conventional Terrorism are two faces of the same coin - evil. I believe they deserve equal recognition and treatment. Never again should spiritual terrorists be ignored.
Can Spiritual Terrorists Manipulate Individuals as well?
Spiritual terrorists can manipulate individuals, especially when they are unsuspecting. And they manipulate elemental or spiritual forces as well. Spiritual terrorists can attend meetings being held by physical human beings and in so doing, they can influence the speeches, opinions and decisions of other members physically present and, indeed, the physical outcome of the meeting. They may do that to buy time for themselves if time is running out on them or simply for other selfish goals. They can also despatch spirits into other individuals and through that, influence their behaviour and public outlook. It is not uncommon for a person under the influence of a spiritual terrorist to recover afterwards and have unclear memory of what he had said, done or agreed to earlier. One woman was in possession by these spirits as whe drove around town, show her perssenger places and making comments which, when crossexamined later, she denied with apology.
Can Spiritual Terrorists manipulate everybody?
Spiritual Terrorists can manipulate some people sometime, but may not be able to manipulate everybody at the same time. A spiritual terrorist can manipulate anybody who is of interest to them at a particular point in time.
Experienced spiritual terrorists of high ranks can actually leave their physical body and assume a spirit body, making it possible for them to travel far and wide and to attend meetings of interest. It also makes it possible for them to foreclose and stall events because having the capability to assume spirit body; they then simply install their spirit being into others and decide the outcome suitable for them. The physical result therefore becomes one that will be to their favour.
How Far Can A Spiritual Terrorist Go?
A Spiritual Terrorist can go as far as and as long as it is necessary for them to achieve their evil objectives. The spiritually hatch an individual to death and then physically watch relatives shed tears for their loss. A spiritual terrorist can maintain sustained and consistent attacks on target interests. For them, it is about the display of spiritual power. And unfortunate, spiritual terrorists are heartless. They operate with a `two edged’ sword – their attacks are destructive and their subtle suggestions are also aimed at wasting your time, to their advantage; or to hand you over to another spiritual terrorist or a physical enemy so that attention is diverted from them. Once a spiritual terrorist starts attacking, the victim is made their personal `prisoner’. There can be no merciful release of their victims, except they are releasing him to physical bondage or to another predator. A Spiritual Terrorist can even brain wash his victims and make him look stupid in public as he struggles to remember what he knows to well.
Would You Agree That Jesus Christ Was A Spiritual Terrorist?
I would say that Jesus Christ was not a Spiritual Terrorist even though he caused the Fig Tree to wither (Matthew 21:19; Mark 10:52&11:14). But I cannot help wondering what environmentalist would say to anyone who causes a tree to wither these days. Jesus Christ never dissolved any marriage and there was no biblical account linking him to the death of any human. On the contrary, he healed the sick (Matthew 8:3&13) and raised the dead (Matthew 9:25).
Would You Say That Prophet Elijah Was A Spiritual Terrorist?
My spirit still revolts till this day each time I remember the biblical account of Prophet Elijah commanding a beast to emerge from the bush and devour 50 young children, and I think that had he done it in this generation, he would surely have had to answer a few questions. Because Israel was a nation ruled by Judges, prophet Elijah exercise his knowledge and got away with it.
Who is An Authority Figure?
Simply defined, an Authority Figure is a person in a position of authority. But in spirituality an authority figure is a Spiritual Figure in a position of authority. Some spiritualists have the capability to assume out-of-body image and can reach their targets, give their messages or warning or cause the destruction for which they came. Spiritualists as Authority Figures can perform enormous spiritual exploits. They can create conditions spiritually and authorise their physical manifestation. They make and break laws spiritually. They have extreme spiritual mobility making it possible for them to travel across countries and continents, never restricted by boundary or borders. This is called spirit surfing. As countries have the physical rulers, every city and indeed country have their spiritual rulers who apear as Authority Figures. Not all spiritual authority figures have the appearance of physical beings. Though some appear as humans in dreams, they are much more in the spirit world, which is why spiritualist subscribe to them and obtain permission to operate in thier areas of influence. Some spiritual authority figures, take the form of beasts or strong and agressive reptiles like pyton or crocodiles. More powerful spiritual authority figures sometimes take the form of hybrid personality such as half human and half animal.
Can A Spiritual Terrorist Bring Down Institutions?
Spiritual terrorists can bring down organisations. Every organisation has a problem and that is why organisations are managed. A spiritual terrorist simply peers into the `fabrics’ of the organisations, locates its weak points and amplifies the problem, the organisation collapses. The weak point of an organisation can be its human resources, or technology, or finance, or its relationships with its host community.
What is Conventional Terrorism?
I used `conventional terrorism’ to describe what everybody calls terrorism and to separate it from spiritual terrorism.
Who is a Spiritual Terrorist?
Contrary to its name, a Spiritual Terrorist is not a spirit but a physical being who understands how to manipulate elemental and spiritual beings. These could be our blood relatives, or neighbours who marry, make love and make babies like everyone else. Spiritual terrorists also use their skill on their target ladies. They can kill, stagnate careers, destroy relationships and manipulate others destinies. They can afflict other with dangerous diseases. It is my belief that Spiritual Terrorists deserve equal treatment as given to their conventional counterpart.
Is Satan a Spiritual Terrorist?
Satan is anything but a spiritual terrorist, although he is very often wrongly accused. Satan can be a dream criminal, dream invader, dream thief, dream hooligan, but not a Spiritual Terrorist, because `terrorism' is an action of man. Satan is a spirit being and this attribue alone, disqualifies him. Besides, his agents are the other elemental and spiritual beings that are manipulable. Satan’s objective is simply to attend churches with Christians, mosques with Muslims and other temples searching people’s hearts to find faults. He then goes to God to get permission to write the persons name in the book of hell. Satan has no pleasure in torturing people, killings, and stagnation of careers or marriages. Once Satan succeeds in teaching a couple how to cheat on each other, it derives no pleasure in disturbing them further. All these tortures and suffering, killings, stagnations, and afflictions that cause humans physical aches are afflictions unleashed by fellow humans whose cowardice cannot allow them to approach individuals physically, so they hide under the cover of the spiritual.
Who are Victims of Spiritual Terrorism?
Victims of Spiritual Terrorism are all humans who are going through one affliction or the other. Or whose relatives have been killed off by spiritual terrorists. It also refers to all those who have been unfairly dismissed from their jobs through the wicked manipulations and evil activities of fellow humans. Anyone can also be a victim. The only crime you need to commit is knowingly or unknowingly cross physical path with people who understand how to manipulate spiritual and elemental forces. Some of them have acquired undeserved promotions. Spiritual terrorists are heartless and unfaithfully, wicked and spitefully envious of others.
Is Spiritual Terrorism similar to Conventional Terrorism?
Spiritual terrorism is not similar to conventional terrorism and is the opposite of the later, but the product of their activities can be similarly devastating. Both are capable of afflicting painful suffering on their victims; both are heartless; both are covert in their planning and execution; both are subjective in their reasoning. Both deserve equal treatment.
How Can a Spiritual Terrorist Break or Spoil a Relationship?
Breaking up relationships is one of the easiest that spiritual terrorists can perform. One of the ways these evildoers break-up relationships is by spiritually exchanging the organ of the male and fixing another screwdriver-like organ. So instead of the girl enjoying sex, she receives extreme hurt and pain. The so-called emotional attachment is therefore instantly broken. Spiritual terrorists can also abuse a lady and make her say yes to the various men who approach her. In the process, her supposed suitor would lose interest as a result of loss of pride and trust. A spiritual terrorist can also send a spirit female to go and kiss a man in his dream, effectively causing a break-up of his physical marriage.
What is Spiritual Deactivation?
Spiritual deactivation refers to a state where a physical being has been rendered spiritually inactive, so much so that his services produce no desirable result compared to before. Spiritual deactivation is used by higher authorities in spiritual war faire, the stronger wins. A higher authority who embarks on spiritual terrorist activity but encounter’s resistance sometimes resorts to spiritual deactivation before taking their victim hostage.
Thursday, 14 May 2009
Spiritual Terrorism is a premeditated action of manipulating elemental and spiritual forces for the destruction of the cherished ideals of mankind. It leaves the victim confused and wishing to die.
It includes all actions, by individuals more knowledgeable on spiritual issues, aimed at destroying positive human values including careers, relationships, lives and structures or inanimate objects.
In my reply to Col. Metzger’s article on Spiritual Terrorism (please see Recognizing the Real Spiritual Terrorist), I attempted to show how easily, we make the mistake of siting Ephesians 6:12 which says, "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places". In subsequent articles since then (Please visit UNMASKED: http://unmaskedreview.blogspot.com), I have tried to demonstrate, with readily understandable inferences, the gravity, similarity, further definitions and styles of spiritual terrorism.
A member of my audience once asked me, `why is it that you insist that Satan and his Agents are not the Spiritual Terrorists?’. My answer, as I have tried to offer all along, was that Satan, the unseen ruler of this world, already knows his fate and with that in mind, has one pre-occupation which is to cause as many people as possible to commit sin and be condemned to hell fire as well. He tries to achieve his objective by using his loyal spirits, known better as agents of Satan.
However, to be qualified for condemnation, you only need to commit sin, not to suffer consistent financial losses, marriage instability, collapse of institutions, including organisations, isolation, spiritual deactivation (which is a clear violation of peoples Spiritual Rights), death, public disgrace etc. No. Not that. The consequences of sin is eternal death (God said "…behold all soul is mine…the soul that sinneth, it shall die Ezekiel 18.4), - a withdrawal of your right to commune with the Holy Order (God, Jesus, Holy Spirit) after death. A total cut-off or separation from God.
Yet, even then, an individual’s punishment is deferred till death. The bible says, in the New Testament "…it is appointed unto man, once to die but after this, the judgement" (Heb.9.27). Also, the Old Testament confirms that the judgment is God’s (Det.1.17) Needless to point out that the judgement referred to here is that for eternal life. In order words, a person is supposed to remain unjudged until death. Furthermore, this means that man, at creation, was given his freedom, known as free Agency.
I have since argued that Conventional Terrorism and Spiritual Terrorism deserve equal treatment, in so far as Terrorism represents an act whose proof is contingent upon the underlying intention. So, then why do we ignore Spiritual Terrorists but prosecute their conventional counterpart?
Now, in consonance with God’s Word, everyone will be judged on `how’ and `why’ he has used his given freedom while on earth. So then, Satan and his agents "roam the earth (Job 1.7)", seeking whom to deceive, but not to torture. By extension, one can conclude that Satan does not even want anyone to suffer on earth and go to haven at death. Instead, he wants to see people enjoy here on earth and join him in hell at death. Satan was not happy when Lazarus died as he joined the Saints (Moses), but he was happy when the rich man died, because he joined him in hell. So then, having understood what Satan wants and what he does, it is fitting to insist that they are not the spiritual terrorists.
In a discussion with a friend last night, we agreed that when God created man, he created all of us equal. But man introduced inequality, in a desire to be more respected than others. The bible says that the heart of man is "deceitful" above all things, and "desperately wicked" (Jer.17.9). Therefore, man’s heart and his innate abilities and talents so became his undoing, guiding and driving us to explore the hitherto unknown. In the process, man discovered that these, otherwise idle, elemental forces can be exploited. As they researched and discovered how to communicate with them, spiritual terrorism soon became unavoidable. You can now connect the above definition to this phenomenon. At present, it comes in different forms and dimension (what type do you know?).
Spiritual Terrorism can be used as ballistic, continental and inter-continental missiles, a devastating weapon of mass carnage and destruction of careers, relationships and even institutions. And worse, unlike the conventional terrorists, in the event of a need for cross-boundary, international or inter-continental activities, spiritual terrorists require no visa. Luckily however, the war on terror is a war backed-up with and enjoying international co-operation and battle.
In the event that governments decide to do something against this malaise, the identification and conviction of Spiritual Terrorists should face only little or minimal difficulty.
What do you think?
UNMASKED welcomes your view!
Visit: http://unmaskedreview.blogspot.com/
In a discussion with a friend last night, we agreed that when God created man, he created all of us equal. But man introduced inequality, in a desire to be more respected than others. The bible says that the heart of man is "deceitful" above all things, and "desperately wicked" (Jer.17.9). Therefore, man’s heart and his innate abilities and talents so became his undoing, guiding and driving us to explore the hitherto unknown. In the process, man discovered that these, otherwise idle, elemental forces can be exploited. As they researched and discovered how to communicate with them, spiritual terrorism soon became unavoidable. You can now connect the above definition to this phenomenon. At present, it comes in different forms and dimension (what type do you know?).
Spiritual Terrorism can be used as ballistic, continental and inter-continental missiles, a devastating weapon of mass carnage and destruction of careers, relationships and even institutions. And worse, unlike the conventional terrorists, in the event of a need for cross-boundary, international or inter-continental activities, spiritual terrorists require no visa. Luckily however, the war on terror is a war backed-up with and enjoying international co-operation and battle.
In the event that governments decide to do something against this malaise, the identification and conviction of Spiritual Terrorists should face only little or minimal difficulty.
What do you think?
UNMASKED welcomes your view!
Visit: http://unmaskedreview.blogspot.com/
Friday, 8 May 2009
As I have said before, simply defined, Spiritual Terrorism, is a human activity of manipulating elemental and spiritual forces for the destruction of lives, relationships, careers and or structures. It can be used to destroy animate and inanimate targets. A victim is alive but feels restrictred all round. Spiritual bondage, is the worst thing that can happen to mankind. This is why we must claim, assert and defend our Spiritual Rights. There is no other way to claim our freedom from fellow men.
Like conventional terrorism, spiritual terrorism is a premeditated action of man. Spiritual terrorists possess the same choleric characteristics found in their conventional counterparts. But mostly, unlike their these lots, spiritual terrorists are more pretentious, deceitful and cunning.
Conventional terrorists have been predominantly muslim. By contrast, spiritual terrorists are predominantly christians.
Atheists and traditional worshippers sometimes also embark on spiritual terrorism. But of the numerous feeder faiths, christianity supplies the most devastating spiritual terrorists.
Spiritual terrorists are traceable, proveable and, therefore, prosecutable.
Spiritual terrorists are human beings, with flesh and blood, who are born, like every other person among us. Who go to school, play, marry, have children and grow old and die, like everyone else. Like the conventional terrorist.
Satan is not the spiritual terrorist. The Elemental forces are not the spiritual terrorists. The individuals who discover their locations and the best ways to communicate and manipulate them and who use them according to need are the spiritual terrorists.
It is not true that the `spiritual' controls the `physical'. On the contrary, the `physical' controls the `spiritual'.
The only overriding spiritual order is the Divine Order and this Order gives us free agency.
There is only one Almighty God. But there are several gods, including humans.
Human beings abused their free agency, introducing inequality due to greed and ego - a rabid desire to `show who is boss'.
The so called Dream criminals are not spiritual terrorists, they are simply, the elemental forces being misused.
The misapplication of spiritual knowledge is a form of spiritual terrorism depending on the motive.
Spiritual Terrorism is a dangerous reality.
If you now feel convinced that this horrendous experience deserves some attention, please do not hesitate any further. Joine the Campaign.
The Coalition Against Spiritual Terrorism is an organisation formed with the objective of lobbying the relevant authorities to do something about the menace. We need 1million signatures to forward to the United Nations so that they can widen the Laws on Terror to include Spiritual Terrorism. Can we achieve this? Yes, we can! It only requires time and effort. But we can use the help of people like you.
What do you think?
Like conventional terrorism, spiritual terrorism is a premeditated action of man. Spiritual terrorists possess the same choleric characteristics found in their conventional counterparts. But mostly, unlike their these lots, spiritual terrorists are more pretentious, deceitful and cunning.
Conventional terrorists have been predominantly muslim. By contrast, spiritual terrorists are predominantly christians.
Atheists and traditional worshippers sometimes also embark on spiritual terrorism. But of the numerous feeder faiths, christianity supplies the most devastating spiritual terrorists.
Spiritual terrorists are traceable, proveable and, therefore, prosecutable.
Spiritual terrorists are human beings, with flesh and blood, who are born, like every other person among us. Who go to school, play, marry, have children and grow old and die, like everyone else. Like the conventional terrorist.
Satan is not the spiritual terrorist. The Elemental forces are not the spiritual terrorists. The individuals who discover their locations and the best ways to communicate and manipulate them and who use them according to need are the spiritual terrorists.
It is not true that the `spiritual' controls the `physical'. On the contrary, the `physical' controls the `spiritual'.
The only overriding spiritual order is the Divine Order and this Order gives us free agency.
There is only one Almighty God. But there are several gods, including humans.
Human beings abused their free agency, introducing inequality due to greed and ego - a rabid desire to `show who is boss'.
The so called Dream criminals are not spiritual terrorists, they are simply, the elemental forces being misused.
The misapplication of spiritual knowledge is a form of spiritual terrorism depending on the motive.
Spiritual Terrorism is a dangerous reality.
If you now feel convinced that this horrendous experience deserves some attention, please do not hesitate any further. Joine the Campaign.
The Coalition Against Spiritual Terrorism is an organisation formed with the objective of lobbying the relevant authorities to do something about the menace. We need 1million signatures to forward to the United Nations so that they can widen the Laws on Terror to include Spiritual Terrorism. Can we achieve this? Yes, we can! It only requires time and effort. But we can use the help of people like you.
What do you think?
Share your views with us at: Email: bobbyblackberry@yahoo.co.uk.
Unmasked welcomes your view!
Monday, 4 May 2009
Often times, I have heard people say they are in pursuit of their rights to claim and assert their civil liberties. In the majority of cases, what they mean is the usual struggles with governments and quasi governmental organisations and other pressure groups with perceiveably different agendas. But how many of us have bothered to relate our civil liberties to our spiritual rights? What freedom is their if we claim the right of individuals to be born, to grow up, acquire education and aspire to any heights like everybody, but in reality find these `rights' denied us by the discreet manipulations of spiritually knowledgeable people?
How often have you felt as helpless as the woman above? You cry out and call out and no one hears you. At this moment, I can't help remembering Phill Collins' Lyrics
"She calls out to the man on the street
"Sir, can you help me"?
He stops, doesn't look back
He pretends he can't hear her
He started whistling as crosses the street
He can see she is still crying
Oh! Think twice!
Is there nothing anybody can do?"
Have we ever considered that for some of us the right to run up an escalator is a sheer illusion? Instead victims face an escalator that travels the opposite direction. No matter how loud and often they shout, these victims are not heared. The reason is that these spiritual terrorists clogged up their lives. For some of us who have found themselves in this category, our experience is no more than `utter stagnation', having been kept `swirling and gyrating' in the same spot, by these wicked folks. Still in most cases, we need to consider ourselves lucky if, in spite of all cruelty, we find our heads still hanging on our necks, our mouths still talking, our eyes still seeing and our brain still perceiving the beauty of God's creation.
Spiritual terrorism can deny a person the opportunity to perceive and communicate sense and beauty, it can suspend an individual in a hollow vacuum, keep him fixated to a situation akin to one trying to run up an escalator that travels the opposite direction. Spiritual terrorists can destroy structures, cause a most unimaginable devastation to lives, property and organisations, as well as relationships. It can wreck careers and reverse growth and development. Spiritual terrorism can set society backward faster than conventional terrorists.
Yet for all the danger and negativity that these click portent, they still go relatively unnoticed and, more importantly, unchallenged and generally unchecked. Conventional terrorists become internationally tracked as soon as they commit their crime. Worse, if they had crossed borders to perpetrate their evil, they face the full weight of the fury of nations who are in cooperation against terrorism. Strangely though, by contrast, spiritual terrorists have the capability to pass international boundaries as often as they wish and not just that, to commit the most heinous atrocities against identified targets in these countries and, to return back to base unchecked and unchallenged.
You may say, their activities cannot be proved, as has, often been insisted by some. But I tell you that, despite the fact that their actions can destroy structures and inanimate objects, spiritual terrorists rarely target them unless it will result in a direct setback and loss of some kind to humans. Often, their activities are geared towards destruction of human targets and their interests, making their tracking a lot easier. But the lack of legal frameworks to track and punish them is discouraging, on its own.
A spiritual terrorist can inflict marks on his victim, use such marks as handy tracking indicators to tell them about the individua'l s present or past location. To get to this point hawever, they would have established control over the victim's spiritual `chart', and take his life captive, making his resistance difficult. They can render him impotent. And they can also cripple, brain wash, render them dumb and intellectually hollow. They can alter his destiny, skew his ultimate direction, wreck his career or afflict him with a terminal illnes. Spiritual terrorists can make a person mere shadow of himself/herself. They can also cripple an organisation if their target has a stake in it. They can clog up the smooth running of institutions or mechanical devises if these are considered a hindrance to their ability to achieve their objectives over the life of their target victim.
Is their still a reason why we should delay any further in recognizing the danger they portend? I think the time is about more than right for something to be done. What about our spiritual rights? If you share our concern, support the effort of the Campaign Against Spiritual Terrorism (CAST-UK) now. Email: bobbyblackberry@yahoo.co.uk.
What do you think?
Unmasked welcomes your view!
Often times, I have heard people say they are in pursuit of their rights to claim and assert their civil liberties. In the majority of cases, what they mean is the usual struggles with governments and quasi governmental organisations and other pressure groups with perceiveably different agendas. But how many of us have bothered to relate our civil liberties to our spiritual rights? What freedom is their if we claim the right of individuals to be born, to grow up, acquire education and aspire to any heights like everybody, but in reality find these `rights' denied us by the discreet manipulations of spiritually knowledgeable people?
How often have you felt as helpless as the woman above? You cry out and call out and no one hears you. At this moment, I can't help remembering Phill Collins' Lyrics
"She calls out to the man on the street
"Sir, can you help me"?
He stops, doesn't look back
He pretends he can't hear her
He started whistling as crosses the street
He can see she is still crying
Oh! Think twice!
Is there nothing anybody can do?"
Have we ever considered that for some of us the right to run up an escalator is a sheer illusion? Instead victims face an escalator that travels the opposite direction. No matter how loud and often they shout, these victims are not heared. The reason is that these spiritual terrorists clogged up their lives. For some of us who have found themselves in this category, our experience is no more than `utter stagnation', having been kept `swirling and gyrating' in the same spot, by these wicked folks. Still in most cases, we need to consider ourselves lucky if, in spite of all cruelty, we find our heads still hanging on our necks, our mouths still talking, our eyes still seeing and our brain still perceiving the beauty of God's creation.
Spiritual terrorism can deny a person the opportunity to perceive and communicate sense and beauty, it can suspend an individual in a hollow vacuum, keep him fixated to a situation akin to one trying to run up an escalator that travels the opposite direction. Spiritual terrorists can destroy structures, cause a most unimaginable devastation to lives, property and organisations, as well as relationships. It can wreck careers and reverse growth and development. Spiritual terrorism can set society backward faster than conventional terrorists.
Yet for all the danger and negativity that these click portent, they still go relatively unnoticed and, more importantly, unchallenged and generally unchecked. Conventional terrorists become internationally tracked as soon as they commit their crime. Worse, if they had crossed borders to perpetrate their evil, they face the full weight of the fury of nations who are in cooperation against terrorism. Strangely though, by contrast, spiritual terrorists have the capability to pass international boundaries as often as they wish and not just that, to commit the most heinous atrocities against identified targets in these countries and, to return back to base unchecked and unchallenged.
You may say, their activities cannot be proved, as has, often been insisted by some. But I tell you that, despite the fact that their actions can destroy structures and inanimate objects, spiritual terrorists rarely target them unless it will result in a direct setback and loss of some kind to humans. Often, their activities are geared towards destruction of human targets and their interests, making their tracking a lot easier. But the lack of legal frameworks to track and punish them is discouraging, on its own.
A spiritual terrorist can inflict marks on his victim, use such marks as handy tracking indicators to tell them about the individua'l s present or past location. To get to this point hawever, they would have established control over the victim's spiritual `chart', and take his life captive, making his resistance difficult. They can render him impotent. And they can also cripple, brain wash, render them dumb and intellectually hollow. They can alter his destiny, skew his ultimate direction, wreck his career or afflict him with a terminal illnes. Spiritual terrorists can make a person mere shadow of himself/herself. They can also cripple an organisation if their target has a stake in it. They can clog up the smooth running of institutions or mechanical devises if these are considered a hindrance to their ability to achieve their objectives over the life of their target victim.
Is their still a reason why we should delay any further in recognizing the danger they portend? I think the time is about more than right for something to be done. What about our spiritual rights? If you share our concern, support the effort of the Campaign Against Spiritual Terrorism (CAST-UK) now. Email: bobbyblackberry@yahoo.co.uk.
What do you think?
Unmasked welcomes your view!
Thursday, 30 April 2009
The month of April, 2009 has been a very unpleasantly memorable month in my life and I must not let it end without a proper farewell.
The experiences, the physical disappointments, the spiritual manipulations, the hallucinations and the confusions caused by endless nightmares were so profound this month of April that my anxiety rose to astronomical proportions.
This month, I have seen every plan I had set up as a means to relaunch myself to a prosperous future freighted away, leaving me manifestly confused and unsure of the direction I am headed that I rang up GP for an appointment. Luckily, the medical practitioner I saw was well versed and with apparent previous experience. She quickly recommended blood tests and referred me to the hospital. I am quite impressed with the speed with which the blood sample was taken.
But my present experience or condition is the product of spiritual terrorism, orchestrated by a wicked and dedicated spiritualist programming evil pattern into my life. This satanic agent was no one other than an avowed man of God and Leader in the Church of God, who created a ministry for Salvation and Empowerment of adherents of the Gospel, according to our Lord Jesus Christ but soon skewed from their goal, and turned it into a ministry for suppression and punishment of fellow worshippers. This was a man I know and whom I have followed. Even though, he quickly conceived of a way out and changed the name to "Oasis of Life Church", in keeping with his nature, he has since turned this to a `toxic' oasis. How can any being drink from a toxic oasis and live?
The world is replete with folks like the man described above, who is first, by the way a medical practitioner, knowing what to touch and what not to touch in a human being. He has attempted on two different occasions to spiritually reprogramme me, so that I would not longer insist on developing my professional inclination, but to obey the laws he spiritually establish for his own selfish needs.
So if anyone is to be considered qualified enough to make a contribution on the subject of "spiritual terrorism", I should rightly guess to the one, having had personally programmed and sustained attacks from a man who should not have had to lift his hand on any christian, let alone me.
The experiences, the physical disappointments, the spiritual manipulations, the hallucinations and the confusions caused by endless nightmares were so profound this month of April that my anxiety rose to astronomical proportions.
This month, I have seen every plan I had set up as a means to relaunch myself to a prosperous future freighted away, leaving me manifestly confused and unsure of the direction I am headed that I rang up GP for an appointment. Luckily, the medical practitioner I saw was well versed and with apparent previous experience. She quickly recommended blood tests and referred me to the hospital. I am quite impressed with the speed with which the blood sample was taken.
But my present experience or condition is the product of spiritual terrorism, orchestrated by a wicked and dedicated spiritualist programming evil pattern into my life. This satanic agent was no one other than an avowed man of God and Leader in the Church of God, who created a ministry for Salvation and Empowerment of adherents of the Gospel, according to our Lord Jesus Christ but soon skewed from their goal, and turned it into a ministry for suppression and punishment of fellow worshippers. This was a man I know and whom I have followed. Even though, he quickly conceived of a way out and changed the name to "Oasis of Life Church", in keeping with his nature, he has since turned this to a `toxic' oasis. How can any being drink from a toxic oasis and live?
The world is replete with folks like the man described above, who is first, by the way a medical practitioner, knowing what to touch and what not to touch in a human being. He has attempted on two different occasions to spiritually reprogramme me, so that I would not longer insist on developing my professional inclination, but to obey the laws he spiritually establish for his own selfish needs.
So if anyone is to be considered qualified enough to make a contribution on the subject of "spiritual terrorism", I should rightly guess to the one, having had personally programmed and sustained attacks from a man who should not have had to lift his hand on any christian, let alone me.
A lot of people have said to me "we know it exists but how do you proove it". This is what spurs me on. To write, to speak and ruminate on the best way to try to make the world aware of the plight of victims of this horrible malaise.
I have insisted, again and again, that nearly every victim of spiritual terrorism knows his attacker. In many respect, spiritual terrorism is easier to track than conventional terrorism. The reason is not farfetched. A disgruntled terrorist can simply strap himself up, walk into a packed environment and detonate. He may even simply pick up a gun, strol into a classroom and fire sporadically. Thereafter, he may run or simply shoot himself. Unlike these conventional terrorists, however, the spiritual terrorist, tracts, targets his victim and unleashes his attacks. But whereas, a victim of a conventional terrorist may simply be an innocent passerby, worshipper or student, etc., and therefore, may not even know or be able to trace the terrorist, a victim of spiritual terrorism, has at least, an idea of who is after him. This provides a most vital clue to prosecuting authorities. Should a law be given consideration therefore, spiritual terrorism should be controllable.
Imagine yourself arriving at the waterloo station at a rush hour. You got onto the elevator and expect it to carry you to either the big concourse or the underground pavillion. Prior to your arrival all elevators ran smoothly but suddenly immediately you mounth the first, it reverts and insists on travelling the opposite direction. You jump out and try the next, the next thing, the thrid through to the 9th, all behaved the same way, although all become normal once you stand aside of the steps. Consider yourself, a spectacle watched by the thousands of passengers eager to get to their v arious destination, and imagine how embarrassing this would have been, with each passing minute helping to deplete your remaining friends.
Immagine the scenario reoccuring over and over again for two to three years. Each day you come back to the few friends who still have the patience to tolerate your pressense and each day, you come back with the same unbelievable tale. In time you find yourself hallucinating and seeking to withdraw, as much as it is possible from the public to a world of seclusion, of lonliness and rejection. This is the urgly product of spiritual terrorism. Its reality and legacy. It clogs a man's life and reduces him to an intolleragle reject. It erodes an individual's sensibility and self worth and destroys his economic and carreer potential.
Now, do you still wonder how spiritual terrorism becomes antithetical to soceital development? If you still do, now, immagine that happening to the best 10 of medical Doctors, or to 6 Nuclear scientists or Engineers, all of whom we depend up on in one way or another. Think of the multiplier effect this will have if spread this scenario manages to be replicated in different geographical locations. Immagine yourself helpless and at the mercy of one of these important members of our world and yet their condition makes it impossible for you to be helped.
So then, one questions that beggers for an answer is, even if we the knowledge, must we misapply it? Is the medical doctor supposed to be taking lives instead of saving them? Is the Accountant supposed to supposed to still the money he is supposed to keep? Now therefore, if we acquire spiritual knolwedge, are supposed to be free to abuse it? Should we be free to abuse the elemental forces or manipulate them sefishly? What then is the benefit of turning a blind eye and deaf ear to the activities of spiritual terroris? If we refuse to recognize the danger they pose to us, are we not surreptitiously halting the much needed societal devopment - after all, can any society make progress without its human resources?
Support the Coalition Against Spiritual Terrorism - NOW!
What do you think?
Unmasked wellcomes your view!!
Monday, 27 April 2009
PEOPLE who acquire spiritual knowledge and the technique for manipulation of elemental beings or spiritual forces and misapplication of these forces for destruction of the dignity of man and societal values should not be left unexposed and untried. I have long campaigned for the widening of terror laws to include spiritual terrorism.
I have long formed the platform for the Campaign Against Spiritual Terrorism. The "Coalition Against Spiritual Terrorism" is being conceived of as a charity and non-governmental organisation whose objective include:
- to seek global co-operation against the menace posed by spiritual terrorists
- to urge individual nations to end the deliberate disregard of the horrendous effect of spiritual terrorism
- to lobby the United Nations to end thier seeming lack of interest on the phenomenal destruction of the dignity of man and society by a select and wicked few who abuse others, through the missapplication of their spiritual knowledge
- To persuade the UN and individual nations to widen the global fight against terrorism by honing or enacting new Laws to control Spiritual Terrorism
- To ask the UN and individual nations to spell out, in clear terms, the global expectations from spiritually knowledgeable people, a digression from which will call for additional scrutiny of the individual's activities
- To request the UN and individual nations to set global parameters for controling the activities of spiritual terrorists
- To seek the global action towards the rehabilitation of victims of spiritual terrorsim
We must recognise that spiritual terrism is a menace that simply cannot be ignored any longer. It is a rape on human dignity, causes brain drain, eliminates the best of men, sets society on a retrogressive course, causes discontent and engenders enmity. It destroys positive talent and in its place institutes negative ones.
Spiritual terrorism can clogg up society, organisation or an individual and effectively disorganises and halts an orderwise smooth running order.
We must act now, individually and collectively. Let us do our bit.
Join the war on spiritual terrorism.
For guide on how you can help out, write CAST-UK, giving your Name, Contact Number, Country of Location through bobbyblackberry@yahoo.co.uk. We will get back to you as quickly as possible.
We must act, time is running out.
What do you think?
Spiritual terrorism can clogg up society, organisation or an individual and effectively disorganises and halts an orderwise smooth running order.
We must act now, individually and collectively. Let us do our bit.
Join the war on spiritual terrorism.
For guide on how you can help out, write CAST-UK, giving your Name, Contact Number, Country of Location through bobbyblackberry@yahoo.co.uk. We will get back to you as quickly as possible.
We must act, time is running out.
What do you think?
UNMASKED welcomes your view!
Friday, 3 April 2009
Spiritual Terrorism Unmasked
In his famous 2-part letter to his fellow service men, Lieutenant Colonel Greg E. Metzgar, of the United States Army wrote "... We must recognize that there really is a fight between good and evil." Col. Metzgars article was a long two part presentation published over two months in the Officers Christian Fellowship website. Let me be clear on this. The import of the concerned officer’s article must not be lost, but as my rejoinder to his article pointed out, Col. Metzgars perspective of the concept of spiritual terrorism is way off the spot. So is the perspective of a whole array of writers across the world, each contributing based on their perception of what Spiritual Terrorism is.
Spiritual terrorists are, as I have pointed out, in my earlier publications, human beings, with all the features and characteristics, which make human beings easily recognizable. By the way, astrologers refer to people with psychic powers and ability to change the spiritual order of things as `Authority Figures’. Bear in mind that these are human beings with the ability to manipulate forces, not the forces themselves. This is where many of our writers get it wrong.
Spiritual Terrorists marry and are married; they make babies, eat, chat and walk about like the rest of us. But while the majority of us simply walk about ordinarily in our attempt to make ends meat, spiritual terrorists do the same but being aware of things that normal beings are not. Spiritual terrorist therefore have two capabilities, the ability to observe physical surroundings and also spiritual realm. Some of them are described as psychic, but that alone does not qualify one to be a spiritual terrorist. What does, is the abuse of such abilities. In other words, an individual with psychic abilities maybe described as possessing the power of clairvoyance, but may still not be a spiritual terrorist. Afterall, chemical weapons knowledge alone does not make the expert a terrorist. But its misapplication does.
Every student of politics is often made aware of the fact that power intoxicates but is regrettably transient. One power that appears to defile this rule and is hardly fleeting however, is spiritual power, and one reason spiritual terrorists with psychic abilities often explore further ways to rise to higher realms is to enable them dominate and assert their authority. From acquiring more knowledge and powers and making more sacrifices, they often rise to that much coveted and selfishly envisaged height. For example, the more these psychic humans are willing to abstain from such luxuries as sex, drinking and partying, the more sacrifices they are considered to be making during their learning process, and further, the more they rise in the spirit realm. The higher their rank therefore, the more authority they acquire and are able to exercise.
Needless then, to say that the more they get away with, the more ambitious they become. And because, power intoxicates, they soon begin to abuse it. Then they become spiritual terrorists. Now none of the above is criminal until this figure misapplies this knowledge.
But why would authority figures misuse their powers by wickedly deploying them against other individuals. The reason that readily comes to mind is that it makes them feel good, strong and or powerful. They may also use it for vindictive purposes. Also, like the conventional terrorists, they tend to feel a sense of satisfaction with what they have done. But the huge question mark is why are conventional terrorists tracked and prosecuted, while spiritual terrorists are not? Why has the Congress enacted over 134 edicts aimed at fighting terrorism whereas, none exists to include spiritual terrorists? Mind you that the 134 legislations were those enacted by the United States Congress following the September 11, 2001 attacks. Needless to say that the laws on terror are constantly under review. And this applies the United Kingdom too in which, terror laws have been honed to include all those who somehow, cooperated or collaborated of the phone, no matter their location. One fitting description has been termed lyrical terrorist. Still spiritual terrorists are yet to be recognised, let alone, targeted through legislation.
Wicked authority figures can acquire spiritual knowledge and powers only to use it to kill and make people useless, leaving in their wake widows and widowers and fatherless or motherless children, effectively altering the shape and structure of a family or families. They can destroy careers and marriages, render perceived enemies professionally and physically impotent, and can cause barrenness in women. Think of the immediate impact on the lives of the affected people, their communities and its multiplier effect on society and decide whether spiritual terrorism should continue to be ignored by the legislature?
My curious mind prompted me to research further and what I discovered might surprise you. I was told that some authority figures kill because the more skulls they add to their basket, the higher they rise in the spiritual realm. Yet on the other camp are authority figures who have undertaken never to deploy their knowledge against others and to protect people instead. Now, the more people they are able to shield from the devastating attacks of the rampaging authority figure, the lower that authority figure sinks. But it comes at a cost. Their services are not for free. Just like the services of security operatives have to be paid for if they are called upon to maintain security. So then without money, a victim of spiritual terrorism is at the mercy of his attacker. No legislation to cover such attacks and therefore, it becomes impossible to seek redress either at the courts or in the interim, get protection from the police because he has no glaring proof. Mind you, not that there is no proof, but there is no glaring proof or evidence that his torment comes from the accused, even though he may know his attacker.
Terrorism is an abuse of trust, a betrayal of society and its values. As a result, no matter their justification, terrorists are prosecuted. A spiritual terrorist abuses trust and also betrays society and destroys its values by their devastating acts of human wickedness. By killing people, destroying careers and marriages, by caging away lives and denying human beings economic and living rights, the spiritual terrorist destroys very structures on which society and its values survives.
For every society depends firstly on its human resources, who constitute the pivot on which every other activity revolves. From the head of government to the university academic, from the engineer to the sociologist. An attack on any of the structures upon which the progress of society depends constitutes an attack on the survival of society and its continuity. Yet, as destructive as spiritual terrorists are, the state is yet to recognize their destructive capabilities and propensity.
It does seem to be about time laws are honed and the war on terror expanded to include war on spiritual terrorism?
What do you think?
UNMASKED welcomes your view!
Spiritual terrorists are, as I have pointed out, in my earlier publications, human beings, with all the features and characteristics, which make human beings easily recognizable. By the way, astrologers refer to people with psychic powers and ability to change the spiritual order of things as `Authority Figures’. Bear in mind that these are human beings with the ability to manipulate forces, not the forces themselves. This is where many of our writers get it wrong.
Spiritual Terrorists marry and are married; they make babies, eat, chat and walk about like the rest of us. But while the majority of us simply walk about ordinarily in our attempt to make ends meat, spiritual terrorists do the same but being aware of things that normal beings are not. Spiritual terrorist therefore have two capabilities, the ability to observe physical surroundings and also spiritual realm. Some of them are described as psychic, but that alone does not qualify one to be a spiritual terrorist. What does, is the abuse of such abilities. In other words, an individual with psychic abilities maybe described as possessing the power of clairvoyance, but may still not be a spiritual terrorist. Afterall, chemical weapons knowledge alone does not make the expert a terrorist. But its misapplication does.
Every student of politics is often made aware of the fact that power intoxicates but is regrettably transient. One power that appears to defile this rule and is hardly fleeting however, is spiritual power, and one reason spiritual terrorists with psychic abilities often explore further ways to rise to higher realms is to enable them dominate and assert their authority. From acquiring more knowledge and powers and making more sacrifices, they often rise to that much coveted and selfishly envisaged height. For example, the more these psychic humans are willing to abstain from such luxuries as sex, drinking and partying, the more sacrifices they are considered to be making during their learning process, and further, the more they rise in the spirit realm. The higher their rank therefore, the more authority they acquire and are able to exercise.
Needless then, to say that the more they get away with, the more ambitious they become. And because, power intoxicates, they soon begin to abuse it. Then they become spiritual terrorists. Now none of the above is criminal until this figure misapplies this knowledge.
But why would authority figures misuse their powers by wickedly deploying them against other individuals. The reason that readily comes to mind is that it makes them feel good, strong and or powerful. They may also use it for vindictive purposes. Also, like the conventional terrorists, they tend to feel a sense of satisfaction with what they have done. But the huge question mark is why are conventional terrorists tracked and prosecuted, while spiritual terrorists are not? Why has the Congress enacted over 134 edicts aimed at fighting terrorism whereas, none exists to include spiritual terrorists? Mind you that the 134 legislations were those enacted by the United States Congress following the September 11, 2001 attacks. Needless to say that the laws on terror are constantly under review. And this applies the United Kingdom too in which, terror laws have been honed to include all those who somehow, cooperated or collaborated of the phone, no matter their location. One fitting description has been termed lyrical terrorist. Still spiritual terrorists are yet to be recognised, let alone, targeted through legislation.
Wicked authority figures can acquire spiritual knowledge and powers only to use it to kill and make people useless, leaving in their wake widows and widowers and fatherless or motherless children, effectively altering the shape and structure of a family or families. They can destroy careers and marriages, render perceived enemies professionally and physically impotent, and can cause barrenness in women. Think of the immediate impact on the lives of the affected people, their communities and its multiplier effect on society and decide whether spiritual terrorism should continue to be ignored by the legislature?
My curious mind prompted me to research further and what I discovered might surprise you. I was told that some authority figures kill because the more skulls they add to their basket, the higher they rise in the spiritual realm. Yet on the other camp are authority figures who have undertaken never to deploy their knowledge against others and to protect people instead. Now, the more people they are able to shield from the devastating attacks of the rampaging authority figure, the lower that authority figure sinks. But it comes at a cost. Their services are not for free. Just like the services of security operatives have to be paid for if they are called upon to maintain security. So then without money, a victim of spiritual terrorism is at the mercy of his attacker. No legislation to cover such attacks and therefore, it becomes impossible to seek redress either at the courts or in the interim, get protection from the police because he has no glaring proof. Mind you, not that there is no proof, but there is no glaring proof or evidence that his torment comes from the accused, even though he may know his attacker.
Terrorism is an abuse of trust, a betrayal of society and its values. As a result, no matter their justification, terrorists are prosecuted. A spiritual terrorist abuses trust and also betrays society and destroys its values by their devastating acts of human wickedness. By killing people, destroying careers and marriages, by caging away lives and denying human beings economic and living rights, the spiritual terrorist destroys very structures on which society and its values survives.
For every society depends firstly on its human resources, who constitute the pivot on which every other activity revolves. From the head of government to the university academic, from the engineer to the sociologist. An attack on any of the structures upon which the progress of society depends constitutes an attack on the survival of society and its continuity. Yet, as destructive as spiritual terrorists are, the state is yet to recognize their destructive capabilities and propensity.
It does seem to be about time laws are honed and the war on terror expanded to include war on spiritual terrorism?
What do you think?
UNMASKED welcomes your view!
Friday, 27 March 2009
Recognizing The Real Spiritual Terrorist – Part 2
In the first part of my contribution, I tried to show why spiritual terrorism is a bitter reality, which must be confronted in much the same way and given as much attention as conventional terrorism without further delay. I defined spiritual terrorism and argued that we cannot continue to relax simply because we are blessed by Ephesians 6:12.
My goal in this second part is to show further similarity between conventional terrorism and spiritual terrorism and why spiritual terrorism is as destructive as the former. Furthermore, it is in actual fact, a misnomer to refer to Satan as the spiritual terrorist. It is this misrepresentation that continues to confuse many a Christian, and indeed the world.
To put this more clearly, we know that God is spirit and is represented by the Holy Spirit. Satan also is spirit but represented by the Evil Spirit. Therefore, nothing good comes from Satan because he is himself, the Devil. But while we can neither see Satan nor expect anything good from him, some humans among whom are Christians, all of whom were created by God and given free Agency, have abused this freedom by patronising the evil one. And having perfected their mastery of the modes of operation of the evil one and his cohorts, now invite them, issue them instructions and send them against physical structures or other human targets. Therefore, the individual who abuses his free agency in this regard is the spiritual terrorist, not Satan, the evil one.
As a result, it is this culprit, born with free agency, but who prefers to abuse it, that needs to be punished. For in doing so, deterrence is set for other humans who might either be invited by him to join his evil coalition or be attracted by his apparent unassailability, despite his reprehensible actions. Anyone who can destroy marriages, buildings, lives and carriers, no doubt destroys society because; it is upon these pivots that the survival and continuity of mankind hangs. Conventional terrorists are tried, because they can cause all of these, spiritual terrorists should be treated likewise, because they do the same, whether all or some of them at a time.
Christians are fully aware of such terms as `dream criminals’, `dream highjackers’, `dream thieves’, `dream manipulators’, `dream polluters’, `dream..’. However complacent we, as Christians wish to remain over these, we must understand that those forces maybe part and parcel of the evil one – Satan, but when they are invoked and used as a potent means to deprive, steel, kill, pollute or debase the spiritual strength of an individual, deactivate a person, it is and should be seen as a terrorist act spiritually carried out. When this act is sustained over a long period by a determined foe, hiding under the cover of the spirit, it becomes, an injustice not just to the victim, but also to humanity at large. And since terrorism is a crime against humanity, which is why all terrorists are hunted down wherever they may run to, how come spiritual terrorists who orchestrate this evil are not paid any attention, even though they do more harm than the conventional terrorist?
A conventional terrorist who chooses to commit serial atrocities on daily basis may not last a week or two without being caught – unless he is far too sophisticated and careful. Even so, he may not act alone, which increases his risks. But a spiritual terrorist can sustain a resolve to destroy careers, marriages, lives and societal values for months and years without anyone paying him any attention. And even though his victims might know him, they are often unable to speak out because no law is at hand to bring them to justice. Worse, where the victim chooses to speak out, he is often not believed.
Spiritual terrorists are not so difficult to detect. For instance, when a pastor calls his prey on phone and offers a tirade of blabs following which the man’s life takes an immediate nosedive, career opportunities destroyed or marriage broken, the victim immediately knows his predator. But what option has he got available? Most people will say, he should pray. The truth is that if he could pray his way through, he would not have needed help from the Pastor.
Preaching the Good News is a good thing in that as Christians, we are enjoined in Mark 28:19, to "go therefore and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost" and Verse 20 "teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world". It follows therefore, that since Christ did not teach the world how to rebuke careers, or marriages, or promotions, or lives, but rebuked bad spirits that destroys those things, any preacher that destroys rather than enhance them, acts outside the doctrine of Christianity.
My argument is that since chemicals, electrical and electronic components that are eventually used by conventional terrorists are useful to the society and the world at large until they are made into a weapon for mass destruction and deployed, so spiritual forces and agents until they are turned to lethal spiritual arsenal by pastors and spirit manipulators. It is when they have been so converted and used that they destroy the very values they have no business with and become `forces of darkness’.
In general, forces of darkness have no business with a particular person over a sustained period of time. Therefore, it is possible that someone suffers a setback at one time or other, in his/her life, career, marriage, and business. But thereafter, he recovers and moves on. Often, a situation of this nature, prayer works wonders immediately. However, when a person has been identified and exposed to those forces for destruction, he/she is continually frustrated, attacked, dehumanised and maybe eventually killed. The sender of these forces ultimately is the spiritual terrorist, not the forces. A pastor that indulges in an act of spiritual terrorism against a people knows that their resolve is likely to be prayer; therefore, he develops an antithetical response to their prayers.
And advanced spiritual terrorist can log unto your spiritual chat and listen in or observe your prayers and the direction of your service – in much the same way as a suffer logs unto an Internet website and checks information. This is not particularly new. The Bible spoke about Daniel and how the Prince of Persia withheld his prayers for 21 days (Daniel 10:11-14). The difference between the biblical Prince of Persia and the modern day spiritual terrorist is that where as the prince of Persia withheld answers to prayers (and not necessary at all times), the modern day spiritual terrorist can sustain a most horrendous onslaught against his identified prey and having ability to log onto the Christian’s spiritual chat, he can thereafter, halt the prayers, render them ineffective, reverse them or superimpose his will over their prayers and establish its physical manifestation.
If we blame Satan for the activities of spiritual terrorists, let us also blame them for the activities of terrorists. For Satan is the motivator of all wickedness. In so far as we recognize that it is Satan that engineers all misdeeds, and we can trace this back to the Garden of Eden when the Serpent deceived Eve into disobeying God, and to the time Cain murdered his brother Abel out of jealousy, and from there onwards, we can also see that it has been Satan that works on those who indoctrinate young children into becoming suicide bombers. But if governments choose to ignore the activities of Satan in this regard and have decided that, in each case, all culprits - both perpetrators and their instigators – should face the music, why then must the same governments recognize Satan as the instigator and perpetrator of spiritual terrorism, and further, because he is unseen, must be ignored.
The bible says in the book of James 4:7 "…. resist the devil and he will flee from you". But haven’t you seen one devil that never flees even when you stoutly resist him? A spiritual terrorist never does, he metamorphosis and comes back with sever determination. This is because; it is man orchestrating the evil. He uses the devil rather than the devil using him. He has free agency. God gives every human free agency and as a result they can choose how they want to use it. That is why conventional terrorists are punished for using their free Agency negatively to cause mayhem. Recognition and rewards are given to researchers for scientific breakthroughs and discoveries that benefit and enhance the survival of man. Artists are recognised and rewarded for their contributions towards an improved living standard, by providing the entertainment that help to relieve stress. But if Conventional terrorists are being punished, why must spiritual terrorists go free?
Spiritual terrorism is an active, rather than a passive phenomenon. This is because humans actually, invoke and use these forces against their identified targets, destroying the aforementioned pivots of societal continuity.
You may wonder why I am so passionate about this subject. But, it is said that he who wears a pair of shoes, knows where it pinches. I have been a victim of spiritual terrorism. A victim of a sustained, most horrendous devilish act with no-holds-bared assault on my life, career, marriage, family and property. That is why, I can tell the difference. The only thing is that the experience forced me to convince myself that something indeed, needs to be done. After all, necessity is the mother of invention.
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My goal in this second part is to show further similarity between conventional terrorism and spiritual terrorism and why spiritual terrorism is as destructive as the former. Furthermore, it is in actual fact, a misnomer to refer to Satan as the spiritual terrorist. It is this misrepresentation that continues to confuse many a Christian, and indeed the world.
To put this more clearly, we know that God is spirit and is represented by the Holy Spirit. Satan also is spirit but represented by the Evil Spirit. Therefore, nothing good comes from Satan because he is himself, the Devil. But while we can neither see Satan nor expect anything good from him, some humans among whom are Christians, all of whom were created by God and given free Agency, have abused this freedom by patronising the evil one. And having perfected their mastery of the modes of operation of the evil one and his cohorts, now invite them, issue them instructions and send them against physical structures or other human targets. Therefore, the individual who abuses his free agency in this regard is the spiritual terrorist, not Satan, the evil one.
As a result, it is this culprit, born with free agency, but who prefers to abuse it, that needs to be punished. For in doing so, deterrence is set for other humans who might either be invited by him to join his evil coalition or be attracted by his apparent unassailability, despite his reprehensible actions. Anyone who can destroy marriages, buildings, lives and carriers, no doubt destroys society because; it is upon these pivots that the survival and continuity of mankind hangs. Conventional terrorists are tried, because they can cause all of these, spiritual terrorists should be treated likewise, because they do the same, whether all or some of them at a time.
Christians are fully aware of such terms as `dream criminals’, `dream highjackers’, `dream thieves’, `dream manipulators’, `dream polluters’, `dream..’. However complacent we, as Christians wish to remain over these, we must understand that those forces maybe part and parcel of the evil one – Satan, but when they are invoked and used as a potent means to deprive, steel, kill, pollute or debase the spiritual strength of an individual, deactivate a person, it is and should be seen as a terrorist act spiritually carried out. When this act is sustained over a long period by a determined foe, hiding under the cover of the spirit, it becomes, an injustice not just to the victim, but also to humanity at large. And since terrorism is a crime against humanity, which is why all terrorists are hunted down wherever they may run to, how come spiritual terrorists who orchestrate this evil are not paid any attention, even though they do more harm than the conventional terrorist?
A conventional terrorist who chooses to commit serial atrocities on daily basis may not last a week or two without being caught – unless he is far too sophisticated and careful. Even so, he may not act alone, which increases his risks. But a spiritual terrorist can sustain a resolve to destroy careers, marriages, lives and societal values for months and years without anyone paying him any attention. And even though his victims might know him, they are often unable to speak out because no law is at hand to bring them to justice. Worse, where the victim chooses to speak out, he is often not believed.
Spiritual terrorists are not so difficult to detect. For instance, when a pastor calls his prey on phone and offers a tirade of blabs following which the man’s life takes an immediate nosedive, career opportunities destroyed or marriage broken, the victim immediately knows his predator. But what option has he got available? Most people will say, he should pray. The truth is that if he could pray his way through, he would not have needed help from the Pastor.
Preaching the Good News is a good thing in that as Christians, we are enjoined in Mark 28:19, to "go therefore and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost" and Verse 20 "teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world". It follows therefore, that since Christ did not teach the world how to rebuke careers, or marriages, or promotions, or lives, but rebuked bad spirits that destroys those things, any preacher that destroys rather than enhance them, acts outside the doctrine of Christianity.
My argument is that since chemicals, electrical and electronic components that are eventually used by conventional terrorists are useful to the society and the world at large until they are made into a weapon for mass destruction and deployed, so spiritual forces and agents until they are turned to lethal spiritual arsenal by pastors and spirit manipulators. It is when they have been so converted and used that they destroy the very values they have no business with and become `forces of darkness’.
In general, forces of darkness have no business with a particular person over a sustained period of time. Therefore, it is possible that someone suffers a setback at one time or other, in his/her life, career, marriage, and business. But thereafter, he recovers and moves on. Often, a situation of this nature, prayer works wonders immediately. However, when a person has been identified and exposed to those forces for destruction, he/she is continually frustrated, attacked, dehumanised and maybe eventually killed. The sender of these forces ultimately is the spiritual terrorist, not the forces. A pastor that indulges in an act of spiritual terrorism against a people knows that their resolve is likely to be prayer; therefore, he develops an antithetical response to their prayers.
And advanced spiritual terrorist can log unto your spiritual chat and listen in or observe your prayers and the direction of your service – in much the same way as a suffer logs unto an Internet website and checks information. This is not particularly new. The Bible spoke about Daniel and how the Prince of Persia withheld his prayers for 21 days (Daniel 10:11-14). The difference between the biblical Prince of Persia and the modern day spiritual terrorist is that where as the prince of Persia withheld answers to prayers (and not necessary at all times), the modern day spiritual terrorist can sustain a most horrendous onslaught against his identified prey and having ability to log onto the Christian’s spiritual chat, he can thereafter, halt the prayers, render them ineffective, reverse them or superimpose his will over their prayers and establish its physical manifestation.
If we blame Satan for the activities of spiritual terrorists, let us also blame them for the activities of terrorists. For Satan is the motivator of all wickedness. In so far as we recognize that it is Satan that engineers all misdeeds, and we can trace this back to the Garden of Eden when the Serpent deceived Eve into disobeying God, and to the time Cain murdered his brother Abel out of jealousy, and from there onwards, we can also see that it has been Satan that works on those who indoctrinate young children into becoming suicide bombers. But if governments choose to ignore the activities of Satan in this regard and have decided that, in each case, all culprits - both perpetrators and their instigators – should face the music, why then must the same governments recognize Satan as the instigator and perpetrator of spiritual terrorism, and further, because he is unseen, must be ignored.
The bible says in the book of James 4:7 "…. resist the devil and he will flee from you". But haven’t you seen one devil that never flees even when you stoutly resist him? A spiritual terrorist never does, he metamorphosis and comes back with sever determination. This is because; it is man orchestrating the evil. He uses the devil rather than the devil using him. He has free agency. God gives every human free agency and as a result they can choose how they want to use it. That is why conventional terrorists are punished for using their free Agency negatively to cause mayhem. Recognition and rewards are given to researchers for scientific breakthroughs and discoveries that benefit and enhance the survival of man. Artists are recognised and rewarded for their contributions towards an improved living standard, by providing the entertainment that help to relieve stress. But if Conventional terrorists are being punished, why must spiritual terrorists go free?
Spiritual terrorism is an active, rather than a passive phenomenon. This is because humans actually, invoke and use these forces against their identified targets, destroying the aforementioned pivots of societal continuity.
You may wonder why I am so passionate about this subject. But, it is said that he who wears a pair of shoes, knows where it pinches. I have been a victim of spiritual terrorism. A victim of a sustained, most horrendous devilish act with no-holds-bared assault on my life, career, marriage, family and property. That is why, I can tell the difference. The only thing is that the experience forced me to convince myself that something indeed, needs to be done. After all, necessity is the mother of invention.
What do you think?
UNMASKED welcomes your view!
Recognizing The Real Spiritual Terrorist
While researching on "spiritual terrorism", I stumbled on the article by Lieutenant Colonel Greg E. Metzgar, of the US Army, entitled "fighting the war on Spiritual Terrorism", published on the website of the Officers’ Christian Fellowship. It made an interesting read and, frankly, deserves a response.
The tendency maybe for one to ask, "why bother?", especially in the light of Ephesians 6:12 which says, "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places". Yet, in this changing times and growing disappointing `crookery’ among high profile religious leaders, the war on spiritual terrorism, must not just be fought like the war on terror, but `spiritual terrorism’ must be recognized as lethal and worthy of inclusion into the mainframe of, and to complement, available terror laws and boost the global war on terror.
Spiritual terrorism is not a joke but a bitter reality, which the world must recognise and confront. It is not the sort articulated by Lt. Col. Metzgar through such phrases as "irregular threat", a "fight between good and evil" or even "irregular enemy". These phrases readily guide the readers mind to the age old, generally known unseen one, whom Jesus thought about and whom Christians readily blame for every little mishap.
While we cannot discountenance the claim that Satan has, for centuries, owned the unseen hands readily blamed for orchestrating all mayhem in his continual attempt to drag as many souls as he possibly can to stay with him in hell, modern spiritual terrorism is being orchestrated by humans, among whom are Christian religious leaders, who have researched and acquired rare spiritual knowledge with which they have equipped themselves to display all kinds of power, in the name of miracle and healing and which they equally deploy at will against specified human targets. In this sense humans now use the devil rather than the devil using them. They no longer `let sleeping dogs lie’, but rather wake it and send it on a destructive mission.
Of course, this might not make sense to a casual reader, neither will it to anyone who has never experienced nor seen others experiencing modern human wickedness against fellow humans, by act of spiritual terrorism. Afterall, the United States really woke up against terrorism after the 9/11 2001 attacks. Before then, the war on terror had never been taken seriously while terrorists graduated from one level of crime to the other. In the United Kingdom, the war took a different dimension after the 7/7 2005 terror attacks on London. And even such term as `lyrical terrorism’ has recently been recognized. Given recent events, it seems that it will just be a matter of time before `spiritual terrorism’ receives the desired recognition and the laws on terror honed to include it. Yet in parts of the world that have never experienced the wickedness of terrorists, the war on terror is relatively unheard of.
But there is a striking similarity, between the `conventional terrorist’ and the `spiritual terrorist’. The conventional terrorist is heartless, brutish, wicked, devilish, selfish, destructive, and filled with hate for others, just as his spiritual terrorist counterpart. The only difference is that while the conventional terrorist uses physically observable devices or weapons to cause physically noticeable destructions, the spiritual terrorist uses physically unobservable weapons to cause physically observable colossal destructions.
Modern day spiritual terrorism has become pandemic, widely in use by pastors and religious leaders and I define it as "A planned dedicated grievous use of guided spiritual weapons and spells to dehumanise, deactivate, destroy or kill a person or group of persons, thereby not making the world a better place".
Usually, the aftermath of an attack is characterised by different scenarios: the conventional terrorist, if he survives the attack, runs for cover and goes straight into hiding, while the spiritual terrorist dresses up smartly and moves about in celebration, sometimes even mingling among sympathisers. This being due to the fact that the world has refused to acknowledge the enormous danger the spiritual terrorist portends for the present and for posterity – just as it did to the conventional terrorist up till and before 9/11.
Conventional terrorism is clear evidence of the modern day use of man to destroy man or society and their values by the wicked one known as Satan. On the other hand, spiritual terrorism is the use of Satan and satanic means by man to destroy man or society and its values.
People argue that Satan, the wicked one is responsible for both. However, when an Ordained Pastor, preacher of the Gospel, self-professed second in command to God and watched on TV by millions, deploys and sustains spiritual weapons against his congregation or a select few, can it be blamed on Satan using him and not him using Satan? For the reason why Christianity is the true religion and a religion of peace is that we, as Christians, are enjoined by what we read from the Holy Bible, to strive to follow the footsteps of Christ whose death on the cross of Calvary was for the salvation of our souls.
A Pastor who, having acquired enormous spiritual knowledge and, you could say became a Christian `superman’, experimented with and mastered the art of spiritual manoeuvrings, and then, openly claimed to be God’s No. 2. I have never read or heard any preacher claim or justify a claim that there is a second in command to God. As a committed Christian, I was baffled. For not even Jesus Christ claimed to be God’s No. 2. But despite nearly 15 years of blaring the gospel through hi-fi speakers in church and on TV, such wicked preachers only managed to oscillate due to deliberate misapplication of the gospel and the use of spells and spiritual knowledge to silence, subdue, expel and or kill members of their congregation at will. These types of individuals are the real spiritual terrorists and the world is replete with them.
At some point, some of their members and closest assistants would leave. At another a mass revolt by members of their congregation raise massive opposition against their and, given their natural prejudices, encourage them to move spiritually against them instantly. The result would be predictable, another downfall
As a military officer has a duty to use and deploy his weapons against enemy targets and, in so doing, adhering to strict rules of war, by never - no matter the level of provocation - turning his weapons against his country or compatriots, whom he had sworn to on Oath to defend and protect, so also does a Pastor or religious leader have the duty to preach the Gospel as Jesus thought us and never to use his spiritual knowledge as weapons against the very congregation he leads or against anyone for that matter. For otherwise, the essence of the message will be defeated.
How can a Pastor, recognized and honoured as an agent of positive change in the society be destroying the same society and spoiling the people, thereby, leaving the world a worse place? And at the same time, hopping around the world as a messenger of the Good News. How deceptive! What hypocrisy!
There are many such `men of God’ who continue to perpetrate overt evil and escaping punishment simply because, as Christians, we are eager to cite Ephesians 6:12 and avoid the necessity to urge our governments to have a closer look at their activities so as to widen and extend the laws on terror to include spiritual terrorism and bring abusers of spiritual knowledge to book.
It does seem to be about time something was done
What do you think?
UNMASKED welcomes your view!
The tendency maybe for one to ask, "why bother?", especially in the light of Ephesians 6:12 which says, "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places". Yet, in this changing times and growing disappointing `crookery’ among high profile religious leaders, the war on spiritual terrorism, must not just be fought like the war on terror, but `spiritual terrorism’ must be recognized as lethal and worthy of inclusion into the mainframe of, and to complement, available terror laws and boost the global war on terror.
Spiritual terrorism is not a joke but a bitter reality, which the world must recognise and confront. It is not the sort articulated by Lt. Col. Metzgar through such phrases as "irregular threat", a "fight between good and evil" or even "irregular enemy". These phrases readily guide the readers mind to the age old, generally known unseen one, whom Jesus thought about and whom Christians readily blame for every little mishap.
While we cannot discountenance the claim that Satan has, for centuries, owned the unseen hands readily blamed for orchestrating all mayhem in his continual attempt to drag as many souls as he possibly can to stay with him in hell, modern spiritual terrorism is being orchestrated by humans, among whom are Christian religious leaders, who have researched and acquired rare spiritual knowledge with which they have equipped themselves to display all kinds of power, in the name of miracle and healing and which they equally deploy at will against specified human targets. In this sense humans now use the devil rather than the devil using them. They no longer `let sleeping dogs lie’, but rather wake it and send it on a destructive mission.
Of course, this might not make sense to a casual reader, neither will it to anyone who has never experienced nor seen others experiencing modern human wickedness against fellow humans, by act of spiritual terrorism. Afterall, the United States really woke up against terrorism after the 9/11 2001 attacks. Before then, the war on terror had never been taken seriously while terrorists graduated from one level of crime to the other. In the United Kingdom, the war took a different dimension after the 7/7 2005 terror attacks on London. And even such term as `lyrical terrorism’ has recently been recognized. Given recent events, it seems that it will just be a matter of time before `spiritual terrorism’ receives the desired recognition and the laws on terror honed to include it. Yet in parts of the world that have never experienced the wickedness of terrorists, the war on terror is relatively unheard of.
But there is a striking similarity, between the `conventional terrorist’ and the `spiritual terrorist’. The conventional terrorist is heartless, brutish, wicked, devilish, selfish, destructive, and filled with hate for others, just as his spiritual terrorist counterpart. The only difference is that while the conventional terrorist uses physically observable devices or weapons to cause physically noticeable destructions, the spiritual terrorist uses physically unobservable weapons to cause physically observable colossal destructions.
Modern day spiritual terrorism has become pandemic, widely in use by pastors and religious leaders and I define it as "A planned dedicated grievous use of guided spiritual weapons and spells to dehumanise, deactivate, destroy or kill a person or group of persons, thereby not making the world a better place".
Usually, the aftermath of an attack is characterised by different scenarios: the conventional terrorist, if he survives the attack, runs for cover and goes straight into hiding, while the spiritual terrorist dresses up smartly and moves about in celebration, sometimes even mingling among sympathisers. This being due to the fact that the world has refused to acknowledge the enormous danger the spiritual terrorist portends for the present and for posterity – just as it did to the conventional terrorist up till and before 9/11.
Conventional terrorism is clear evidence of the modern day use of man to destroy man or society and their values by the wicked one known as Satan. On the other hand, spiritual terrorism is the use of Satan and satanic means by man to destroy man or society and its values.
People argue that Satan, the wicked one is responsible for both. However, when an Ordained Pastor, preacher of the Gospel, self-professed second in command to God and watched on TV by millions, deploys and sustains spiritual weapons against his congregation or a select few, can it be blamed on Satan using him and not him using Satan? For the reason why Christianity is the true religion and a religion of peace is that we, as Christians, are enjoined by what we read from the Holy Bible, to strive to follow the footsteps of Christ whose death on the cross of Calvary was for the salvation of our souls.
A Pastor who, having acquired enormous spiritual knowledge and, you could say became a Christian `superman’, experimented with and mastered the art of spiritual manoeuvrings, and then, openly claimed to be God’s No. 2. I have never read or heard any preacher claim or justify a claim that there is a second in command to God. As a committed Christian, I was baffled. For not even Jesus Christ claimed to be God’s No. 2. But despite nearly 15 years of blaring the gospel through hi-fi speakers in church and on TV, such wicked preachers only managed to oscillate due to deliberate misapplication of the gospel and the use of spells and spiritual knowledge to silence, subdue, expel and or kill members of their congregation at will. These types of individuals are the real spiritual terrorists and the world is replete with them.
At some point, some of their members and closest assistants would leave. At another a mass revolt by members of their congregation raise massive opposition against their and, given their natural prejudices, encourage them to move spiritually against them instantly. The result would be predictable, another downfall
As a military officer has a duty to use and deploy his weapons against enemy targets and, in so doing, adhering to strict rules of war, by never - no matter the level of provocation - turning his weapons against his country or compatriots, whom he had sworn to on Oath to defend and protect, so also does a Pastor or religious leader have the duty to preach the Gospel as Jesus thought us and never to use his spiritual knowledge as weapons against the very congregation he leads or against anyone for that matter. For otherwise, the essence of the message will be defeated.
How can a Pastor, recognized and honoured as an agent of positive change in the society be destroying the same society and spoiling the people, thereby, leaving the world a worse place? And at the same time, hopping around the world as a messenger of the Good News. How deceptive! What hypocrisy!
There are many such `men of God’ who continue to perpetrate overt evil and escaping punishment simply because, as Christians, we are eager to cite Ephesians 6:12 and avoid the necessity to urge our governments to have a closer look at their activities so as to widen and extend the laws on terror to include spiritual terrorism and bring abusers of spiritual knowledge to book.
It does seem to be about time something was done
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