Gemma Wheatley’s “Brit Nuke Base Zapped By UFO’s”, Daily Star, Tuesday, September 28, 2010, was interesting; but so has the subject always been.

So are UFO’s friends or foes of the earth? Certainly not friends, if you or your family have ever suffered losses to your loved ones; or been under siege or abuse, affliction, suppresion or torture unleashed by a patron of these beings. Nor if you’ve seen X-Files’ `Fallen Angel’, in which Max Flannigan of the National Investigating Committee on Alien Phenomenon (NICAP), was tortured and snatched under the watchful eyes of Agent Mulder, who, himself, was convinced of what he saw, but not able to convince his superiors.
Neither would you, if you’ve seen the more recent account of how Zhejiang's Provincial Capital of Hangzhou airspace was shut down in China on July 7, 2010. And, most certainly not, if I let you in on a contemporary industrial facility, whose engineering installations were continually zapped, leading to strange and continuous breakdowns that resulted in huge losses.

UFOs, the hovercrafts and the powerful beam of light, are essentially, evidence of the presence of terrestrial beings among us, controlled and manipulated by spiritualists for their very own selfish objectives.
Most self-claiming prophets are actually spiritualists who assess, consult, control or manipulate these beings for their various selfish operations. This is what most religious leaders use to shore up their image and present themselves as men with divine annointing. Hardly so. But the point to make here is that living beings (humans) are behind the presence of UFOs or extraterrestrial beings. Human beings invoke them, patronise or subscribe to them and deploy them to respective target environments, institutions, or people. Human beings use them to kill, maim, afflict, zapp and damage engineering installations, break marriages, subvert and destroy destinies and offer fakes in return.
Furthermore, spiritualists use these extraterrestial beings to take human targets spiritual prisoners, cause blockades to prayers and disarm prayerful targets. This was what a Prince in the Kings Palace of Biblical Persia used to block and cut off Daniel from receiving answers to his prayers for 21 days. They can also use them to create fake love or cupid that would hardly last. They often leave incission marks on the body of their victims.
Each cult group has its own unique incission mark.
So that Divinity(God) and Demonism (Lucifer) were once, one and together, in one place. But when greed and jealously and disobedience overtook Lucifer, a seperation from God became necessary. Lucifer and his followers were chased down (Revelations 12:7-12). Nevertheless, and interestingly, they were not disarmed. But being also spirits, they could not come to inhabit the earth with humans, hence they settled at a level below where God and His Angels are. It is this level, that most spiritualists and preachers like to call the "second heaven". That is the place where some of the interplay of human interractions that eventually take place on earth are predetermined. I said `some' because at that level, they do not and cannot determine everyones destiny. The forces or authorities occupying this medium target people or institutions that have been exposed to them. During which time it becomes attractive to astrologers who then peer into it for their horoscopes.

. Incision left on my right arm by my Spiritualist former Pastor, Michael Michaels
and the other on my forehead, as shown below:
. Another incision on my forehead, both took place in July 2010.
And further, like Max, I have seen fresh, clean `red blood’ patches dropped, mysteriously on my left and right arms, while seated on a bus on my way to work. These later stuck on my skin and remained permanent for weeks, while in contrast the one that dropped on my white shirt, washed out easily.
I still don’t know what the blood and incision represents but I will appreciate any contribution from the reading public.
However, unlike Max Flannigan and the other victims in X-Files’ `Fallen Angels’, I know who is behind my torture and the torture of my friends and family. This is why I think that government must do more to combat `spiritual terrorism’ in much the same way as it does its conventional counterpart. Because `spiritual terrorism’, like its conventional counterpart is, in all essence, an action of man.
More posts on the subject of `Spiritual Terrorism' below.
Please feel free to email me: benson.agoha@googlemail.com.
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